Treasure Hunt System/C12 New House
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Treasure Hunt System/C12 New House
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C12 New House

Cao Jiang and his grandfather had returned to their spacious suite in the new district, a property Cao Jiang had recently purchased primarily for his grandfather's medical care and comfort.

The afternoon sun shone brightly, and after a refreshing nap, Cao Jiang was ready to rise and head out for a workout. He had just finished grooming himself when Zhong Wan'er burst in, accompanied by a loud rapping at the door.

Cao Jiang's brow furrowed in annoyance. He was the only one who knew about this place, or so he thought. But he couldn't dwell on that now; his grandfather was still sleeping soundly, and he didn't want to disturb him.

He strode purposefully to the door and flung it open. "Zhong Wan'er!" Cao Jiang exclaimed, taken aback.

It shouldn't have been surprising, though. Zhong Wan'er was the antagonist in the story, privy to all secrets. She might even know about the system.

As Zhong Wan'er tried to enter, Cao Jiang acted swiftly, pushing her back and closing the door gently, careful not to wake his grandfather.

"What's got you so panicked, showing up at my place like this?" Cao Jiang asked. He and Zhong Wan'er had never had any dealings with each other, making her sudden visit all the more unexpected.

It was like a weasel paying a New Year's visit to a chicken—definitely not with good intentions. Cao Jiang's suspicions were aroused. Then he saw Zhong Wan'er break down in tears.

"That scoundrel Huang Zhongtian! I was so good to him, and not only did he fail to appreciate it, but he also beat me and insulted me," Zhong Wan'er sobbed, recounting her harrowing ordeal.

Cao Jiang then understood the connection. No wonder this woman looked so familiar. She had been part of the crowd the day he had confronted Huang Zhongtian, and Cao Jiang had faintly heard her cries as she left.

Knowing the kind of people they were, neither of them were exactly saints. Cao Jiang felt no sympathy or compassion.

Instead, he was determined to get rid of Zhong Wan'er. "Enough with the drama. Leave our floor now, or I'll call security," he warned.

Despite Cao Jiang's efforts to expel her, Zhong Wan'er remained unmoved. Finally, he threatened to involve the security guards.

Zhong Wan'er then ceased her crying, briskly dried her tears, and gave Cao Jiang a chilling smile before striding out confidently.

Cao Jiang was overcome with a sense of emptiness. He had never encountered a woman so utterly shameless.

This encounter only solidified Cao Jiang's conviction that this woman was cut from the same cloth as Huang Zhongtian; he knew he couldn't afford to be lenient.

After watching Zhong Wan'er depart, Cao Jiang cautiously entered the room. He checked on his grandfather, who was still deep in slumber, before quietly leaving.

Outside, the evening view was resplendent. His grandfather sat on the balcony, gazing into the distance, seemingly lost in thought.

Cao Jiang remained vigilant around everyone but his grandfather, towards whom he was always the affectionate grandson.

The familiar scent wafted through the air once more; Cao Jiang had finished cooking. As usual, the two sat down at the dining table, enjoying their meal in peaceful harmony.

The only change was their new home. While it lacked the quiet warmth of the old family house, it offered hope for his grandfather's recovery.

Cao Jiang's heart swelled with joy. Shortly after the old man finished his meal and contentedly set aside his dishes, ready to rise, a forceful knock at the door startled them.

His grandfather, already frail of heart, was so frightened by the sudden noise that he collapsed back onto his chair.

It took a while for him to regain his composure. Alarmed, Cao Jiang rushed to his side, "Grandfather, Grandfather, are you alright?"

After several calls, the old man slowly came to. The persistent knocking continued, and Cao Jiang first soothed his grandfather's nerves.

With Cao Jiang's assistance, the old man made his way back to the bedroom. "Jiang, what's happening outside?" he asked, his concern for Cao Jiang evident despite his discomfort.

"Don't worry, just lie down for now," Cao Jiang reassured him.

The knocking grew more insistent. Cao Jiang strode to the door and opened it to find a police officer, which puzzled him. "What's the matter?"

At that moment, Zhong Wan'er appeared with a middle-aged woman in tow, who pointed accusingly at Cao Jiang and bellowed, "Officer, I can testify that this man stole this lady's necklace."

With a look of bewilderment, Cao Jiang turned from Zhong Wan'er to the woman, and the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.

The police, bound by their duty, could only act on the evidence presented to them. "Someone has accused you of theft. Please come with us."

Cao Jiang was well aware that this trip might be a one-way journey, a result of Zhong Wan'er and Huang Zhongsheng's scheming. Despite the urgency, the police were resolute in taking Cao Jiang into custody. In a moment of panic, he seized an unnoticed opportunity to access the Dream-realizing Mall.

With no other options, Cao Jiang risked it all, relieved to remain undetected.

Upon arrival, the Dream-realizing Mall bustled as always, but now featured an extra step presumably designed to thwart Zhong Wan'er.

Initially, Cao Jiang hadn't noticed this special feature. He wandered aimlessly until he finally paused to consider the "Doom Value." It was astonishing to find such an ancient concept still present in modern society.

With a captivating smile, Cao Jiang entered Zhong Wan'er's name into the Doom Value.

The effect was immediate. Everyone, including the police, cast scornful glances at Cao Jiang, clearly influenced by the alliance between the victim and Zhong Wan'er.

Cao Jiang offered no further explanations. "If there's no question, let's proceed," he said. Observing Zhong Wan'er's smug demeanor, Cao Jiang couldn't help but think how difficult her life must be.

As the police secured the handcuffs on Cao Jiang's wrist and prepared to leave, Zhong Wan'er seemed to be seized by an invisible force.

She winced in agony, her hands desperately clutching Cao Jiang, leaving onlookers bewildered.

Zhong Wan'er was helpless, her body reacting against her will, mirroring Cao Jiang's movements.

Cao Jiang quickly realized that the item he had purchased from the Dream-realizing Mall was working—this was Zhong Wan'er's Doom Value.

Zhong Wan'er was at a loss to explain her own bewitching behavior, while a middle-aged woman nearby grew increasingly concerned.

In truth, there were no stolen valuables; it was all a fabrication by Zhong Wan'er to target Cao Jiang. As for the middle-aged woman...

It was merely Zhong Wan'er, whose props were meant to make the play more convincing. "Ms. Zhong, you were the one who accused us of detaining this gentleman. Why are you now hesitating...?"

The police officers exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of how to proceed. Clearly, Zhong Wan'er was reluctant to let them take Cao Jiang away.

Committed to justice, the officers didn't dwell on it and forcefully pulled Cao Jiang from Zhong Wan'er's grasp.

As Cao Jiang was about to be put into the police car, Zhong Wan'er, as if possessed, ran in front of the vehicle and spread her arms wide, causing quite the headache.

At that moment, Cao Jiang was inwardly exasperated with Zhong Wan'er. "Why can't a sensible woman just mind her own business instead of meddling in others' affairs?" he grumbled under his breath.

To his surprise, a police officer overheard him. "What was that?" Cao Jiang quickly shook his head in denial.

Despite several honks from the police, Zhong Wan'er remained unresponsive. With no other choice, the officers stepped out of the car.

After untying Cao Jiang, the police also felt that further investigation was warranted. Cao Jiang didn't fit the profile of a thief.

Given his stature and the grandeur of his residence, it would be challenging to label him a thief without the specific accusations from the victim and Zhong Wan'er's firm testimony.

Upon realizing the situation, Zhong Wan'er quickly ran to Cao Jiang's side and stuttered an apology, leaving everyone around them perplexed.

Except for Cao Jiang, who understood the whole affair, the rest were still in the dark, observing Zhong Wan'er with her head down, silent.

The police were growing impatient. "Young lady, what exactly is happening here? We don't have time to waste!" a team leader said with evident frustration.

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