Treasure Hunt System/C17 Smart
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Treasure Hunt System/C17 Smart
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C17 Smart

Ye Guoli realized he was at a disadvantage and had no choice but to hide in the shadows. Shortly after, Cao Jiang emerged from the hall.

He had planned to simply take the elevator down and leave, looking forward to cooking a delicious meal for his grandfather. What he didn't anticipate was that Ye Guoli, like a lurking wolf, had been waiting for him for quite some time.

Cao Jiang was quick to react when he sensed someone trying to stab him from the side, and he swiftly dodged the attack. Thankfully, only his sleeve was torn, leaving his skin unscathed.

A system notification buzzed in Cao Jiang's ear: "Master, the protection system has been activated for you."

Seeing that Cao Jiang had evaded the attack, Ye Guoli's hatred deepened. "You little punk, I've taken a liking to the ancient artifact you have. Hand it over, and I'll let you off the hook today."

Ye Guoli was clearly delusional, not realizing who was actually sparing whom, as he brazenly made his demands.

Cao Jiang couldn't help but marvel at the audacity. How could such a lowlife deserve to experience the splendors of this vibrant world and its riches? He ought to be cast away into the desolate mountains, to experience the harshness of life.

With a swift roundhouse kick, Cao Jiang sent Ye Guoli's fruit knife clattering to the ground. It was clear that with a simple flick of his leg, the knife could be his.

Yet, Cao Jiang chose not to retrieve it. Instead, he bellowed, "Go pick it up."

Ye Guoli's earlier bravado seemed to vanish with Cao Jiang's roar, leaving him trembling with fear. He scurried to pick up the knife, but Cao Jiang was well aware that this cur would attempt another sneak attack.

True to form, the moment Ye Guoli had the knife in hand, he lunged at Cao Jiang's leg, revealing the darkness of his soul.

Cao Jiang was ready, though, and firmly pinned Ye Guoli's hands beneath his feet. The sound of bones cracking, "Kacha Kacha," echoed, likely indicating a broken arm.

Bystanders winced at the sound, knowing better than to intervene in such matters. They exchanged glances and promptly took the elevator down.

Cao Jiang roared, "Pick it up again." He had given Ye Guoli a chance, and it was his own fault for not valuing it.

Ye Guoli's heart skipped a beat. He didn't dare to waste a second, scrambling to retrieve the fruit knife.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't lift it—Cao Jiang had broken his arm.

Unable to exert any strength, Ye Guoli was overwhelmed. He lay on the ground, weeping uncontrollably.

Passersby couldn't help but glance his way. Those who had attended the Treasure Evaluation Conference knew Ye Guoli had brought this upon himself.

Instead of casting scornful looks at Cao Jiang, they covertly gave him a thumbs up amidst the crowd.

Cao Jiang recognized these faces; after all, the auction wasn't easy, and he had spent considerable effort explaining things at the conference. Their features were easy to remember.

Everyone was repulsed by Ye Guoli's behavior. "Cao Jiang, just you wait. I won't let this slide once I'm back," he threatened, yet he remained motionless, continuing his wailing.

Annoyed, Cao Jiang scratched his ear and warned, "If you keep crying, I'll toss you out the window."

At Cao Jiang's gesture towards the window, the onlookers gasped, and Ye Guoli was so frightened he wet himself.

Though he stopped crying, he still wouldn't leave, as if he had decided to stick to Cao Jiang for the day.

With no other option, Cao Jiang looked up and noticed the security camera.

Pondering for a moment, he said, "If you don't leave, I'll call security. The camera has caught all of your disgraceful antics."

Everyone admired Cao Jiang's intelligence. Despite his clear frustration and anger, he maintained his composure.

He avoided any physical confrontation or harsh words, instead using his wit to make Ye Guoli's behavior seem even more disgraceful.

The crowd buzzed with disapproval towards Ye Guoli, their anger palpable. Many were impatiently waiting for the elevator.

At that moment, Ye Guoli lay motionless in the doorway, leaving Cao Jiang feeling exasperated, almost tempted to kick him aside.

Then, a man emerged from the crowd, looking every bit the scholarly teacher, poised and polished.

He unleashed a tirade of insults at Ye Guoli, and the crowd joined in, hurling verbal abuse at him.

With no other option, Ye Guoli could only huddle up and shuffle away from the doorway, allowing the person behind him to step onto the elevator. There's a saying that goes, "There's something detestable in those who are pitiable," and Ye Guoli certainly wasn't proving himself to be very capable.

Cao Jiang was concerned about him, especially since Ye Guoli was eyeing the family company for himself. Cao Jiang couldn't help but feel nervous for him, knowing that today's events would surely reach the old man's ears.

After taking an antique into the elevator, Cao Jiang glanced down at Ye Guoli, who was sitting on the ground like a beggar, seemingly savoring his "triumphs." Shaking his head, Cao Jiang pressed the button for the first floor and departed.

Once out of the elevator, Cao Jiang called his grandfather. "Grandpa, how are you feeling? I'm going to make some food and bring it over to you." His grandfather's soft muttering revealed his contentment.

Cao Jiang stopped by the supermarket to pick up some vegetables and meat before heading home. No sooner had he arrived than Qin Danfeng's call came through.

"Cao Jiang, I knew I wasn't wrong about you. I saw the video today; you were truly impressive," Qin Danfeng expressed her astonishment at Cao Jiang's unexpected behavior.

Yet Cao Jiang was far from thrilled, responding nonchalantly, "Thank you, Elder Qin, for covering my grandpa's surgery costs. I'll be sure to repay you. And about the antique, I secured it. I'll bring it to the hospital this afternoon."

Qin Danfeng's admiration for Cao Jiang grew; she saw a bright future for him and wanted to bring him into her fold. But Cao Jiang seemed uninterested in any alliances; he was his own person, with only his grandfather as his support.

With a steadfast belief that had been his companion for over two decades, Qin Danfeng responded, "You're a fine young man. Bring the item this afternoon."

Cao Jiang then prepared an extra serving of food, presumably for Qin Danfeng. Having grown up without parents, Cao Jiang was accustomed to hard work and was skilled in the kitchen—so much so that the uninitiated might mistake his cooking for takeout.

As the afternoon waned and the sun dipped below the horizon, the hospital was bathed in a warm, reddish glow.

Cao Jiang arrived at his grandfather's hospital room and helped him out of bed. He carefully laid out the meal he had prepared on the table.

"Grandpa, it's time to eat," Cao Jiang said as he assisted his grandfather, noticing his improved complexion.

A weight seemed to lift from Cao Jiang's heart as they both savored their meal with relish.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Qin Danfeng appeared.

Grandpa appeared to recognize the newcomer immediately and hurriedly said, "Jiang, this is my friend from the hospital, Uncle Qin."

Cao Jiang was taken aback by the swift turn of events. Qin Danfeng, seated in her wheelchair, greeted Grandpa with a warm smile.

"Uncle Qin, please join us for a meal. I've made an extra portion today," Cao Jiang offered graciously, arranging the chopsticks for their guest.

Qin Danfeng was eager to try Cao Jiang's cooking, gesturing for her assistant to leave before she began eating.

It was clear that Qin Danfeng was grounded and approachable. Despite her privileged upbringing, she showed no disdain for the simple meal.

Grandpa had never acquired a taste for the foods of modern times, preferring the flavors of the past. Cao Jiang, influenced by his grandfather, enjoyed the meal just as much.

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