Treasure Hunt System/C10 Defeat
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Treasure Hunt System/C10 Defeat
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C10 Defeat

Huang Zhongtian stepped onto a weathered boat, where he was greeted by a group of robust men. These fishermen, with their well-built physiques, were clearly accustomed to the rigors of their trade. It appeared that Huang Zhongtian was in search of some assistance.

One should not take Cao Jiang lightly these days. Since binding himself to the system, Cao Jiang had become formidably strong. As Huang Zhongtian came aboard, a muscular man approached him with a fawning smile, "What brings Boss Huang our way today?"

At the mention of the boss, the underlings nearby all nodded and bowed deferentially. Huang Zhongtian stood with his arms crossed and a haughty air that was enough to make anyone queasy. It was common knowledge that he was nothing but a leech living off his family's wealth; otherwise, he would have perished from hunger long ago.

Surveying his surroundings, Huang Zhongtian lifted his head to ensure there was no danger before pulling the brawny leader aside, a move that surprised everyone present.

Huang Zhongtian, a notorious thug, seemed outmatched by the strong man. The sheer force the man had displayed was enough to intimidate him.

Huang Zhongtian disclosed his intentions and plans to the strong man, making it clear that he wasn't asking for a favor without offering something in return. He promised a substantial reward upon successful completion of the task.

The strong man, Wang Xin by name, had an elderly mother who cherished the hope of seeing her son marry and give her a chubby grandchild during her lifetime—a mother's heartfelt desire.

Life had been comfortable for Wang Xin when his father was alive, but his father's untimely death left his frail mother to care for him alone. To support Wang Xin, she had worked herself into poor health.

Aware of the hardships his mother endured to earn money, Wang Xin had left school early to fish and provide for their livelihood, which finally allowed his mother to afford medical treatment. Huang Zhongtian's proposal seemed like a stroke of luck to Wang Xin, offering him the chance to marry and fulfill his mother's dream.

Upon reflection, Wang Xin considered that teaching someone a lesson was a small price to pay, especially since Huang Zhongtian would shoulder all responsibility as long as no lives were lost. With a decisive gesture, Wang Xin cast his fishing net to the ground and declared, "Brothers, today we have a significant task ahead of us. Once it's done, we'll feast and live it up—no more returning to this place!"

Huang Zhongtian was convinced he had chosen the right person for the job, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. Cao Jiang was done for.

As he gazed upon the burly men before him, men who valued money over loyalty, Huang Zhongtian inhaled sharply. He had promised Wang Xin a hefty sum—ten stacks of money. It was no small figure, and Huang Zhongtian couldn't pinpoint exactly when, but a sense of regret had begun to gnaw at him.

Meanwhile, Cao Jiang had been well aware of Huang Zhongtian's actions. This time, he was determined not to be trampled upon as he had been in the past. Standing tall, with his chest out and a newfound ferocity glinting in his deep eyes, Cao Jiang was ready to face whatever came his way.

To Cao Jiang, the unremarkable town held secrets only he could see. Among them was the Dream-realizing Mall, a place seemingly unknown to everyone but him.

Cao Jiang deduced that this must be connected to the system he was bound to. As a formidable group of men approached with an imposing presence, Cao Jiang quickly purchased the most sophisticated and formidable martial arts available at the Dream-realizing Mall.

Wang Xin, upon seeing Cao Jiang's frail stature, felt a twinge of guilt for taking advantage of him. But the thought of money quickly dispelled any reservations. Huang Zhongtian, on the other hand, was elated. At his command, a swarm of figures charged at Cao Jiang.

Bystanders at the street corner were drawn to the commotion in the alley as the sounds of a fierce scuffle filled the air. The crowd grew, and concern for Cao Jiang was palpable. But then, with an agile leap, Cao Jiang ascended to the wall, evading the brutes' onslaught.

Witnessing Huang Zhongtian's frantic state, Cao Jiang couldn't help but laugh out loud. In the midst of the laughter that followed, Cao Jiang sprang into action. With the martial arts he had acquired, he swiftly subdued the assailants, leaving them wailing in defeat.

The onlookers were astounded. Cao Jiang stood amidst the fallen, a lone victor, his eagerness to engage palpable.

Huang Zhongtian had suffered the worst of it. His face was a mess of bruises and swelling, barely recognizable. Writhing in agony, he clutched at his face, rolling on the ground. Cao Jiang approached the pitiful figure and stooped down.

"Look at you," Cao Jiang said coolly. "You're nothing but a defeated underling. Don't repeatedly test my limits." His words struck a chord with Huang Zhongtian, who lay there in pain, finally realizing the extent of his own disgrace.

Zhong Wan'er, upon hearing the neighbors' grumbling, quickly made her way to the scene. She arrived just in time to see Cao Jiang about to deliver a kick to someone's face. The memory of the pain made Huang Zhongtian shudder. What happened next caught everyone off guard, Wang Xin included. Cao Jiang's performance today was already overwhelming.

Huang Zhongtian, desperate like a cornered dog, clung to Cao Jiang's leg, wailing and pleading for mercy. As the proverb goes, "When the wall falls, everyone pushes." The allies Huang Zhongtian had summoned began to apologize to Cao Jiang one by one.

"Brother Cao, you're a man of great forbearance. We're just trying to make a living. We swear we won't make these mistakes again!" Cao Jiang's brow furrowed. At a moment when one might expect leniency, he was icy cold.

On top of that, with a clingy pest wrapped around his leg, Cao Jiang's contempt grew. He barked, "Get out of here, all of you! If I catch you again, you're all heading straight to jail!"

They scattered in an instant, tripping over themselves in their haste. The place was left in complete disarray. Huang Zhongtian, thinking he could sneak away, was jubilant until Cao Jiang forcefully yanked him back.

"Where do you think you're going?" Huang Zhongtian was the type who wouldn't cry until he saw his own coffin. He had attacked the original owner more than once, and Cao Jiang, relying on fragmented memories, could still recall the gist of it.

Huang Zhongtian tried to wrench his leg free and escape, but the more he struggled, the tighter Cao Jiang's grip became, causing him to yelp in pain. This spectacle drew more attention from the crowd, sparking another round of gossip, laughter, and insults.

Cao Jiang, who usually preferred peace and quiet, was irritated by the commotion. He snapped at the onlookers, "Enjoying the show? If you're so bored, why don't you try it out for yourselves?"

At first, the crowd was taken aback by his words, but they quickly dispersed, leaving behind only a frail-looking woman. Cao Jiang hadn't noticed Zhong Wan'er's presence, but Huang Zhongtian shot her a vicious glare.

Cao Jiang had meticulously captured Huang Zhongtian on video, kneeling and pleading for mercy. This footage had the potential to ruin Huang Zhongtian's reputation completely. Armed with this leverage, Cao Jiang was confident that Huang Zhongtian wouldn't dare step out of line again.

With deliberate slowness, Cao Jiang pulled out his phone, played the incriminating video, and cranked up the volume, waving it teasingly in front of Huang Zhongtian. Predictably, Huang Zhongtian snapped, erupting into a furious outburst and knocking the phone back into Cao Jiang's pocket.

Watching Huang Zhongtian unravel, Cao Jiang couldn't help but feel that his adversary was disappointingly inferior, an insult to his intelligence. He had no desire to linger in such pathetic company and swiftly steered the conversation to the point.

"Do you want me to share this video online and make you an overnight sensation, or..." Cao Jiang didn't even get to finish his sentence before Huang Zhongtian scrambled to his feet, clung to his legs, and broke down in tears.

Cao Jiang, exasperated beyond measure, pressed a hand to his forehead and shoved Huang Zhongtian away: "I'm warning you, if there's a next time, I won't hesitate to post the video."

With that, Cao Jiang turned on his heel and walked away. At that moment, Zhong Wan'er arrived, witnessing the entire sorry spectacle. Huang Zhongtian was mortified, wishing for the earth to swallow him whole.

Yet, in her naivety, Zhong Wan'er attempted to console Huang Zhongtian. Her kindness was met with violence as Huang Zhongtian slapped her across the face and proceeded to assault her mercilessly.

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