Treasure Hunt System/C19 Treasure Hunting Master
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Treasure Hunt System/C19 Treasure Hunting Master
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C19 Treasure Hunting Master

Cao Jiang entered Phoenix Jewelry Company, and it seemed as if everyone there recognized him.

A somewhat seasoned man approached Cao Jiang, sporting black-rimmed glasses and a tailored suit.

It was likely that this attire was the standard uniform of the Phoenix Jewelry Group. The staff, captivated by Cao Jiang's striking appearance, cast alluring glances his way. It's worth noting that about eighty percent of the individuals here were middle-aged.

Young people like Cao Jiang were a rarity in the jewelry business, which typically demands specific qualifications for entry.

Yet Cao Jiang lacked even a college diploma, leaving everyone puzzled as to why Qin Danfeng had chosen him for the job.

Moreover, he was appointed as a "Treasure Appraiser," a role of significant stature. Many here wouldn't dare challenge him.

A single misstep could mean dismissal, stripping away one's reputation and standing.

Cao Jiang was perplexed, suspecting that Qin Danfeng must have prepped these people in advance.

In this society driven by financial interests, people heed the voice of power. It's the way of the world for those who reign supreme.

Cao Jiang was well aware: "This is the letter of appointment from Elder Qin. What's my position?"

This individual was Lee Kui, known to all as Team Leader Lee, who managed most of the jewelry within the group. In the realm of jewelry research, he was truly a scarce talent.

This was the reason Qin Danfeng had him personally greet Cao Jiang. She valued talent highly.

Upon recognizing Cao Jiang's extraordinary gift, Qin Danfeng had resolved to let him flourish within her company.

"You must be Cao Jiang, the young man I've heard about. Please, follow me," Team Leader Lee said, his demeanor far from harsh.

In fact, he was quite affable, smiling warmly as he spoke to Cao Jiang.

Qin Danfeng, observing from the surveillance, took in every detail. These two were poised to fortify half of her empire.

They soon reached the Treasure Appraisal Hall, essentially the staff's workspace.

Naturally, the evaluation of gems was closely guarded as a trade secret, typically entrusted to just one individual.

Cao Jiang had just arrived and immediately climbed the ranks, which inevitably led to some behind-the-scenes sabotage.

Sure enough, several young women were serving tea while a few men presented bouquets of flowers.

They all warmly welcomed this new key ally. Team Leader Lee spoke up, "Here, we don't engage in manipulation or deceit. We're a team, and we need to work together to take the jewelry industry to the pinnacle of success."

Cao Jiang was taken aback by these words. This was what it felt like to have friends. He was both happy and moved.

"Thank you all, and thank you, Team Leader Lee. I will do my best and look forward to your continued support." It was rare for Cao Jiang to speak up like this.

Everyone was stirred by his words, recognizing that this was someone whom Qin Danfeng had personally endorsed—someone they couldn't overlook.

Curiosity about Cao Jiang surged among the team. Team Leader Lee handed a green folder to Sunn Jinbo.

"What, a demotion?" Sunn Jinbo was devastated. He had dedicated over twenty years of hard work to this place.

He had given his youth to the jewelry industry, and now it felt like a heavy blow, as if he was being driven to despair.

Sunn Jinbo, who had felt utterly helpless in the jewelry industry, had always been diligent—a fact known to all.

Yet, to everyone's surprise, it was Cao Jiang, the newcomer, who had become the subject of idle gossip within the team. Cao Jiang's heart, which had briefly lifted, sank once again.

But he could empathize with Sunn Jinbo's feelings. After all, treasure hunting was his life's mission.

When it came to the skilled task of treasure hunting, he believed no one could surpass him.

Cao Jiang spoke calmly, "I know it hasn't been easy for you. I've abruptly taken the position you've worked so hard for without success, so it's natural for you to feel upset."

All eyes turned to Cao Jiang, his words striking a chord. Everyone's curiosity about Cao Jiang's abilities intensified, and Team Leader Lee looked on with anticipation.

Sunn Jinbo looked up sharply, "What are you implying?"

At that moment, Sunn Jinbo was tearful. It wasn't the loss of a few thousand yuan that bothered him; it was the thought of his many years of hard work going unrecognized.

Everyone suspected that Cao Jiang had some connection with Qin Danfeng, believing it was she who had facilitated his rise to the top.

Everyone assumed that power dynamics were nonexistent in our team, but that all changed when Cao Jiang arrived...

As the situation grew increasingly murky, Cao Jiang spoke up, "What I mean is, I can have a friendly match with Master Sun. That way, there'll be no hard feelings."

With those words, everyone fell silent, as if the reasoning was sound. Team Leader Lee was a clever man.

He had been with these folks for over two decades, longer than he had spent with his own family, and he had grown fond of them.

Seeing the troubled expression on Sunn Jinbo's face, Team Leader Lee thought it would be a good idea to lift his spirits.

The internal treasure appraisal contest started shortly thereafter, with fewer participants and none of the usual pompous language.

Everyone was eager for a quick resolution, to see if Cao Jiang truly had the skill or was just riding on an unearned reputation.

Team Leader Lee unlocked the treasure examination chamber, and the six of them entered. The door locked behind them automatically.

It required Team Leader Lee's fingerprint to open, a fact known to all but Cao Jiang, who seemed taken aback by this.

Before long, a delicately carved jade piece, resembling both a ring and a small circle, was displayed on the table.

Sunn Jinbo, confident in his profound knowledge and years of studying jewelry, believed he could outshine the rest.

However, he had underestimated Cao Jiang, who remained silent while Sunn Jinbo prattled on with his analysis.

Cao Jiang paid no heed to the explanation, instead studying the jade intently as he circled the table, seemingly trying to decipher its essence.

After listening to Sunn Jinbo's explanation, Team Leader Lee beamed with pride at his progress.

Noticing that Cao Jiang hadn't offered any praise, Sunn Jinbo found it odd and prompted, "It's your turn, Cao Jiang."

This seemed to snap Cao Jiang out of his reverie, as if he had been lost in thought and momentarily forgot his purpose.

Regaining focus, Cao Jiang began, "Alright, everyone, listen up." He had a knack for surprising people during crucial moments.

True to form, his approach to appraising the treasure was not only unique but also incredibly precise, unlike Sunn Jinbo, who had rambled without hitting the nail on the head.

"This jade piece is a bracelet gifted by an ancient emperor to his concubine. Its current shape is the result of being unearthed from an ancient tomb and later meticulously restored," Cao Jiang explained, his narrative as captivating as a mythological tale.

The entire team was thoroughly impressed, their respect for Cao Jiang soaring to new heights.

There was no dissent regarding his appointment as a Treasure Appraiser. Sunn Jinbo kept his head down, remaining silent.

He recognized that the young man in his early twenties truly had talent, leaving him without a retort.

Luckily, Sunn Jinbo had always been eager to learn. Extending his hand, he said, "I need to work hard because, if I don't, one day you'll be surpassed by me."

Cao Jiang responded with a smile and a nod. The group was in high spirits, their laughter uncontainable.

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