Ultimate God Of Death/C3 He Jumped off the Building Again
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Ultimate God Of Death/C3 He Jumped off the Building Again
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C3 He Jumped off the Building Again

Like Death, he was a top mercenary, a killer.

Snatch and kill. Unlike Death, he was taciturn, vicious, and ruthless. He did everything cleanly and cleanly.

Are you saying that I usually talk too much?

[Buddy, don't stick the word 'knowing your own limitations' to your face in the future.]

Compared to Ye Feng's intermittent psychosis, swift and swift killing was more popular in the market. It was not an exaggeration to say that most of the work Ye Feng received was to kill the rest, or rather, missions that were not suitable for killing. Ye Feng relied on these missions to survive.

[Don't look at how much Ye Feng earned from his work. This guy basically has as much money as he has on hand. Today, he spends as much as he has. As a result, Ye Feng often spent a few days in a carefree life. He starts to spend his days in his apartment with pancakes and fruits, waiting for the next job to come...]

According to what you said, I can't catch up to the kill?

[You should be clear about this.]

Shut up.

"Adeline, killing is really your first move."

"Shut up," the man said. "That man is already at the door." Adeline lowered his voice and pressed his finger on the trigger. He was ready to fire at any time.

Ye Feng covered his mouth with both hands. The door of the bedroom where he and Adeline were in was slowly pulled open from outside the room. The moment the man stepped into the room, Adeline pulled the trigger decisively and accurately hit the target.

"Damn it!"

"Run. Adeline shouted. He stood up and rushed to the door. He shot the masked woman who was lying on the ground in pain. Of course, it wasn't on her head. He shot her right arm, which was holding the gun, which made the intruder lose all his fighting ability.

"Uh, Adeline, why don't we just send this man to God? Isn't it too merciful for a bad guy who just got shot twice?"

Ye Feng followed behind Adeline. The two of them ran out of the door and ran to the stairs. Without knowing the number of enemies, taking the elevator and leaving was undoubtedly suicide. Of course, taking the stairs was more or less the same.

"That's my house. I definitely won't kill people in my house."

Adeline knew that the moment he met the god of death, In the eyes of those mysterious people who hunted Death, her peaceful life had been broken. No doubt he was with this psycho. Thinking of this, Adeline felt a little angry and helpless at the same time. He also felt a little excited about the challenge that he faced next. He had lived a peaceful life for too long. It had really been too long.

"About that, Sister Adeline, where are we going?" Ye Feng, who had noticed Adeline running to the top of the building, asked in a daze. He looked at Adeline's sexy butt, which was trembling slightly due to running in front of him. Ye Feng had the urge to "I will die here.

"On the roof. You're still in the mood to stare at my butt at this time?" Adeline couldn't help but turn around and glare at Ye Feng. It was the first time Adeline had met someone like Ye Feng, even though he had seen countless people. How could he describe how Adeline felt about Ye Feng? Yes, he should be "speechless.

"Of course. Uh... Of course not. " Beautiful big sister, time is too gentle for you. It does not leave a trace on your body, other than making you more mature and charming. Please allow me to admire beauty with my eyes. Looking at your graceful curves, don't worry. This is purely artistic. It is a pure spiritual yearning, a kind of - "

"Shut up, you can look at whatever you like." Adeline interrupted Ye Feng.

[Buddy, you have annoyed the sexy big sister.]

Shut up. What do you know? The core of chasing pretty girls is to take the initiative. Am I supposed to just quietly stare at Adeline's butt without saying a word?

[... Why do you say it so naturally when you're staring at a lady's butt...]

Shut up, I have a pair of beautiful eyes.

"We're here." Adeline pushed open the door in front of him and came to the rooftop of the building.

"Adeline, why are we here?" Ye Feng followed Adeline in confusion. He felt a little regretful because Ye Feng could not see his twisted buttocks.

"Get out of this building." Adeline walked to the corner of the roof and picked up a red backpack. He put it on his back.

"Uh, is that a parachute backpack?" Ye Feng finally understood how Adeline was going to get out of the building.


"There's another problem. What about mine?" Ye Feng pointed at the backpack on Adeline's back.

"Just one. I prepared it for emergencies." Adeline replied. Adeline felt relieved that he could get rid of Death.

... "" Ye Feng did not say anything. He kept staring at Adeline's parachute backpack.

"Don't do anything stupid..." Adeline looked at Ye Feng, who suddenly stopped talking, a little guilty.

"I will never do anything stupid to a beautiful lady, but I have thought of a way to get both of us out of danger. That is, I might have to make you suffer." Ye Feng slowly walked towards Adeline. He had a smile on his face, but because Ye Feng was wearing silk pajamas, he looked very strange.

"You... Don't come over!"


"Is this the good idea you came up with?" Adeline opened the parachute in the air and slowly landed. He looked at Ye Feng, who had his head buried in his chest, and asked in a hopeless manner.

"Of course. Look at how harmonious it is. You carry the parachute, and I will hold you. We will soar in the sky together and enjoy the pleasure that the sky brings us. Uh, sorry. I might have reacted. Please don't mind any normal man getting so close to a sexy big sister like you. I think I'm going to face my current predicament. I really didn't mean to - "

Like a lazy sloth, Ye Feng hugged Adeline tightly. He shamelessly felt the softness of Adeline's towering mountain range with his face. But even so, he couldn't stop his chattering.

... ""

Adeline looked at Ye Feng, who was acting shamelessly. At the same time, he felt helpless. She was still able to make men go crazy at 45 years of age. This way, Adeline's woman's pride would be satisfied for a long time. After all, her ex-husband had abandoned her and left. This made Adeline stay for a long time. As she grew older, her charm weakened. However, judging from the expression of Death, It seemed that this was not the case.

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