Treasure Hunt System/C14 Grandfather Is in Critical Condition
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Treasure Hunt System/C14 Grandfather Is in Critical Condition
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C14 Grandfather Is in Critical Condition

Cao Jiang arrived home to a quiet house, where his grandfather was the sole occupant of the spacious room.

The silence was expected. After freshening up and checking his phone, Cao Jiang realized it was already past midnight. He grabbed a blanket and headed to his grandfather's bedroom.

Upon entering, he was greeted by the sound of his grandfather's coughing. Cao Jiang quickly set the blanket aside and fetched a glass of water for him.

His grandfather was a light sleeper, and the commotion had already roused him from his slumber.

Cao Jiang returned shortly with a cup of warm water, approaching as his grandfather's eyes opened slightly. "Grandpa, sit up and drink some water. It'll help your throat," he urged.

With a warm smile, his grandfather took the cup from Cao Jiang's hands and sipped slowly, though his cough persisted.

Cao Jiang's concern grew; he was relieved that he had moved his grandfather to the city earlier. In case of an emergency, the hospital was nearby.

He had intended to help his grandfather back to bed to continue resting, hoping not to wear himself out through the night.

But as his grandfather's condition deteriorated, with non-stop coughing, he wouldn't respond to Cao Jiang's calls.

In a rush, Cao Jiang bundled his grandfather in a cotton jacket, dressed him, grabbed the car keys, and dashed to the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital, there were more luxury cars than usual at the entrance, including Cao Jiang's. He lifted his grandfather from the passenger seat and hurried inside.

The onlookers were taken aback, clearly seeing the deep importance Cao Jiang placed on his grandfather's well-being.

Thankfully, Cao Jiang had kept in touch with the hospital's dean, who had been notified and had everything prepared in advance.

Despite the exorbitant cost of the surgery, which didn't reflect the discounts Cao Jiang might have expected for his donations to the hospital, there was no time to dwell on it.

Before long, Cao Jiang, carrying his grandfather, reached the 25th floor. The elevator doors opened with a "ding," and he shouted, "Quick, doctor! My grandfather's condition is critical! Hurry!"

Cao Jiang's shout caught the attention of the nurses, doctors, and bystanders at the hospital entrance. They all turned to look in his direction.

The doctors recognized Cao Jiang; he had previously made generous donations to the hospital's construction. Several of them rushed over, carefully transferring his grandfather onto a gurney and wheeling him into the emergency room.

Left alone at the entrance, Cao Jiang paced back and forth, his anxiety palpable as time ticked by. Suddenly, the emergency room doors swung open with a click, and a doctor in a green cap emerged.

"Mr. Cao, you're the guardian of this elderly gentleman, aren't you?" The doctor's question was rhetorical; Cao Jiang's concern was evident to all.

"Yes, that's my grandfather. How is he?" Cao Jiang asked, his voice tinged with worry.

The doctor's somber expression spoke volumes, and Cao Jiang braced himself for bad news. "Your grandfather's condition has deteriorated. It's best to proceed with surgery immediately."

Cao Jiang was aware of his grandfather's frail health; the hospital director had previously recommended surgery. But fearing the pain it would cause, Cao Jiang had postponed the decision. Now, there was no more time to delay.

"When will the medical team I arranged with the director be available?" Cao Jiang's question was urgent, reflecting the gravity of the situation.

The doctor looked at him in surprise. The medical team in question was in high demand, and their services came at a premium cost. Yet, their results were unparalleled, ranked second to none in the nation.

Hearing Cao Jiang's request, the doctor quickly arranged for his grandfather to be moved to a deluxe VIP room and stepped out to make a call. Cao Jiang was certain he was contacting the medical team.

Watching his grandfather's white hair and the oxygen tube, Cao Jiang felt a whirlwind of emotions. The immediate priority was to gather the funds for the surgery. He could raise the money by selling his house and car, but he pondered if there might be a better solution.

After ensuring his grandfather was settled in the room, Cao Jiang stepped outside to strategize about the medical expenses. As he walked through the hospital grounds, he unexpectedly came across Qin Danfeng, her face smeared with blood and her left leg appearing injured.

Two assistants struggled to support Qin Danfeng's body as Cao Jiang furrowed his brow. It looked like there had been a car accident. Cao Jiang had been reflecting on their last encounter and was about to approach her with a greeting when the hospital director arrived.

"Mr. Qin, you're seriously injured. We need to get you into surgery right away," the director urged, visibly distressed at the sight of a person so bloodied.

Qin Danfeng, however, seemed indifferent to her condition, grasping the director's hand with a forceful, yet strained grip.

Realizing that Qin Danfeng had something urgent to say, the director quickly had the assistants lay her on a bed. "Take your time, Mr. Qin," he soothed, offering her a sip of water.

With a bit more energy, Qin Danfeng began, "The Treasure Evaluation Conference is starting in a few days."

Cao Jiang, overhearing the mention of the conference, perked up and moved closer.

The director, puzzled by her insistence, listened as Qin Danfeng continued, "This conference is crucial for me. I must attend. Could you possibly bandage my wounds for now?"

As a medical professional, the director couldn't stand by and watch a patient's life hang in the balance.

Qin Danfeng was a valuable individual, and upon hearing her request, Cao Jiang chimed in, "Mr. Qin, life is precious and irreplaceable, but we can devise another plan for the Treasure Evaluation Conference."

Cao Jiang was known to Qin Danfeng as a sly figure, and his words added a weight to her expression.

He wasn't wrong; if Qin Danfeng didn't tend to her injuries soon, she risked permanent disability.

The director agreed with Cao Jiang's logic and echoed his sentiment.

Seeing Qin Danfeng's hesitation, Cao Jiang seized the moment. "If it gives you peace of mind, Mr. Qin, I would be willing to represent you at the Treasure Evaluation Conference," he boldly offered, surprising everyone present with his audacity.

Qin Danfeng, already wary of Cao Jiang, paused to consider his proposal. After a moment, she pulled a jade pendant from her pocket, presenting it as a challenge for Cao Jiang to prove himself.

"Alright, since you've got the courage, let's see how you do. Tell me, is this jade pendant in my hand real or fake?" Qin Danfeng spoke with gravity.

Cao Jiang had come prepared. After an extensive search at the Dream-realizing Mall, he had finally found some information about jade pendants.

Just then, a system notification echoed in Cao Jiang's mind: "The jade pendant is valued at five million, crafted from jadeite, and originates from Xiuyan County in Liaoning Province, Northeast China."

Cao Jiang confidently recited the details, leaving everyone both astonished and delighted. Qin Danfeng had intended to challenge Cao Jiang's mettle.

To her surprise, Cao Jiang proved to be quite skilled, which brought a sudden sense of clarity to her.

"Don't let me down," Qin Danfeng said with a subdued smile, consenting to the treatment.

She also instructed her aides to hand over the Treasure Evaluation Conference invitation to Cao Jiang, inviting him to attend the prestigious event.

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