Ultimate Counterattack/C9 Recuperation
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Ultimate Counterattack/C9 Recuperation
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C9 Recuperation

Zhang Chu Lan was sent to the Medical Department. When the teacher on duty saw the proof of the school doctor, and then looked at the deformed Zhang Zhu Lan, he frowned slightly.

It wasn't as if there weren't any in the medical department, but it was the first time in many years that a student had been injured like this. Fortunately, he had the proof from the school doctor. This intern teacher brought Zhang Chu along to do the CT, blood test, and X-ray examination.

In the end, he came out. Fortunately, Zhang Xiashan's bones were fine and his eyes weren't too bad.

In order to reduce the swelling quickly, the teacher on duty brought Zhang Xiashan to the infirmary in the medical department. He prescribed some medicine and prepared to put a drop on Zhang Xiashan.

The two boys saw that this was none of their business, so they said goodbye to the teacher and left. Zhang Chu sat in the consultation room in a daze, obediently hanging up the decaying bottle and then taking the medicine. Seeing that he had nothing to do, the teacher went off to do his own thing. Zhang Chu sat in his chair and soon squinted his eyes.

Besides, Zhang Yi's brain was a little too big after receiving Yin Ze's message. He also knew that if this matter got to Li Yuying's ears, then there would be no hope for the two of them. Although Li Yuying looked down on Zhang Xiashan, she was not a bad person, and she despised bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

However, when Wang He beat up Zhang Chu, many people had already seen it. Zhang Yi didn't have the authority to control others to keep it a secret.

Wang He was a good brother of his, so he had no choice but to help. However, if he wanted to help, he had no solution. All of a sudden, Zhang Yi had also fallen into a dilemma.

Zhang Yi, who was in a difficult situation, could only turn to Ran Yu. Ran Yu was at least a student cadre in the Finance Academy, so she had some authority over him. Zhang Yi also knew that her girlfriend would complain a lot about her brother, so she could only smile and beg Ran Yu.

"You can help him out, Ran Yu." Zhang Yi was very clear about her girlfriend's personality; she had to be soft.

"Hey, I'm your girlfriend, not his. Why should I help him?" Ran Yu stopped what he was doing and glanced at Zhang Yi.

"Aren't you his sister-in-law?" Zhang Yi said as she put on her relationship token.

"That depends on what he did. Is there anyone who wants to bully him like that?" Ran Yu said with an unhappy expression.

Indeed, there was no one who bullied others like that. Many people didn't like this, but not everyone was Lei Feng. They had no obligation to deal with the pain of others.

However, even though he was unwilling on the surface, Ran Yu also knew that Wang He was a good brother to Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi was her boyfriend. Thus, he had no choice but to help her.

"Don't let me clean up your brother's mess in the future." Ran Yu made a gesture with his hands as Zhang Yi bared her fangs in a very cooperative manner.

Ran Yu was trying to figure out how to make the circle. She did a quick calculation and estimated that there were about 15 girls in the hall who had witnessed the whole process. The boy was easy to deal with, so Zhang Yi and Yin Ze should be fine. However, girls were not so easy to deal with. The girls' mouths didn't care if it was true, and boys could call themselves brothers or say they relied on force. Girl, you can't be too hard, but it's not easy for girls to get along with you. Thus, the most important thing to do was to find a way to keep these six girls quiet.

After a while, Ran Yu came up with a temporary solution.

"Zhang Yi, those nine boys are all very familiar with you. You go and take care of them, I'll think of a way to stabilize those girls." With that, Ran Yu walked into the hall.

The relationship between the girls in the Finance Department was rather complicated. There was a grudge between the excellent girls, which was not something one could casually say. Therefore, these excellent girls in the Finance Department were all in the form of small groups. For example, for Ran Yu, she only had a few close sisters. For others, Ran Yu would only maintain a cold and hot attitude.

"The venue is for cleaning. Let's have a meeting, please." Ran Yu stood in the middle of the venue and gathered all the students who had just witnessed the whole process.

"I will say a few things as a conclusion to this meeting." Ran Yu used his identity as the vice minister of the organization department to hold a meeting.

"Thanks for your hard work, everyone. I will also report this to the propaganda department. As a thank you, I will give everyone some credits as a reward."

This was not just a blind promise from Pan Yu. Previously, the academy's leaders had also said during a meeting that they would receive a promise of credits. However, it would definitely not be a lot. Moreover, not everyone accepted the rewards, but a portion of the people. However, since there was such a quota, how was he going to split it?

"In a few days, the school will hold a competition for the Academy's Joyous Union. This competition is also something our school needs to fight for." This matter was secretly overheard by Ran Yu. He guessed that the school was going to reward the school for having such a lively school. The academy's leader had not informed the committee of this matter, but he had specifically instructed them to settle this matter properly.

"Therefore, everything must be prepared for this evaluation. "First of all, everything that happens during the performance that has a negative impact cannot be announced to the public." The reason why he used the evaluation was to conceal his purpose.

"Sun Min, you can temporarily be the team leader of the evaluation preparation team. Go and prepare the evaluation matters first." Ran Yu had coincidentally arranged one or two of them to be evaluated so that they wouldn't smash their own feet.

After he finished making arrangements, Ran Yu said something else. He hinted that if the evaluation went well, the credits would be rewarded. Then he let them continue cleaning.

The most troublesome matter had been cleverly solved by Ran Yu. Based on the current situation, these girls would keep this matter a secret for their own benefit. The remaining male students would be settled after Zhang Yi and Yin Ze returned to their dorms.

"Ran Yu, thank you this time." Zhang Yi was very grateful for her girlfriend's help when he needed it.

"There won't be another good thing like this next time …" Ran Yu could also be considered to have made an exception this time. However, the next time wouldn't be good. She had her principles as well.

Zhang Yi also immediately sent a text message to Yin Ze. Wang He knew that he also felt relieved.

Zhang Xiashan was more or less done hitting the bottle, and the swelling on his face had also disappeared a little. Not long after Zhang Chu's bottle was filled up, the doctor from the outpatient clinic of the Medical Department arrived and examined Zhang Hu.

The injuries on Zhang Chu's body would not recover for a while, so in the end, he decided not to return to the dormitory. He would stay in the inpatient department of the Medical Department for the time being, and only return when his injuries had recovered.

This was also a good thing for Zhang Xiashan. He didn't want to go back to face Wang He.

In the blink of an eye, five days had passed. In these five days, Wang He had successfully temporarily sealed off the matter of his punching routine. Fortunately, the girls did not mention it. In order to thank him, Wang He had invited him and Zhang Yi for a meal. Under the condition that he gave face, Wang He promised that he would no longer trouble him in the future.

The Finance Academy's Joyous Union event was indeed very successful, so he obtained a third place in the competition. The first place was the Arts Academy, and the second was the Humanities Academy. The school director was also quite happy to receive the credits, so the credits he had promised were naturally given out honestly. After the end of the year, the final exam was not far off. The final exam of a university was very different from that of a high school; it was fine as long as one did not hang up.

Zhang Chu was stunned in the medical department for five days. The bruises on his face had almost completely disappeared, even though the muscles on his face were still somewhat uncomfortable. However, the bruises on his body had not melted yet, so simple movements were no longer an issue.

Under Zhang Xiashan's intense request, the doctor had no choice but to agree to Zhang Xiashan's return to take the final exam. The final exam was very important to Zhang Chu. He could only study hard and use his good grades to realize his future.

Not everyone was as strong as Zhang Xiashan, and there were also some people who weren't completely confident about the final exam. Thus, right after the fun ended, they began their intense review.

Of course, there were also those who did not have much ability and did not review it. For example, Wang He, was a typical example. Before coming to school, Wang He's father had already entrusted his teacher to take care of him. Therefore, Wang He was not worried about failing the examinations. Therefore, Wang He had been living a carefree life for the past few days. Since Zhang Hu was not in his room, he had nothing to worry about. He decided to go out and ask about Li Yuying's situation. Although Zhang Yi and Yin Ze were learning and didn't have time to accompany him, he was living quite happily by himself.

Time passed quickly in the tense review, and in the blink of an eye, five days had passed. It was the final exam of the Finance Academy, and it was also the first time that this year's students had taken the college entrance exam. The entire exam is over in a day. The English and some compulsory examinations have already been held a year ago. This is the test for the finance major.

After the exam, what awaited them was a happy winter vacation. For the freshmen who had left home for half a year, they could finally go home and reunite with their parents. After completing the exam, everyone would also have a relaxed and happy vacation. College is different from high school, university's winter vacation homework in a sense can not be called homework, generally based on papers. Therefore, the college winter vacation was relatively easy, especially for the first year students.

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