Treasure Hunt System/C8 Gambling
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Treasure Hunt System/C8 Gambling
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C8 Gambling

Why is there always such a thoughtless nuisance around?

Cao Jiang's brow furrowed, his face showing undisguised revulsion as he continued to examine the conch before him.

Zhong Wan'er, still smarting from the day's humiliation and burning with envy, pressed on, "Tsk tsk, thinking you're something special just because you've got a bit of money, even managing to sneak into a high-society gathering. But I'd caution you against playing games with the wealthy. You might just lose that hard-earned two million and end up penniless, and someone like you, without money, probably couldn't even find a wife."

Cao Jiang scoffed, "Feeling superior because you snagged a rich boyfriend, huh? Your looks might buy you a few more years of easy living, but once they fade, you'll be worth less than nothing."

"You..." Zhong Wan'er was about to retort when a stunningly beautiful woman approached, radiating charm in a light purple gown, her elegance making even Zhong Wan'er feel inadequate. Huang Zhongtian, standing nearby, was visibly impressed and eagerly introduced himself, extending a business card: "Hello, I'm Huang Zhongtian."

Xia Hee greeted him with a smile and a nod, though she didn't accept the card. She gracefully made her way to Cao Jiang's side and asked, "Ran into a friend?"

"It's nothing, just an ex-girlfriend," Cao Jiang replied impassively. Xia Hee gave Zhong Wan'er a quick once-over, then affectionately looped her arm through Cao Jiang's and said with a warm smile, "I've taken a liking to a conch. Would you mind checking it out for me?"

Zhong Wan'er's eyes bulged in disbelief at their close interaction. She couldn't fathom how a fisherman like Cao Jiang could be acquainted with such a refined and attractive woman.

Cao Jiang fixed Zhong Wan'er with a stare and said, "Whether I can get married is none of your concern. And mind your manners; at a high-class event like this, it's best not to act like a spiteful shrew, lashing out at everyone."

Stunned into silence, Zhong Wan'er's face flushed with anger, and she stamped her foot in frustration.

Cao Jiang turned to her with a smile and suggested, "Come on, let's go take a look at the conch."

As they walked a few steps, Xia Hee leaned in and whispered, "Feeling good about this?"

Cao Jiang couldn't help but chuckle. "What's there to feel good about? That guy's nothing but a mindless, rabid dog. Far less appealing than a sea clam. Which one caught your eye?"

Xia Hee gestured towards a sea clam in the glass tank before them. "How about this one?"

At that moment, a crowd began to gather around them. Xia Hee was, without a doubt, the focal point of the room, and her every move drew the attention of many. They were particularly curious about the unremarkable young man at her side, eager to discover what made him special.

Cao Jiang quickly used his x-ray vision to assess the sea clam Xia Hee had selected. Despite its appealing appearance and size, commanding a price of 12,000 yuan, it was devoid of pearls and thus valueless. In contrast, the unassuming, small, and unattractive sea clam beside it housed a treasure and was priced at only 2,000 yuan.

"This one seems pretty good," he said, as he picked up the small and unattractive sea clam.

A wave of disapproval rippled through the onlookers. "What good can come from such a tiny sea clam? President Xia, you should stick with the sea clam you chose. Even if it doesn't yield pearls, you could still sell it for a handsome sum."

"He's clearly just a poor fisherman at heart, a simple countryman who can't resist a bargain," someone sneered.

The voice was unmistakably Zhong Wan'er's. Cao Jiang didn't even bother to respond to such thoughtless remarks. He turned to Xia Hee and asked, "What's your take?"

Xia Hee hesitated, weighing her decision, as Zhong Wan'er pressed on, "I know him. His name is Cao Jiang. He didn't even finish high school. Just an uneducated fisherman who knows nothing about quality. President Xia, it's best not to trust him. You might end up losing money."

Others, upon learning that Cao Jiang was merely a fisherman, jeered with envy, "Go home and get some sleep. This isn't the place for you."

"A poor fisherman dressed up like an expert."

Cao Jiang couldn't help but chuckle at the jeers of the onlookers. It was only natural for a humble fisherman to draw envy when seen with a high-status woman like President Xia.

"Let's go with this one," Xia Hee said, pointing to the sea clam Cao Jiang had presented.

The crowd was taken aback. Cao Jiang didn't understand Xia Hee's choice—perhaps she wanted to spare him embarrassment, yet she was risking her own reputation. If the clam turned out to be empty, it would be quite the awkward situation.

He felt a wave of gratitude and, with a smile, instructed the server, "Please open it."

The server pried open the sea clam to reveal numerous white pearls, all of average size and worth no more than a hundred yuan each.

"I told you so. How could someone who didn't finish high school understand these things?"

"Looks like you made a mistake, beauty. Should've chosen that conch earlier. Now you've lost money."

Unfazed, Xia Hee casually suggested, "No worries. Let's go have a look at something else."

Cao Jiang grinned, reached into the clam, and pulled out two dazzling golden pearls. He approached Xia Hee and offered, "For you."

"Wow, gold pearls!"

"Natural gold pearls, five thousand yuan per gram. These two must be worth over a hundred thousand yuan. We've actually made a profit."

Xia Hee, pleasantly surprised by the unexpected treasure, accepted them with a beaming smile. "Thank you."

"I'll offer 200,000 yuan for those two gold pearls. Would President Xia consider selling them?" A cool voice suddenly interjected. The crowd, thinking the price steep for just two pearls, turned to see a striking woman with a somewhat icy demeanor approaching. She was as beautiful as Xia Hee, though her coldness detracted slightly from her appeal.

"Good to see you, President Qin!"

Cao Jiang greeted the newcomer, Qin Danfeng. She acknowledged him with a nod, "It's nice to see you again, Mr. Cao." She then turned to Xia Hee, "Someone in my store commissioned a gold pearl necklace, and I need just two more pearls. If President Xia is amenable, I'd like to purchase them."

Xia Hee and Qin Danfeng had met on a few occasions, and Xia Hee knew that although Qin Danfeng was not particularly jovial, she was trustworthy in business dealings. Impressed with Cao Jiang, Xia Hee glanced at him and inquired, "Shall we proceed?"

Cao Jiang responded cheerfully, "Absolutely!"

The transaction took place on the spot, and while the money was transferred into Xia Hee's account, a chime echoed in Cao Jiang's mind. The system announced, "The treasure hunt is valued at two hundred thousand. Congratulations, you've earned twenty Luck Value points."

Cao Jiang was taken aback, realizing that any treasure he found could earn him Luck Value. With this in mind, he resolved to go all out that day.

Qin Danfeng received the gold pearls and gave Cao Jiang a smile, saying, "Mr. Cao, you have an eagle eye. You truly are a master of treasure hunting."

Zhong Wan'er, standing nearby, scoffed, "It's just dumb luck. Finding those gold pearls doesn't prove anything. Don't think you're something special just because you're with a wealthy woman. It doesn't change the fact that you come from humble beginnings."

The mention of "wealthy woman" ignited a fire of rage in Cao Jiang. It was one thing for this foolish woman to mock him, but to insult Xia Hee was another. He fixed a cold gaze on Zhong Wan'er and challenged, "Fine, since you think you're so wealthy and daring, let's gamble with sea clams. We'll each put up two million for the bet. Whoever's pearls are of higher value wins. The loser not only forfeits their treasures to the winner but also pays an additional two million. Do you dare?"

Zhong Wan'er hesitated at the thought of wagering two million and didn't dare decide on her own. She retorted dismissively, "Who would want to play such a pointless game with you?"

Cao Jiang laughed, "Exactly, you're just a lady who earns her keep in bed, and with a down-and-out heir as your partner, it's unlikely you could come up with two million."

"What did you say?!"

Cao Jiang's words stung both Zhong Wan'er and Huang Zhongtian. Unwilling to appear weak in front of an audience, Huang Zhongtian retorted furiously, "Let's bet then. Today, I'll see to it that you lose everything you have."

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