Treasure Hunt System/C22 Jealousy
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Treasure Hunt System/C22 Jealousy
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C22 Jealousy

After Zhu Yi left, Sunn Jinbo's eyes reddened with fury as he lashed out, "Cao Jiang, don't push it."

It was a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. Cao Jiang hadn't uttered a word, yet Sunn Jinbo was already on the offensive.

The crowd buzzed with speculation, unable to reconcile the Sunn Jinbo they worked with daily with the person before them now.

Team Leader Lee, who usually stayed out of drama, didn't want to see the company embroiled in infighting.

He quickly dispersed the onlookers: "What's there to gawk at? Aren't you busy enough? Get back to your stations."

With Team Leader Lee's clear instructions, the group quickly scattered, leaving only Cao Jiang and Sunn Jinbo behind. Team Leader Lee gave Cao Jiang a reassuring pat on the shoulder before walking away.

Sunn Jinbo maintained his aggressive stance, as if he was itching to toss Cao Jiang out of the grand hall, but Cao Jiang didn't share that sentiment.

He understood that his own capabilities had left Sunn Jinbo feeling outmatched and envious, despite his best efforts.

Cao Jiang remained unfazed by Sunn Jinbo's harsh words, empathizing with his behavior instead of retaliating.

He was ready to leave, saying, "We all know what happened today. I have no interest in dwelling on it."

Lately, Cao Jiang had been feeling exhausted. Having recently joined the Jewelry Group, he didn't want to jeopardize his new position by stirring up trouble.

After all, they would have to work closely together going forward, and escalating the situation would only make future collaboration awkward.

But Sunn Jinbo was acting irrationally, as if he'd been kicked in the head by a mule, taking offense at Cao Jiang's indifference.

He grabbed Cao Jiang's arm and demanded, "What's your deal? There's no need to make your disdain so blatantly obvious, is there?"

Tears welled up in Sunn Jinbo's eyes, which only added to Cao Jiang's frustration. He thought to himself, 'Intelligence, too, can breed envy.'

Being insulted is an unfortunate reality, even for the simplest of folks. It's truly challenging to navigate the complexities of human interactions.

Sunn Jinbo, perhaps exerting too much force, accidentally knocked over the table behind him, causing a loud clattering noise. Curious onlookers from outside were tempted to sneak a peek, but thankfully, Team Leader Lee was there to maintain order.

Had it not been for his vigilance, Sunn Jinbo might have tarnished the reputation of the Phoenix Jewelry Group. Cao Jiang, reacting swiftly, shook off Sunn Jinbo's hand and righted the table, saying, "Don't get ahead of yourself. I was giving you friendly advice. What's your problem?" Cao Jiang was visibly annoyed.

Truth be told, he didn't particularly dislike Sunn Jinbo; in fact, he respected his dedication and hard work. But talent isn't something you can just wish into existence. Cao Jiang was more than willing to share his own expertise with him.

Yet, whenever Cao Jiang broached the subject of jewelry, Sunn Jinbo would dodge the topic as though it was a live wire, seemingly terrified of such discussions and unwilling to confront them. In essence, he was reluctant to acknowledge the uncomfortable truth that Cao Jiang was more skilled than he was.

Feeling somewhat panicked due to his earlier impulsive actions, and now facing Cao Jiang's icy gaze, Sunn Jinbo was at a loss for words. He stammered, "I've always put in a lot of effort into this business, but everything changed when you arrived." As he spoke, tears streamed down his face, leaving Cao Jiang feeling overwhelmed, as if a murder of crows had just flown over his head.

Despite his intention to offer some friendly advice, Cao Jiang found himself being ignored, much to his dismay.

Meanwhile, Qin Danfeng was nearly back to full health. After a lifetime of relentless work, she was unaccustomed to such leisure. It was a bittersweet realization that, if not for the car accident, she might have never taken a break from her work.

Restlessness got the better of her, and she couldn't stand the idleness. Once her assistant completed the discharge paperwork, he was there to escort her home.

Her driver, who had been by her side for over a decade, had been with her since the early days of her career. Qin Danfeng had a particular way of assessing people, always applying her own time-honored methods to shape and influence those around her.

Cao Jiang and Sunn Jinbo were at an impasse inside the house, both silent. Cao Jiang was eager to leave, but Sunn Jinbo seemed intent on blocking his exit, standing stubbornly in the doorway without uttering a word. Cao Jiang's brow was furrowed in frustration.

"You haven't made any progress because you lack the strength," Cao Jiang, ever blunt, spoke his mind without reservation. Sunn Jinbo was well aware of this, yet hearing it from Cao Jiang stung deeply.

"It's none of your business. You don't need to comment!" Sunn Jinbo shot back, glaring at Cao Jiang.

Cao Jiang had no desire to escalate the argument. Casting his gaze around the room, he noticed several books on a shelf that piqued his interest. He picked one up and settled onto a stool to read, hoping to make time fly by. He was convinced that Sunn Jinbo wouldn't keep this up indefinitely. It was a battle of endurance now.

Eventually, Sunn Jinbo's patience wore thin, revealing his true colors like a fox showing its tail. He snatched the book from Cao Jiang's hands, blurting out, "I asked you a question. What's going on?"

Cao Jiang hadn't been paying attention. "What did you say? I didn't catch that," he responded, which only infuriated Sunn Jinbo further. Disregarding someone to this extent was a talent unique to Cao Jiang.

"You've put in a lot of effort, dedicating yourself to studying jewelry all these years, yet you've achieved little. Shouldn't you be looking for the problem within yourself?" Cao Jiang said, seemingly imparting wisdom to Sunn Jinbo.

He genuinely hoped Sunn Jinbo would make strides forward. Having a competent partner would lighten his own workload. But Sunn Jinbo was too consumed by jealousy. If only he focused more on his work, he wouldn't allow resentment to fester like weeds in his heart.

Cao Jiang believed that after his words, Sunn Jinbo would at least recognize the need for ambition, if not feel grateful. However, Sunn Jinbo's resentment toward Cao Jiang only grew, his mood as unpredictable as the capricious demons in "Journey to the West."

Unfortunately, Qin Danfeng had overheard their entire conversation with crystal clear clarity.

The two individuals in front of her were so engrossed in their hurried discussion that they failed to notice Qin Danfeng standing at the doorway.

Team Leader Lee, concerned that Mr. Qin would overhear the conversation, intentionally raised his voice and announced, "Mr. Qin, you've arrived."

But it was too late; Qin Danfeng was already at the entrance, gesturing for Team Leader Lee to attend to his own matters.

Qin Danfeng opened the door and admonished, "Sunn Jinbo, you're in the wrong today. I may not know the details, but as a senior, I should not be setting such an example!"

Cao Jiang and Sunn Jinbo were both taken aback and exclaimed in unison, "Weren't you in the hospital? How come..."

Qin Danfeng gave them a stern look and retorted, "I'm in good health and have made a full recovery. If I hadn't shown up, Sunn Jinbo, you might have turned everything upside down."

Qin Danfeng's unexpected visit was meant to assess Cao Jiang's work capabilities, yet she had stumbled upon this unfortunate scene.

After being reprimanded by Qin Danfeng, Sunn Jinbo, already fragile at heart, directed all his grievances towards Cao Jiang.

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