Treasure Hunt System/C11 Family
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Treasure Hunt System/C11 Family
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C11 Family

Cao Jiang arrived home to a quiet house. "Grandpa, have you had dinner yet?" Usually, his grandpa would be enjoying the cool morning air in the garden or listening to Qin opera at this time, but today the house seemed empty.

Feeling a bit worried, Cao Jiang was about to activate the tracking system when his grandpa appeared. An elderly man emerged, his body stiff, clutching a box of modest-looking mung bean cakes. These were considered a delicacy in his younger days, so satisfying even just to smell.

"Jiang, where have you been, you rascal?" his grandpa grumbled, handing over the mung bean cakes to Cao Jiang.

Tears welled up in Cao Jiang's eyes. "I'm sorry for worrying you, Grandpa." The thought of his grandpa's worsening health was too much, and he broke down crying.

Seeing this, the old man felt somewhat helpless but quickly ushered Cao Jiang inside. With hands calloused from a lifetime of work, he tenderly wiped away Cao Jiang's tears with a tissue.

"Men don't cry," Grandpa said with a chuckle, pressing a piece of mung bean cake to Cao Jiang's lips.

He was trying to soothe Cao Jiang's sorrow with the treat. Seeing his grandpa's endearing attempt, Cao Jiang burst into laughter, took the cake, and began to munch away.

Grandpa watched him with childlike anticipation. "Jiang, does it taste as good as it did when you were little?"

Having been raised by his grandpa, Cao Jiang's tastes and habits were deeply influenced by him, including his love for mung bean cakes. Cao Jiang exaggeratedly smacked his lips to signal it was delicious and passed a piece to his grandpa, sharing a moment of joy together.

As night descended, Cao Jiang and his grandpa lay side by side on the bed. It wasn't crowded; it was a space filled with happiness.

But Cao Jiang was troubled, unable to sleep, listening to his grandpa's labored breathing. His grandpa's illness was advancing.

In the dead of night, Cao Jiang stepped out to contact a renowned local hospital, arranging for his grandpa to undergo surgery and receive the best possible care from a top-notch medical team.

Early the next morning, Cao Jiang rose and made sure his grandfather was snug under his blanket before heading off to prepare breakfast. He had learned to cook from his grandfather, and in no time, he had whipped up a table full of his grandfather's favorite dishes.

As the enticing aroma filled the air, the old man began to stir. "Jiang, your cooking just keeps getting better. Your future wife is going to be very lucky," he said with a smile.

Cao Jiang, feeling a bit bashful, scratched his head and chuckled. "Why don't you wash up and come taste what I've made, Grandfather?"

Meanwhile, Cao Jiang had already gathered all the necessary information about the attending physician and the hospital's specifics.

Before long, his grandfather was seated, eagerly digging into the meal. "Delicious, just delicious! My grandson has really grown up," he beamed with pride.

Blushing at the compliments, Cao Jiang nodded modestly and joined in, enjoying several bowls himself.

Over breakfast, Cao Jiang firmly informed his grandfather about the plan to seek treatment at the hospital. The old man consented calmly, well aware of the advanced medical equipment available in modern society and the high likelihood of a full recovery.

Cao Jiang had arranged everything, and soon a sleek, new black car pulled up outside. The old man, dazzled by the sight of the car, made a series of gestures to Cao Jiang, who was getting ready to leave.

"Grandfather, this is the new car I bought. Let's get going," Cao Jiang said nonchalantly, while his grandfather was visibly astonished, as if overnight his once naive grandson had transformed in ways he couldn't quite articulate.

They packed a few of the old man's daily necessities and some clothes, and then the pair set out. Cao Jiang grabbed the car keys provided by the system, and with a beep, the doors unlocked. He assisted his grandfather into the car.

After stowing the luggage in the trunk, Cao Jiang started the engine, and with a deep roar, they left the old family home behind. His grandfather looked on, a mix of familiarity and delight on his face. "Jiang, this is the most comfortable car I've ever been in," he exclaimed joyfully.

Seeing his grandfather's beaming face, Cao Jiang felt that all his efforts were worthwhile.

They soon reached the hospital entrance. Cao Jiang escorted his grandfather into the elevator, and just as they were nearing the director's office, they unexpectedly ran into Yan Xu.

Yan Xu was a high school classmate of Cao Jiang. At that time, Cao Jiang was not only impoverished but also friendless, without even a single person to stand up for him.

"Hey, isn't that Cao Jiang? Still trying to get treatment for your old man?" Yan Xu, clad in a nurse's uniform, held a pair of forceps in his hand.

Cao Jiang bristled at the remark.

His grandfather, grasping the young man's insinuation, didn't take offense. Instead, he patted his grandson's hand, his face breaking into a smile.

As fate would have it, the dean emerged just in time to witness the scene. Yan Xu's arrogance escalated. Cao Jiang was initially willing to let it slide for his grandfather's sake.

But Yan Xu's lack of manners worsened. Upon seeing the dean, he blurted out, "Dean, this man came to our hospital for treatment without a dime. He didn't think it through before showing up."

A fierce look flashed in Cao Jiang's eyes, which didn't escape his grandfather's notice. "Hello, Dean. I'm Cao Jiang, the one who called you the other day."

Cao Jiang, on the verge of anger, suddenly cooled down as if a system had activated within him. His tone shifted, subtly redirecting the focus onto Yan Xu.

A moment before, the dean had been scrutinizing them, but Cao Jiang's words brought a puzzled look to his face, which quickly turned into a welcoming smile.

Yan Xu was taken aback. The Cao Jiang standing before him was not the same as before; he seemed sharper, with a newfound assertiveness.

The dean chided, "Yan Xu, if you're not informed, don't speak out of turn. Go fetch Mr. Cao and the elder a glass of water."

With the dean's command, Yan Xu, despite his reservations, complied and ushered the pair into the office.

Yan Xu soon returned with the water. Cao Jiang, seated comfortably on the sofa, completely ignored him.

Feeling his dignity slighted, Yan Xu said tersely, "Your water." It seemed to him a disgrace to be serving Cao Jiang.

Yan Xu intentionally set the glass on the coffee table, causing a few drops to spill. It was only then that Cao Jiang gave Yan Xu a glance.

"Just as I thought, nothing's changed," Cao Jiang mused, his words carrying a weight of unspoken significance.

He was mindful not to escalate the situation, considering his elderly grandfather might be startled by any commotion.

"Dean Li, when I reached out to you earlier, you confirmed that my grandfather's primary physician and the entire medical team had studied abroad, correct?" Cao Jiang inquired, bypassing Yan Xu as if he weren't there.

In that instant, the dean realized the gravity of the situation; Yan Xu's presence was no longer tenable.

Quickly, the dean pulled up a document on his computer, detailing the medical team's credentials. Cao Jiang poured over the information, then something else occurred to him. "Dean, aren't you in the midst of planning a new research building?"

The dean, rubbing his eyes, responded, "Indeed, Mr. Cao, construction began this month."

It was common knowledge that this was no minor undertaking. Naturally, the new building would be a boon for patients, effectively providing an additional resource.

Glancing at his grandfather, Cao Jiang declared, "I'm prepared to fund the entire cost of this floor."

He produced a bank card and handed it directly to the dean. Yan Xu stood by, his eyes nearly popping out of his head in astonishment.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, the dean stood and embraced Cao Jiang, then clasped the elder's hands, expressing his thanks: "Your support means the world to us, Master and Mr. Cao."

The dean's appreciation was palpable. Afterward, Cao Jiang escorted his grandfather away.

Yan Xu's career in medicine was effectively over; crossing Cao Jiang had sealed his fate.

True to form, the dean didn't hesitate to dismiss Yan Xu. Cao Jiang paused at the doorway, a subtle smile crossing his face before he departed.

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