Treasure Hunt System/C13 Fake Watch
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Treasure Hunt System/C13 Fake Watch
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C13 Fake Watch

Zhong Wan'er finally explained the entire situation to the police, who then realized their mistake and promptly apologized to Cao Jiang.

"You're suspected of intentional deception. Please accompany us to the police station." With that, they escorted Zhong Wan'er and the middle-aged woman into the police car and departed.

Cao Jiang clasped his hands together, watching the car slowly drive away, the faint scent of oil and smoke lingering in his memory.

Fed up with these antics, Cao Jiang yearned to put an end to such troubles once and for all. His grandfather, observing from the balcony, had witnessed the entire scene.

Upon returning inside, Cao Jiang found his grandfather on the sofa. "You're back, Jiang. Are you hurt?"

His grandfather's concern was solely for Cao Jiang's well-being, a true testament to the bonds of family. The soup on the table was likely his grandfather's doing.

After taking a phone call and reassuring his grandfather, Cao Jiang freshened up. He soon emerged, impeccably dressed and ready to head out.

In the underground garage, his black Porsche exuded a rebellious charm. Cao Jiang drove off, the car disappearing into the distance.

Xia Hee had gotten to know Cao Jiang recently and, after several meetings, found him to be an excellent prospect.

So, for the Dream Ocean Hotel's preparation tonight, she invited Mr. Cao to become an investor, knowing his knack for business would be advantageous for everyone involved.

The light rain continued as a gentle breeze caressed his face. Cao Jiang sped to the hotel, finally arriving with his hair tousled by the wind.

The hotel staff, familiar with Mr. Cao's resume, quickly assembled to greet him as he stepped out of his car. Inside, Xia Hee had been busy with arrangements.

Her assistant hurried over and whispered in her ear, prompting Xia Hee to step outside. The anticipation was palpable as everyone was eager to see what was happening.

"Mr. Cao, welcome to my hotel! Thank you for gracing us with your presence!" Xia Hee, a highly efficient and renowned figure in the business community, greeted him warmly.

Cao Jiang felt honored by Xia Hee's favor, and the mutual admiration between them was evident as they exchanged pleasantries.

Cao Jiang was ushered inside to a banquet that was more lavish than usual, with every notable figure from the industry in attendance.

The arrival of the two of them stirred the already lively discussions, but thankfully, they weren't bothered by the minor details.

Finding a quiet corner, Cao Jiang picked up a glass of red wine and took a subtle sip. Under normal circumstances, he would have avoided such places, but Xia Hee's invitation seemed like an obligation he couldn't refuse—though it was his own desire to attend.

Xia Hee, aware of Cao Jiang's reclusive nature, quickly attended to the other guests before leading him to a spacious private room where several distinguished ladies, likely the spouses of industry moguls, were seated. Xia Hee invited Cao Jiang to join them for dinner.

With a slight smile and a nod, Cao Jiang accepted the invitation, and a waiter promptly presented him with a menu. He quickly made his selections, which Xia Hee noticed were mostly vegetables.

Once the dishes were served, everyone raised their glasses in a toast, their faces beaming with smiles, though their true feelings remained hidden. After the toast, the group eagerly dove into their meal, savoring every bite.

Sitting next to Xia Hee was a woman draped in gold, who, upon closer inspection, lacked any semblance of grace or elegance. Cao Jiang, with his keen eye for character, noticed that from the first dish she served herself, she was intentionally antagonizing Xia Hee, causing her food to fall.

Xia Hee sensed the odd behavior of the woman beside her, but she maintained her composure for the sake of the meal, demonstrating considerable restraint.

Cao Jiang observed the interaction and, seeing an opportunity, said to Xia Hee, "You should eat more, you're looking thin." He then stealthily added a piece of food to her bowl.

Caught off guard, Xia Hee's response was delayed, her heart aching with a bittersweet emotion. It took her a moment to muster a slow "Thank you."

The din of the room was overwhelming, and it was uncertain whether Cao Jiang heard her gratitude. Nevertheless, a flicker of joy passed through Xia Hee's heart—a feeling she hadn't experienced in years.

Xia Hee was about to head to the restroom when the woman next to her also rose to her feet. They collided in an awkward dance of unintended movements.

The collision sent a watch tumbling to the ground, and the room fell into an eerie silence.

The quiet was punctuated by the woman's sudden wailing, "This watch was a gift from my husband for our tenth anniversary. He spent 10,000 yuan on it."

Cao Jiang felt a shiver down his spine at the woman's tantrum; she reminded him so much of Huang Zhongtian that he briefly wondered if she could be his mother.

Xia Hee, unsure of how to proceed, hastily offered an apology and promised, "I'll cover the full cost." She racked her brain for a solution.

The woman, far from grateful, only cried harder. "It's not about the money. I know you can afford it, but why are you targeting me?" The accusation of 'targeting' sent a ripple of shock through the onlookers.

Now, Xia Hee was in a real bind, and only Cao Jiang knew the truth. He stepped forward with an icy demeanor that no one dared challenge, "Targeting? You deliberately spilled her food, and now you claim she's targeting you?"

The lady's tears stopped at the sound of his voice. Their eyes locked, and Cao Jiang's glare was fierce. But within seconds, she began to make excuses.

Cao Jiang knew how to handle people like her. "Should I check the surveillance footage?" he suggested. The woman's defiance melted away, and she stood up meekly.

Xia Hee pouted, seemingly indignant, "You said you'd pay. So pay up, every last penny."

Cao Jiang massaged his temples, exasperated by the rapid shift in the woman's attitude. He despised such theatrics. "One million," the lady demanded haughtily from Xia Hee.

Cao Jiang couldn't help but wonder who in their right mind would pay a million for a watch, especially one that looked so obviously fake. It was simply not worth it.

Upon closer inspection, Cao Jiang confirmed his suspicion: the watch was a counterfeit. The woman had the audacity to ask for a million yuan.

The woman was skeptical, so she produced an appraisal certificate. Cao Jiang's lips curled into a smirk. "A counterfeit will always be just that, and naturally, the certificate is a counterfeit as well."

Cao Jiang's captivating self-assurance brought a smile to Xia Hee's face. "If you can't afford it, just say so. Accusing my items of being fake, are you that broke?" The woman's words became jumbled as if she had been caught in a lie.

Cao Jiang engaged the system's appraisal feature, and his statements were spot-on, leaving the woman speechless.

The bystanders caught on quickly, and Cao Jiang made a phone call to the police.

Having made a police friend after a previous misunderstanding, Cao Jiang knew exactly who to call. "Officer, there's a woman suspected of fraud at the Dream Ocean Hotel on South Central Century Avenue. Could you please come by?"

After hanging up, Cao Jiang casually returned his phone to his pocket, confident that the woman had no room to deny the accusations.

As expected, the woman couldn't contain herself any longer. She collapsed to the ground with a thud, crying out, "I'm sorry, so very sorry. I shouldn't have tried to deceive you."

Tears streaming down her face, she slapped herself repeatedly, apologizing over and over. Xia Hee was shocked. Her already favorable opinion of Cao Jiang was now mixed with genuine admiration.

The police arrived promptly, and the woman was escorted away, leaving chaos in her wake as the crowd dispersed.

Cao Jiang was ready to head home when Xia Hee caught hold of his sleeve. It took her a moment to realize her lapse in decorum, and she quickly released her grip.

"Thank you for today. I owe you a meal," Xia Hee said, her voice quivering. She then hurried off without looking back.

Cao Jiang raised an eyebrow, a new thought taking shape in his mind. Both of them were left with a sense of anticipation for what might come next.

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