Treasure Hunt System/C20 Relatives
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Treasure Hunt System/C20 Relatives
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C20 Relatives

Team Leader Lee had thoroughly briefed Qin Danfeng on the situation, and as expected, she held Cao Jiang in high regard.

The day came to a close. After finishing work at six in the evening, Cao Jiang made his way to the hospital to visit his grandfather. It was too late to cook at home, so he picked up some porridge and vegetables from a nearby restaurant to take to the elderly man.

Cao Jiang chose to walk instead of driving, as the hospital was nearby and the air quality was exceptionally good that day. The evening breeze carried the delicate scent of lilies, a fragrance that reminded him of his childhood. Back then, Cao Jiang didn't know what the scent was; he only knew of a beautifully scented flower that grew on the hill behind his house. As a boy, he would sit by the flowers, inhaling their sweet aroma, speaking to them in a language they couldn't understand.

Memories of his impoverished childhood and the coldness of his relatives brought tears to his eyes. Arriving at the hospital, Cao Jiang composed himself, straightened his clothes, and entered with the food.

His grandmother had passed away early, leaving only him and his grandfather to rely on each other. If it weren't for the demands of life, Cao Jiang would have preferred to be by his grandfather's side constantly, but he also had to provide for their basic needs.

Despite his busy days, Cao Jiang found strength and motivation in being there for his grandfather. Approaching the room, he heard a commotion and immediately sensed trouble. He rushed to the ward door and saw...

Without a second thought, Cao Jiang pushed the door open. "What are you doing here?" His tone was unmistakably laced with impatience, betraying his disdain for these shameless individuals.

Cao Jiang expected them to leave, but after a few awkward minutes, the so-called Second Mother spoke up, "Jiang, my, how you've grown! Such a fine young man with a successful career. Why haven't you found yourself a partner yet?"

Cao Jiang never wanted to hear that woman's voice again, recalling how she had tormented him years ago.

Cao Jiang had committed every detail to memory. Though these were the experiences of the body's previous owner, he felt the heart-wrenching pain as if it were his own. Qin Danfeng had thoroughly researched Cao Jiang's background, so he was well aware of the current situation. His grandfather noticed the discontent on Cao Jiang's face—a face he had always cherished. The old man was prone to sentimentality, often moved to tears by memories of the past.

Seeing his grandfather's distress, Cao Jiang felt a pang of sympathy. "Whether I have money or a partner is none of your concern, is it?" His words cut to the quick, leaving the old woman speechless and resorting to making a scene.

"Dad, look at your grandson. Now that he's wealthy, he refuses to acknowledge me, his stepmother. If Wenwen can't afford a wife, are we to end our family line? What are we to do?" The old woman's complaints infuriated Cao Jiang.

It dawned on him that she had come to borrow money. Back in his hometown, Cao Jiang had once craved the white steamed buns his stepmother made, but she refused to share them. She often berated him, calling him a wild child. He had even overheard her urging his grandfather to give him away, claiming they were too poor to care for him.

For his grandfather, Cao Jiang was everything, but with no power or money in his old age, his hands were tied. Cao Jiang had resolved to become wealthy when he grew up, to ensure his grandfather would enjoy a better life. That's why he had purchased the most extravagant building in the new district, despite a life fraught with challenges.

Cao Jiang had quit school early on, which explained why he never attended university. However, a childhood friend from the village, who had continued his education, would bring Cao Jiang books during the holidays. Through self-study, Cao Jiang had achieved the comfortable life he now enjoyed.

Years passed, and as Cao Jiang matured, his stepmother shockingly proposed that the family be divided.

Grandpa never wanted to endure mistreatment, and Cao Jiang vividly remembered how his aunt's harsh words had once triggered his grandfather's heart condition.

From that moment on, the old man's chronic illness persisted. Cao Jiang and his grandfather, with just a few quilts in tow, left the Second Aunt's home behind.

The proverb about a golden house in the deep mountains rang true, albeit a bit quaint. Yet, everything was pristine and purely natural.

Back then, Cao Jiang and his grandfather made their home in a cave on the mountain, which was comfortably warm in winter and cool in summer. They lived without concern for others' judgments, and the mountain provided all they needed.

The only inconvenience was the distance to the market. Cao Jiang made the long trip monthly to purchase his grandfather's medicine.

As days turned into months, Grandpa's health deteriorated, and Cao Jiang's responsibilities grew.

He had hoped to spend joyful days with his grandfather on the mountain, but death's arrival was unpredictable.

When Cao Jiang came to this realization, the Treasure Hunting System appeared, giving him a sense of rebirth.

Cao Jiang looked up and remarked, "Second Mother seems to have forgotten how she used to treat Grandpa and me back home, not even sparing us a plain steamed bun. What's her angle now?"

His words left Second Mother red-faced and ready to storm off. Yet, she didn't leave without taking a basket of not-so-fresh fruit from the table.

Cao Jiang felt a deep sense of frustration. Grandpa was getting anxious; after all, Second Mother was his own flesh and blood.

They say a parent's heart is with their children, but children's hearts can be as cold as stone. Despite past mistreatment, Grandpa still longed for his daughter.

Cao Jiang empathized with his grandfather, feeling the injustice on his behalf, and embraced him tightly.

Tears welled up in the old man's eyes as he looked at his daughter, words failing him.

Second Mother's demeanor had changed, leaving Cao Jiang taken aback. He had never seen such an expression on her before.

Perhaps her conscience had awakened. Seeing her father's tear-streaked face, even the most hardened heart might feel a pang of sorrow.

Cao Jiang watched his second aunt linger at the doorway, clutching a fruit basket, neither leaving nor speaking. It was incredibly frustrating.

"Either come in or stop bothering me and Grandpa from now on. Don't accuse me of being heartless. If you had shown any conscience toward us before, it wouldn't have come to this!" Cao Jiang spoke with sound logic.

The second aunt couldn't help but cry, hastily wiping her tears with her sleeve before storming off in a huff.

The last to leave was the second uncle-in-law, a man who was henpecked to the core. It was pitiful, really; he didn't have the guts to defy his wife's commands.

Yet, despite the second aunt's callous nature, her husband still had a heart. There was a time when Grandpa was critically ill, and Cao Jiang was just short of the money needed for the medication. With no other options, he turned to his second uncle-in-law, who generously provided the funds for Grandpa's treatment. Cao Jiang's opinion of him improved significantly after overhearing neighbors gossip about how the second aunt's husband had been barred from their bedroom for a month after stealing her money.

It was during one of these moments, as the second uncle-in-law was about to leave, that Cao Jiang approached him. "Here's a card with ten thousand yuan on it. Keep it a secret from my second aunt and use it for yourself," he offered.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, tears filled the second uncle-in-law's eyes as he quickly stashed the card in his pocket. He was about to express his thanks to Cao Jiang when the second aunt's voice thundered from outside, "Are you planning to wield knives while you're holed up in there?"

The second aunt had a way with words that could cut deep. Not wanting to upset Cao Jiang, the second uncle-in-law hurried outside to confront her.

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