To Survive, Whatever Future Holds/C18 Claw
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To Survive, Whatever Future Holds/C18 Claw
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C18 Claw

A single soldier armor, what level could it reach?

A Battle Mecha could also be considered a type of single-soldier armor. The only difference was that it didn't choose the path of developing a human's abilities. Instead, it relied on a large amount of metal power in exchange for a strong combat strength. The Battle Mechas of the Empire of Odin had completely abandoned the human body's potential and used machinery in place of its human body. In a way, this was progress. It gave nearly all the infantry a taste of defeat under its iron body.

However, the doctor's development is completely opposite to the design concept of the Battle Mecha.

The Doctor placed great importance on the development of the human body's potential, and he brought it to the extreme. Although the cost of these experimental subjects was astronomical, it proved the feasibility of this route from the side. The armor created by the doctor was nothing more than a heavy leather suit. However, such a piece of leather had the energy shield to resist the ion cannons fired by the mecha. Within this set of clothes, there were hundreds of different kinds of small functional equipment. With a small body and great power, the war in the universe had also turned into a weakness for Rennes and a few others. This armor did not provide them with the power to survive in the universe.

However, what was in front of him now completely upended his impression of the weapons that Doc had created.

It was a humanoid armor that was about three meters tall. The silver white metal coating shimmered with a faint golden light. There were almost no gaps in the metal links, no visible flaws. The Doctor, who had always regarded perfection as the only standard of his work, seemed to have poured a great deal of effort into this armor, turning it into a work of art.

The art of killing.

"Because of the lack of time, I only had enough time to have this power armor successfully activate and prepare for battle." The doctor tapped the armor. "I'm not trying to make a walker. Therefore, its interior is still the humanoid cockpit that you all are familiar with, and there is no change to its operation method at all. "

The doctor handed over a silver key to Rennes. "This is the ID of this guy." It has completely locked onto your genes, so this Battle Mecha will only belong to you in the future. He already had the basics of what was needed to fight in space. with it, you can do the same thing in space as you do on the ground. "

The doctor paused for a moment before replying, "It should be said that your combat prowess far surpasses your current level."

"Then, what about the restrictions?"

Rennes cautiously spoke while ignoring the envious Lin Mo.

"You're just as careful, Ryan." The old, wizened face broke into a smile. "Yes, it has a problem that I have not been able to solve until now. "Energy problem."

"Maybe I'm not good enough. Even if I did everything I could think of to get it to reduce energy consumption in all its aspects and expand its memory, it wouldn't be able to operate for more than three hours in space. Space battles can happen for weeks at a time, and you need to calculate the time of its movement and return to the mothership in time to resupply it. "

Rennes nodded seriously, "I understand."

The interstellar corridor in the outer ring of Argo.

Two small scout ships slowly circled around the jump point. This is the Eastern Fleet's reconnaissance ship. Instead of defending himself, Douglas had seized an asteroid belt between the two worlds as an ambush. At this location, large battleships and aircraft carriers were completely unable to enter. Even if it was an ambush, Douglas could only try his best to arrange the destroyers and torpedoes in the fleet here. Ambush was in itself a form of gambling. Once the ambush failed, the only thing waiting for these hundreds of destroyers would be turning to dust in the universe.

The two scout ships circled the warp once again, sending out signals to the fleet that was tens of thousands of kilometers away. This is a measure set up to prevent the inability to deliver messages. He did not know when Fang Shixiong's fleet would appear, even though he knew its approximate location. However, this jump point had a radius of 3000 kilometers. No one knew where Fang Shixiong's fleet would appear. Although these two scout ships could be called scouts, they could also be called death squads. Using his own life, he would exchange the fleet with accurate location information and attack the enemy.

"It's been sixteen hours."

On the bridge of the [Sky Dragon] class destroyer [Comet], the 67-year-old old captain Arthur rubbed his eyes vigorously. Sixteen hours of sleepless nights had sapped his spirit. The old man looked at the lively young man who was writing and painting on the star map. He suddenly felt that he had really aged.

"It's better to be young."

He shook his head with a wry smile and took the cup of freshly brewed coffee from his secretary.

"General, you should get some rest."

The secretary looked at the old man's bloodshot eyes and said with a worried tone, "If this goes on, you will be fine."

"I'm fine."

Arthur smiled. He flipped through the reports on the podium before him, "A message from the headquarters. Logically speaking, Fang Shixiong's fleet should have entered the jump point 16 hours ago and started to move. But so far we have seen no sign of the end of the shift. This is not a good thing. "

The secretary turned to look at the young staff officer in surprise. The latter tapped her pen on her star chart. "General, I have a bad feeling about this."

The young staff officer's expression was very serious, "Fang Shixiong is already seven hours behind schedule. If he hadn't come directly here, or if we had waited for him here in the end, Fang Shixiong's fleet was now in a seven-hour vacuum. These seven hours. "

Arthur didn't wait for him to finish: "Send a message to the headquarters immediately."


Without waiting for Arthur to finish speaking, an incomparably violent vibration caused the entire destroyer to shake. Before Arthur could grab hold of the podium, he fell headfirst into his seat. The entire bridge was in chaos.

"Level 4 Fire Attack!" The port side cannon was damaged, the power cabin was damaged! The armor at the bottom is damaged, the power loss is 14%! "

The technician who tied himself up like a dumpling on a chair shouted, "It's a battleship!"

"How is this possible!?" How could there be battleships in this asteroid belt! "

Arthur clutched his bleeding forehead and bellowed. But in the next moment, his pupils abruptly contracted.

In the asteroid belt in front of the bridge, something seemed to have pushed it open. Countless asteroids scattered in all directions. In the middle of these scattered asteroids, hundreds of battleships and black mass of destroyers slowly emerged from the void without a sound!


Arthur's last thought was to admire the entire Odin Empire. Hundreds of destroyers in ambush. Against such an opponent, there was no possibility of retaliation, let alone in an asteroid belt that could not move at high speeds. The ambush had turned into his own grave.

After the ambushed destroyers had all disappeared, in front of the two scouts, the spatial undulations caused by a silver jump with a radius of thousands of kilometers spread out in all directions. As though doomsday had arrived, pitch-black warships gushed out from the void. The demonic emblem on the warship looked like a real devil to the soldiers who just witnessed the annihilation of their ambushing troops, and it swung its sharp claws mercilessly at them.

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