Ultimate God Of Death/C16 Persist to See the Light
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Ultimate God Of Death/C16 Persist to See the Light
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C16 Persist to See the Light

"What do you think? You actually brought him here?" Jassim threw Ye Feng's sunglasses on the ground. He walked to Hardie and asked expressionlessly.

"He, he said he has information that you are interested in. He wants to make a deal first." Hardie looked at Jassim and handed the pistol to Jassim.

Hardie knew that it was a very unusual move to bring outsiders to the organization's secret base, but what choice did he have in the face of Ye Feng's threat? He was just unlucky enough to bring outsiders to the organization leader's hiding place.

"Is that so... Hash, take out the detector." Jassim took the pistol from Hardie and ordered Hash Mohammed, who was standing next to him.


[He must be referring to the "detector" used to check the signal transmitter. These guys are quite professional.]

Shut up, you're right.

Ye Feng looked at Hash walking towards him with the detector in his hand. He knew that he had no way out now. He could only act according to the situation...

As expected, when the detector scanned Ye Feng's mouth, the detector emitted a red light and an ear-piercing alarm. The tiny tracking device hidden in Ye Feng's teeth was captured.


In the face of this situation, Jassim pointed the muzzle of the gun at Hardie's head without hesitation. Under the latter's terrified eyes, Jassim pulled the trigger coldly and shot Hardie's head. Hardie's body fell to the ground.

"Remove it." Jassim ordered.

"Hey, buddy. I just saw a dentist. You'd better - "Aaaaah!!" In Ye Feng's scream, Hash used a dagger. He stabbed it into Ye Feng's mouth and pried off a few of his teeth. At the same time, The signal representing Ye Feng's location disappeared from Lisa and Lei Jun's screens.

"They will track us here. We must move." Looking at Ye Feng, who was covered in blood and being beaten up, Jassim said coldly, "Take this bastard with you."

[Why didn't he just kill you?]

Shut up. Aren't all villains like this?

[I thought that in this story, there would be some differences between villains, such as being more decisive.]

Shut up. You are looking forward to my death, aren't you?

When Ye Feng was being tied up and carried to the transport vehicle, he was in a daze when he saw another hostage with a black cloth covering his head. Although he could not see his face, Ye Feng could tell from his figure that it was a woman and most likely Eily Xuenuo.

Due to the series of beatings, Ye Feng had almost fallen into a coma. He could only weakly call out "Eily." After that, he fainted and passed out.


"We lost contact with Ye Feng at 16: 36 Greenwich time. During the last call, he claimed that he was heading to the rendezvous point with the Free Liberation Front. Through the satellite, he locked onto the location where Ye Feng's signal had disappeared. According to the satellite images, the car that had stopped at this location had disappeared, and Ye Feng was nowhere to be found. "Requesting backup from Team C."

"We should be glad that the Freedom Liberation Front did not send pictures of Team A's dead soldiers online. Ye Feng, he can only rely on himself." Lei Jun coldly rejected Lisa's request for reinforcements. Then, he cut off the video call with Lisa. In Lei Jun's view, this operation was undoubtedly a failure.

... "" Lisa was sitting alone in the military base. At this moment, other than silently praying for Ye Feng in her heart, as for the rest, she was powerless.


When Ye Feng regained consciousness, he found himself in a dark room. His hands and feet were tightly bound. Fortunately, after a few hours of recovery, The injuries on Ye Feng's body had almost healed. After stretching his stiff body a little, Ye Feng turned his gaze to another hostage in the room, Eily Xuenuo. The latter was also looking at Ye Feng. This was the first time she had seen someone other than a terrorist since she was captured.

"Who are you?" Eily asked. The girl was dressed in rags, but her face was still covered in dust. She did not give in.

"Eily, perhaps it is not convincing, but I am indeed here to save you." Ye Feng moved his body and approached Eily.

"I am Ye Feng. You may be more familiar with me. My other name is Death." Ye Feng moved in front of Eily and looked into her eyes seriously. He needed to gain Eily's trust in the shortest time possible. This was very important for the two of them to escape.

"You are the Death God?" Eily had obviously heard of Ye Feng's name.

"That's right. I used to be your father's comrade. Don't worry, I will definitely save you."

Eily choked when she heard Ye Feng's words. She suppressed her crying and started to cry silently. Faced with a life threatening kidnapping, Eily refused to be weak. She chose to face it alone. But she was after all a 22-year-old girl. The threat of death made her on the verge of collapse. After seeing Ye Feng, After seeing Ye Feng, she was scared for a few days, and terrified for a few days. They were all mixed in with tears and were vented by Eily. She was really in despair, waiting for her own savior.

"Hey, you are very brave. Gir, you are very brave. It's okay now. Eily, it's okay now." Letting Eily lean on his shoulder, Ye Feng gently comforted the girl in pain. He would save her no matter what the price.


The sound of the door opening woke the sleeping Ye Feng up. As he was in the cell of the "Free Liberation Front," Ye Feng slept very lightly. When the cell door was opened, Ye Feng suddenly opened his eyes. Through the piercing light that shot into the room, Ye Feng knew that it was already the second day.

"Hey, are you guys here to deliver breakfast?"

The two terrorists who came in ignored Ye Feng. They immediately lifted Ye Feng and dragged him out.

"Hey, Eily, look at me, look at me." Ye Feng struggled as he shouted to Eily who was still in the cell, "No matter what happens, you just need to believe me. Eily, believe me!"

Actually, Ye Feng was not sure if he would be able to see Eily again after he left the cell door, but Ye Feng had to let Eily, who was in a desperate situation, keep her hope of survival.

[Buddy, we are in a desperate situation.]

Shut up. In my life, those few days were easy.

[Do you need me to remind you? If you fail, the one who will suffer will be that girl called Eily.]

Shut up. I f * cking know. I will definitely save her. I swear.

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