Throne of Martial God/C6 Take a Hit from Me!
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Throne of Martial God/C6 Take a Hit from Me!
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C6 Take a Hit from Me!

Iceman Han Long could be said to be extremely famous among the outer sect disciples. The Outer Sect Disciples of the Spirit Heaven Sect might not know Chu Meng, but it was impossible for them not to know Han Long!

Han Long. He was absolutely a famous person in the outer court. He had the powerful strength of the 8th level of the Origin realm and was only one step away from the 9th level of the Origin realm.

Once one reached the ninth level of the Origin realm, they could become an outer court elder of the Spiritual Firmament Chapter and had the qualifications to establish their own courtyard to recruit disciples. However, it was said that Han Long's ambition wasn't here. His real goal was to enter the inner sect of the Spirit Heaven Sect!

Han Long had been at the top of the Spirit Heaven Sect's outer sect rankings for quite some time now. His portrait had always been at the top of the rankings ever since Feng Yang had entered the Spirit Heaven Sect as a service disciple. Although he had never seen the person in person, Feng Yang was still able to recognize him at a glance.

One of Han Long's important identities was the head disciple of the Overlord Palace. In other words, Chu Meng was his junior and Chu Lin was his master.

It was obvious that Chu Lin did not send only Chu Meng to kill him.

Feng Yang wryly smiled in his heart. Great Elder Chu really did think highly of him.

The Tiger Soul Battle Blade was still firmly gripped in Feng Yang's hand. As he saw the ice-cold young man walk over step by step, his expression became extremely heavy.

This blade-like youth gave him too much pressure. Even when he was standing in front of Chu Lin, he did not feel this powerless!

"To be able to kill Chu Meng, Feng Yang, you're not bad, you're not bad at all!" Han Long stood 10 feet away from Feng Yang, his voice calm. "The saber in your hand is also not bad."

Feng Yang didn't say anything. He gripped the handle of his saber tightly as his thoughts raced.

"Don't misunderstand, I am not interested in your blade. The weapons that I possess are definitely not inferior to yours. "

Han Long's voice was terrifyingly steady and there wasn't the slightest expression on his face, "Chu Meng is such a scum, he's practically the shame of my Spirit Sky Sect. "Such a fellow, it doesn't matter if we kill him. There's nothing to be regretful about."

"Weren't you sent by Chu Lin to kill me?" Feng Yang was slightly taken aback.

"Don't think that there are no good people in the Overlord Palace." Han Long said arrogantly, "If I had wanted to save Chu Meng just now, would you have thought that your blade would have been able to cut down?"

Feng Yang's expression softened slightly. "Brother Han …"

"Don't try to get close to me." Han Long said indifferently, "I have been entrusted with the task of being loyal to others." "Since I've been ordered to come, I must give that fellow Chu Lin an explanation."

"What do you want?"

"Very simple, take one of my attacks!"

Han Long said calmly, "I will only make my move once. If you can survive my attack, I will definitely not make my move a second time." As for your sister, regardless of whether you live or die, I will let her go. I, Han Long, would never do something like bullying men and women. As for Chu Lin, I have something to say. "

Feng Yang pondered for a moment before nodding heavily.


Facing an opponent like Han Long, he had no other choice. However, this is also good. At the very least, Lingxin can survive.

"Big brother …" Tears flowed down Ling Xin's face. Han Long's powerful aura made it impossible for her to move. From Feng Yang's expression, she understood how terrifying this enemy was!


Han Long looked down at Feng Yang from above, obviously confident in his attack.

"Are you ready?" "I'm going to make my move!"

"Lingxin, I'm afraid that big brother won't be able to protect you in the future …" Feng Yang looked at Ling Xin and smiled sympathetically.

"Big brother …" Ling Xin's face was covered in tears.

Feng Yang turned around and looked at the proud Han Long. Flames burned in his eyes.

"Han Long, your arrogant face is the most annoying!"

At the edge of life and death, Feng Yang's rage completely burst forth!

"Do you think that just by doing this, you are letting me win? Do you think I would be grateful to you for doing so? "

"Han Long!" The reason for everything is that you have more strength! My strength is not as good as yours, so you thought that you could control my fate! "

Han Long looked at the raging Feng Yang, his face still ice-cold. He said with the same calm voice, "I am only following my heart! Nothing you say or do will affect me. Feng Yang, accept your fate! "

Feng Yang coldly snorted and suddenly stamped on the ground. He fiercely rushed out, the saber in his hand turning into billowing waves that smashed towards Han Long like a torrential storm!

Advanced Yellow Rank battle skill, Vast Waves Slash!

This was a battle skill that was passed down in Feng Yang's family. Its power was much stronger than the Spirit Sky Sect's Fierce Tiger Break. Although he could barely use it with Feng Yang's level, the extremely wild and violent blade glow caused Han Long's eyes to narrow slightly.

"That's right!" "That's right!" Han Long's eyes lit up, "Good boy! Looks like you have some trump cards as well. In time, your achievements might not be any less than mine. But unfortunately, my words will never change. "Great Desolate Finger!"

Han Long waved his hand lightly and instantly, winds and clouds surged. A giant black finger suddenly appeared on top of Feng Yang's head and pressed down fiercely!

The finger was completely formed from condensed soul force. Its color was black to the extreme, and it emitted terrifying energy fluctuations. It was incomparably accurate as it pressed down on Feng Yang's saber!


The incomparably hard saber actually instantly shattered. The speed of his spirit energy finger didn't change in the slightest as it heavily smashed onto Feng Yang's chest!


A huge bloody hole pierced through Feng Yang's chest, and with a miserable howl, Feng Yang fell heavily onto the ground!

With such a massive difference in levels, Feng Yang's counterattack was useless. The difference between the 8th level of the Origin realm and the 5th level of the Origin realm was no longer something that weapons and battle skills could make up for.

"What a pity, what a pity!"

Han Long walked over. Looking at Feng Yang's eyes, he lightly shook his head, "A brat at the 5th level of the Origin realm is actually able to use a high Huang Level battle skill. Others might call you trash, but in my opinion, you are definitely a genius! "

"If I wasn't entrusted by someone, I would truly want to see how far you can grow. What a pity! "

Feng Yang's gaze was a little unfocused as he coldly stared at Han Long.

Was he going to die just like that?

In his heart, there was too much unwillingness!

"Big Brother Fengyang!" Zhao Ling Xin rushed over and hugged Feng Yang, tears streaming down her face.

"Feng Yang, let me tell you a secret. This Great Desolate Finger of mine is something even Chu Lin can't block." The current me can already kill him, but he doesn't know it! You're not the only one who can kill people above your level. "

Han Long looked at Feng Yang and said solemnly: "Rest assured, I already said that no matter what the result will be, I will let your sister leave. I've wanted to get rid of that scum Chu Lin for a long time, but now is not the time. "I promise you, when I become an inner disciple, I will kill Chu Lin at the first moment to avenge you!"

Feng Yang was already speechless. He stared at Han Long with eyes like those of a vicious beast.

"Kid, don't look at me like that. Even if you survive, there is no possibility of you taking revenge on me. My ambition is not just for this small Spirit Sky Sect! "

"This world is but a prison. One day, I will leave this land of exile and go see the higher worlds of the endless stars. And all of you can only look at my back. "

"Life... It really is lonely! "

Han Long shook his head sadly and walked out of the room.

"Hehe, you sure have a big mouth! Are you not afraid of the wind blowing your tongue off! " A hoarse voice that sounded like metal suddenly sounded in Han Long's ears.

"Who is it!" Han Long's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly turned his head.

From within the shattered Tiger Soul Saber, a thin ray of saber light was suddenly shot towards Han Long!


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