Ultimate Master/C10 Harmful Horse
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Ultimate Master/C10 Harmful Horse
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C10 Harmful Horse

Yang Ming was wearing a high-end white shirt, blue trousers, and a slightly plump figure. Speaking of his fame in Huatai Security Company, the word 'intimidating' could actually be used to describe him, because before Yang Ming came to Huatai Security Company, he had conducted special insurance specialized training at the Yanjing Security Service, and was extremely proficient in catching and dispersing people. Later on, Yang Ming rose to the level of training base's chief instructor, becoming very famous in Security Officer Field. However, he was defeated in an open conflict with a certain heavyweight leader of the base. In the end, he hatefully left the main company and came to one of the main company's joining units, the Huatai Security Company.

He quickly established himself in the Huatai Security Company and used his absolute advantage to compete for the position of the new security guard captain. Afterwards, he was transferred to the Haiming Squadron and took control of a large team of three hundred people. But because he led such a rough team and often caused trouble, he and Kui, the business manager of the company, were known as the two major terrorists of Huatai Security Company. His name had already frightened the more than one thousand people at Huatai Corporation. Yang Ming was considered a rare genius in scolding subordinates, playing tricks with gangsters, hooking up with young ladies in entertainment places, and so on! He was different from Kui. Kui was originally a gangster, and Director Zhang had specially poached the company to deal with those gangsters. Although Kui's personality was straightforward and irritable, he would not be backstabbing … Yang Ming was different, he was a dangerous character who could take wine bottles and smash them onto people's heads while they were joking, and the most outstanding thing he did in Haiming was make many street hoodlums call him Brother Yang whenever they met. Just this alone was enough to prove that this Company Leader's head was not just for wearing a hat.

Able to bend and stretch, capable of learning and martial arts.

These eight words could be considered as Yang Ming's portrayal.

With such a character, if he wanted to take care of a class monitor, he would be able to do it easily.

At this moment, he stared at me as I entered, his expression extremely calm. These days, he has already felt that I am not ordinary, and also felt Director Zhang's two thousand gold Zhang Yayi's trust towards me.

He may have been looking for trouble with me.

Yang Ming used his tongue to lick the gaps between his teeth. While playing with the cup of water in his hand, he asked softly, "I heard that you're fighting with the chairman of Hetalon Hotel. Is that true?"

I explained, "Captain Yang, it's like this..."

Before I finished, Yang Ming still seemed to be calm as he said: "Just now when Director Jin called, he wanted to deduct 10,000 yuan from our company's service fee. You have to tell the squadron something, otherwise, I can't explain it to Director Zhang!"

Actually deduct service fee is false, Yang Ming wants to borrow chicken egg, deterrence me is true.

But how can I not know Yang Ming's tricks? How could a dignified chairman deduct the company's service fees just because the security guards didn't help her move her things?

Who would believe it?

But I still indifferently said, "Then I'll go talk to Wu Tie!" Then he wanted to turn around and leave. He wanted to take advantage of Jin Xiaoling's prejudice against him. If he didn't take the initiative to leave, according to Yang Ming's temper, he would grab this little braid of his and take this opportunity to tear off a piece of his scalp!

However, why would Yang Ming let me go?

However, Yang Ming felt my craftiness. My words not only avoided his reprimand which was getting more and more intense, but also indirectly exposed the lie that he used to scare me!

Yang Ming slammed the table and cursed at my back, "F * ck you, get back here!"

I turned and smiled. To be honest, I really hate Yang Ming's idiom of 'grandma'. However, the other side is, after all, a dignified Company Leader, and I am just a small class monitor. I don't have the qualifications to argue with someone several levels higher than myself. However, I jokingly said, "Captain Yang, my grandmother has passed away. She might be very unhappy to hear your words from the underworld."

Yang Ming was so angry that his blood was boiling. He had never had a subordinate that dared to make insinuations to intimidate him!

Still, he quelled his anger and gave me the worst punishment possible in a 'peaceful' way.

"Go back and write a review for me with no less than 3000 words. Read it in public when the team is starting the meeting." At the same time, impose a fine of three hundred yuan, deducted from your monthly salary. You have blackened the security team and Huatai Security Company, so I must deal with you. Otherwise, the other members will not accept it! " Yang Ming suppressed his tone again, sat back down on the chair, and crossed his legs again.

I asked, "Captain Yang, can you discuss the basis for punishing me?"

Yang Ming frowned: "You're negotiating with me?"

I replied, "No." I just want to convince myself. "

Yang Ming played with the cup in his hand a few more times and said with disdain, "Isn't it sufficient for the leader of the A team to point out his opinion?"

I gently smiled and said, "Then Captain Yang, may I ask, what kind of opinion does Leader A has for me?"

Yang Ming stared at him and said, "Not obeying the arrangements made by the Party Leader!"

"Oh." When I heard this, I let out a sneer from the corner of my mouth. Then, I let go of Yang Ming's pigeon and left the office without looking back.

"Captain Yang, this reason is too far-fetched. Please forgive me for not accepting your punishment!"

The echo of my manly magnetism echoed in the office.

"Come back, come back here!"

Yang Ming shouted at me, but it didn't work! I didn't even look back.

"Damn it, it's pretty stinging!" This captain can't cure you? "

Yang Ming cursed and waved his fist at my back.

Then he raised his wrist and looked at his watch. After a moment of thought, he called for the vice-captain on duty and instructed him, "Gather all the men at the cafeteria by blowing the whistle right now." I want to deal with Zhao Yunloong in public! "

Vice Captain Xu Yanxin puffed his cheeks and let out a whistle, causing the basement that was holding nearly three hundred security guards to become chaotic …

Two minutes later, more than two hundred security guards had gathered in the dining hall. Squad leader and above were all standing in the first row of the group. The vice captain Xu Yanxin had reported everything to Yang Ming, who used his pinky nail to pick his teeth, held his head high and walked to the center of the group with his hands behind his back.

Yang Ming was the only one qualified to wear casual clothes in a large security team with hundreds of people. This was because there was an unwritten rule in Huatai Security Company that leaders at the level of a Company Leader did not need to wear security uniforms. This was the privilege of a Company Leader, as well as a naked symbol of status.

Facing more than two hundred subordinates dressed in gray security uniforms, Yang Ming, who was wearing casual clothes, felt like he was standing out from the rest.

He looked at me, standing in the middle of the first row, and smiled a little contemptuously.

"Aren't you awesome? This captain will make you lose face in front of the entire squadron.

This might be Yang Ming's hidden message.

Yang Ming quickly shifted his gaze away from me and looked around at the black mass of subordinates. The subordinates were usually under his influence, so no one dared to look directly at him.

Yang Ming sucked in a breath of cold air through his teeth and said with his hands behind his back, "Today, I want to announce something... In our team, there are a few villains who are always discrediting the squadron. The chairman of Hetalon Hotel, Director Jin, just called me, and specifically mentioned a name … "

At this point, the hearts of the members of the Xitailong security class began to pound furiously …

Yang Ming paused, then said: "I am really surprised, and also very angry, for a small class rep as big as a sesame seed to actually dare oppose the chairman of Hetalon Hotel, I am really bored, even I, Yang Ming … Even the company's Director Zhang would have to be polite when they saw you. What kind of status do you have as a class rep? What right do you have to pester the chairman of Party A? "You are simply f * cking being unable to tell what's good for you..."

Speaking of which, even though Yang Ming didn't nominate him, the security guards already knew who else would be on the list other than me, Zhao Yunloong. To this, everyone was a little relieved and began to glance at me out of the corner of their eyes. Some were sympathetic, some were gloating, and there were even a few who felt sorry for me …

Yang Ming put his hands in front of his back and raised his tone, "For a squad leader who would ruin the image of my security team... I will stick to the principle of 'punishing the former police, treating the sick and saving the sick' and will not beat him to death. But he has to make a profound review of his actions and accept a certain financial penalty …

The pitiful thing is, these uncultured security guards thought it was Yang Ming being magnanimous, giving me a chance to repent and start anew. They even secretly admired this terrifying Company Leader in their hearts …

Under Yang Ming's exaggeration, the current me is like a sinner in the hearts of the security guards. Because I offended the leader of Party A, I implicated the security team, and affected the reputation and image of Haiming Squadron … Gazes of disdain were directed at me. There was even a guard whispering in the team, "This kind of disaster, why don't we just fire it …"

Yang Ming secretly observed the reaction of the security guards and secretly rejoiced in his heart. He continued, "So, after careful deliberation, I announced that the squadron had ordered Zhao Yunloong to make a profound reprimand and deducted a 300 yuan penalty from his salary …"

But before he could finish, I stepped out quickly.

I stood in front of Yang Ming.

I stared at Yang Ming and asked, "Captain Yang, may I ask, did the squadron punish me because I violated the duty rules?"

Yang Ming was happily announcing his punishment, but when he saw my deep gaze, he couldn't help but be shocked... He couldn't help but shiver in his heart … Under the pressure of this kind of aura, the corners of his mouth revealed extremely fine words, "No …" I admit that you were very serious when you were investigating. "

I asked again, "So, did I violate the internal security regulations?"

Yang Ming replied: "Nor."

I asked again, "So, what did I do during the foreman's journey to cause a security incident for Party A?"

Yang Ming said again, "No..."

I suddenly raised my tone and asked, "Then what are your punishments?"

Only then did Yang Ming suddenly wake up, realizing that he had been entrapped by my words...

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