Ultimate God Of Death/C15 Walking Right into the Trap
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Ultimate God Of Death/C15 Walking Right into the Trap
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C15 Walking Right into the Trap

"Hey, it's me. Did you miss me?" Ye Feng got in touch with Lisa through the communication.

"Mhmm." Facing Ye Feng's teasing, the red-haired beauty was noncommittal.

"I have contacted the Free Liberation Front. I am going to the agreed location according to my own speculation. " This might be a trap, or it might just be a waste of effort. "

Ye Feng was driving the jeep at the moment. He tilted his head and looked at Hardie, who was sitting in the passenger seat. The threat and doubt in his eyes were obvious. To be honest, Ye Feng had no idea what kind of situation he would face next.

[Ye Feng basically doesn't know what to do.]

Shut up.

"I have to go."

In front of Hardie, Ye Feng turned on the communication device that was hidden in his ear and threw it out the half-open window. The reason he did this was very simple: to cover the locator hidden in his teeth. At the same time, he was also trying to dispel Hardie's concerns.

Ye Feng said to Hardie, who was tied up in the passenger seat, "Hey, pug, look. No one can follow us now, right?

"Turn left at the next intersection." Hardie had long given up on correcting Ye Feng about calling him a pug.

After driving for some distance, Ye Feng suddenly slowed down when he passed by a barren land and parked the car slowly by the side of the road.

"What are you doing?" Hardie looked at Ye Feng, who suddenly stopped the car.

"There are three people who are in a hurry. I am going to take care of them." Ye Feng pushed open the door of the driver's seat. Under Hardie's puzzled gaze, Ye Feng walked into the desolate grassland.

Avoiding Hardie's sight, Ye Feng held a small spring knife in his pocket. Then, he took out a condom. He tore open the condom's packaging. Ye Feng put the small spring knife in his hand on the condom. Looking at the item in his hand, Ye Feng frowned. But after struggling for a few seconds, Ye Feng made up his mind. After all, he had no choice but to complete the rescue mission.

Ye Feng gritted his teeth, took off his pants, and squatted on the ground. He started stuffing the small spring knife into the condom. Yes, you're right. It's, uh, described as a flower, "there...

Seeing Ye Feng, who was covered in cold sweat, sit back in the driver's seat, Hardie asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you? Why did you take so long?

"Nothing..." At this moment, Ye Feng looked a little weak. He let out a long sigh with cold sweat. "I hope the following part of the road won't be too bumpy..."


"This is the place?"

Ye Feng drove the car to the destination Hardie had mentioned. It was a few mud houses in a remote village.

Hardie said nervously, "You'll know when you look around.

What he was most worried about was that Ye Feng would shoot him after he used him.

Ye Feng opened the door and got out of the car without saying a word. Then, under Hardie's frightened gaze, Ye Feng quickly went to the side of the passenger seat and opened the door. After untying the rope that bound Hardie's hands and feet, Ye Feng pulled the panicked Hardie out of the car. At the same time, he pointed the muzzle of the gun at Hardie's head.

"Come out."

"Don't, don't kill me. I -" Being held hostage by Ye Feng, Hardie could only hobble and hobble.

Ye Feng removed the muzzle from Hardie's head and said to Hardie, who had his eyes closed, "Hey, buddy, relax. Let's do something else.

Hardie opened his eyes and looked at Ye Feng's next series of unexpected actions in a daze. Ye Feng first sounded the horn of the car as if he was seeking death. He deliberately attracted the attention of the people in the mud houses. Then, Ye Feng casually handed the pistol to Hardie. He looked like he was ready to be dealt with by the king.

In the face of this absurd situation, Hardie subconsciously took the gun. He was stunned for a few seconds before he finally woke up from his dream. He suddenly raised the gun in his hand. In shock and disbelief, the somewhat wooden Hardie aimed at Ye Feng's back.

"Do whatever you want, bighero." Ye Feng raised his hands on both sides of his head and leisurely walked towards the men holding AK who had rushed over.

Hardie reminded them, "He is from Atlanta. Don't trust him.

Hearing Hardie's words, these people rushed forward and surrounded Ye Feng. Under Ye Feng's helpless and bitter smile, he was beaten up. Ye Feng did not resist at all during the entire process. He allowed himself to be punched and kicked. In the end, a few violent people dragged Ye Feng, who was like a dead dog, into the earthen room.

After being dragged into the room, Ye Feng, who was covered in wounds, saw the man named Hash Mohammed at first glance. At the same time, as he expected, Ye Feng also saw another key person, Jassim, the number one person in the Free Liberation Front, the planner of this kidnapping.

Ye Feng's original thought was that the person who personally participated in the kidnapping would most likely be the confidant who planned this kidnapping. This meant that if he found Hash Mohammed, he would have a chance to find Jassim. This was the logic in Ye Feng's mind. The facts proved that Ye Feng had made the right bet.

From the outside, Jassim did not seem like a fanatic who adhered to extremism. He was not tall, and his body was average. He had a very ordinary face among the Awukans. Although his face was full of stubble, it was a little ragged. However, Jassim gave off the feeling that he was very refined. His eyes shone with a deep and intelligent light. Jassim looked more like a wise prophet. Not an assassin or an assaulter.

[How can you lead a team without any charm?]

Shut up.

Er, what? Jassim walked over when he saw Ye Feng being dragged into the house by his men. When he arrived in front of Ye Feng, Jassim took off Ye Feng's sunglasses and looked at Ye Feng's eastern face. Jassim asked expressionlessly, "Who are you?"

Ye Feng, who could only kneel in front of Jassim, raised his head and said calmly, "I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't answer your question."

[We won't choose to negotiate!]

Can you shut your mouth in my head? Don't bother me thinking of countermeasures!

[Uh... you've already been captured into the "Free Liberation Front" as you wish. Don't tell me that you haven't thought of any countermeasures!?]

Shut up, I was planning to adapt to the situation...

[... I've had enough of you...]

Shut up, I'll return the favor.

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