Ultimate Counterattack/C11 Home
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Ultimate Counterattack/C11 Home
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C11 Home

After successfully getting on the bus to the county, Zhang Chu was a little apprehensive. He wondered if his parents had been well for the past four months. Looking at the changes in the county, he felt both familiar and unfamiliar. The sky had already darkened. It was already early in the winter when the sky was getting dark. All the houses were lit up, and there were less and less people on the road. The weather was very quiet, and there weren't many people moving around in the evening.

As the bus came to a stop, Zhang Xiashan finally stepped onto the land of his home.

"Dad, Mom!" The first thing Zhang Can Lan saw was her parents who were waiting at the bus stop. The temperature was close to zero, and his parents' thin bodies trembled in the wind.

Seeing that his son had returned, Zhang's father and mother were very excited and happy. They hurriedly went up to him to help him carry his luggage.

"Everything is going smoothly. Aiya, what a promising future. I'm a university student now. Let's go back and talk about it," his father muttered to himself. It was unknown if he was talking about it to himself or to Zhang Chu. Their home wasn't far from the train station, just a few hundred meters away.

On the way back, he met an aunt.

"Oh, isn't this Chu Yuan?" Coming back from school? "Aiya, look. It's really not bad." He didn't expect that this auntie would recognize Zhang Xiashan. Of course, Zhang Can Lan's family had to be courteous, and exchanged greetings with each other. However, it could be seen that Zhang Jia Lan's family was overjoyed when they heard someone else's praise.

After walking through the bumpy road, they arrived at a dilapidated residential district and entered a dimly lit corridor. Looking at the surrounding environment, Zhang Can Hen was very familiar with it. It was a narrow corridor with dim yellow light and moldy walls.

They were about to reach home. When Zhang Chu, standing in front of the familiar door, looked at the extremely old Spring Festival couplet, his heart became more and more excited.

With a creaking sound, the rusty metal door was opened, and the smell of home assaulted their nostrils. Zhang Chu stepped into the house and turned on the lights. There was not much change in the house, it was still so small, and the furniture was still so old. After putting down his luggage, Zhang Chu went to his room, while his parents went to the kitchen to cook.

Zhang Xiashan's home was still a house that had been compensated by the (harmonious) prefecture for a long time, but it seemed to be pretty good, but after so many years, with the development of the county, many people had moved to better buildings. The Zhang family still lived in the compensation room, it was enough anyway. Zhang Xiashan's family didn't earn a lot of money. Their mother was a textile factory worker, and each month, she only earned around a thousand yuan. Their father was a retail operator, working with a few friends on the project, and their income depended on the amount of work they did. "For a family with an average income of less than 2,000 a month, there was not much money left over, not to mention the hundreds of living expenses that had to be sent to Zhang Xiucang every month as well as the payment of money.

Zhang Chu sat on his bed. His room was not even the size of the school dormitory, it was only big enough to fit a single person's bed, a small table, and then there was nothing else. The only bookcase was handmade by Zhang Chu's father, and it was now in tatters. However, although the conditions were not the same as usual, Zhang Chu Lan wasn't the least bit uncomfortable. To him, home was the most comfortable place.

After a while, the food was ready. Zhang Chu Lan simply washed her hands with water and prepared to eat. After five hours of bumpiness in the car, he was very hungry. By the way, there was no bathroom in Zhang Chu's house. If he wanted to go to the bathroom, he had to go to the public toilet outside. Usually, there were only a few buckets of water for him to wash his hands and wash vegetables.

The place to eat was in the living room. In Zhang Chu and Lan Xin's home, the area was not so clearly separated. The kitchen was the living room, and when you ate, you would set up a small table in the living room and then eat together with three people sitting on a small stool. There was an old-fashioned leather sofa in the living room, but the leather had been so worn out that it was hard to see its original appearance. However, this leather sofa was also one of the most valuable pieces of furniture in Zhang Hu's home, and there was also a small TV in the living room.

The meals were all very common. There weren't many meat dishes, only vegetables that were fried or cold mixed together. The main course of the meal was steamed buns and muddled vegetables. This kind of food was what Zhang Xiashan used to eat when he was at home. Only during festivals or happy events would there be something delicious to eat.

Zhang Chu was enjoying his lunch very well, not only because he didn't eat lunch, but also because it was his family's meal, which he had eaten for more than ten years. It gave him a very familiar feeling.

After the meal, Mama Zhang originally wanted to have a good chat with her son, but she was stopped by Papa Zhang to let her rest properly. After the meal, Mama Zhang originally wanted to have a good chat with her son, but she was stopped by Papa Zhang to let Zhang Ci rest properly.

Zhang Ba Huan used hot water to wash himself and then changed into a clean set of clothes before lying down on the bed. After a long day of work, Zhang entered a deep slumber. This was the best sleep he had had in four months. He did not know that something very big was going to happen tomorrow.

The next morning, Zhang Xiashan naturally opened his eyes. It had been a long time since he had slept until he woke up naturally. The window had just started to light up and was covered with frost. It was obvious that the temperature outside was still very low. Zhang Chu stretched his back before getting out of bed comfortably. He went out of the room to find his mother already cooking.

"You're up? "Hurry up, go wash up and come over for dinner, it was just heated up!" Zhang Chu's mother hurriedly greeted him when she saw him get out of bed.

"Where's Dad?" Zhang Chu couldn't see his father. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be working today.

"Your dad went out to call a taxi. We'll eat first when he comes back!"

"A taxi?" Why are you calling? Zhang Hu couldn't understand. Was he going out today?

"Don't worry about it. Go wash up first," Zhang's mother said vaguely.

Chu Yuan had no choice but to fetch water to wash his face and then change into the woolen pants that Zhang Chu's mother had knitted herself. The woolen pants were warmer than normal, so it was just right for him to wear at home. The temperature at home was not high, because the old heating pipe was broken, so the effect of the winter heating was not very good, which was something that could not be helped, after all, the suburb that Zhang Chu and Lan were living in was already considered a poor area, and most of the old heating pipe had already been replaced with a new natural gas pipe. However, because there were more people living in the suburbs, there were still many people living in the county.

Feeling the bone-piercing cold water, Zhang Chu Huan instantly woke up. Using cold water to wash his face was a habit of his. After washing his face, Zhang Chu sat at the table with a blank look on his face. Breakfast was quite bountiful: boiled eggs, steamed buns, rice porridge, and the pickled vegetables at home.

Just as Zhang Xiashan was eating breakfast, the door to his house opened, and Zhang Xiaguang's father came back, chilled from head to toe.

"Phew, it's so cold today. The car is ready. I'll be there in an hour." Zhang Ye's father took off his shoes and jacket and kept rubbing his hands. His face was completely red from the cold. Chang's mother undressed, then went to the kitchen to help Zhang's father serve breakfast.

"Dad, why did you call a car? Are we going on a long journey today? " Zhang Chu asked his father while he ate his porridge.

"I'll tell you slowly." Zhang's father sat down and took the porridge from Zhang Ye's mother.

Zhang Chu was waiting for his father to tell him what was going on.

"I wanted to tell you yesterday, but thinking about how tired you are, I decided to let you rest. This is good news, so …" Zhang Chu listened attentively, one word at a time. His father started to speak with a smile on his face.

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