Unbeatable Little Taoist/C26 Hotel distress
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Unbeatable Little Taoist/C26 Hotel distress
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C26 Hotel distress

"Welcome, how many ladies are there?" As soon as Luo Yutong and Lv Xiaoxiao walked into Xuanyuan Cheng Hotel, a welcoming lady walked up to them.

"Two people, arrange for a small room." Luo Yutong said naturally. After all, this was not the most expensive hotel in Yan Du.

When they sat in the private room, Luo Yutong said to Lv Xiaoxiao, "Xiao-Xiao, please forgive me this time, okay? I really don't know why my brain isn't like mine, I just suddenly became like that."

"Hmph, I'll forgive you for apologizing like this." Lv Xiaoxiao hugged her chest with a haughty look and said.

"You're still full of zeal." Luo Yutong smiled as she ran over to Lv Xiaoxiao's side and pinched Lv Xiaoxiao's small face.

"Hahaha, I was wrong, I was wrong. Let go of Yu Tong." Lv Xiaoxiao also laughed.

Just then, the room's door suddenly opened, Luo Yutong turned her head quickly and sat on her chair, she thought that the waiter had come in, so she asked, "What's wrong with you two, why did you come in without knocking?"

"Then, I am truly sorry, Miss Luo. However, you are going to be a bit rough next. I hope that you do not complain about us." An unfamiliar male voice was heard.

Luo Yutong turned her head to look, only to see three men dressed in black slowly walking in.

"What are you guys doing?" Luo Yutong immediately stood up.

"Come with us." The leader of the men in black said with an expressionless face.

By the side, Lv Xiaoxiao sensed that something was wrong and quickly sent a text message to Zhou Xuanling.

"Do I know you? If you want to play with Miss, you can go somewhere else. Please don't disturb me here. " Luo Yutong tried her best to speak to them in a calm tone.

"Come with us! "My boss values you so much!" After saying that, the few black-clothed men pulled on Luo Yutong's arm without any explanation.

"Let me go! Let me go! " In the instant when those black-clothed men came into contact with him. Luo Yutong shouted loudly, and Lv Xiaoxiao, who had finished sending the message, rushed up and tore the conversation.

"Let's go together." The leader of the men in black said.

Then, someone also grabbed Lv Xiaoxiao up before covering their mouths, where the only sound that the two could emit was "wuwu" sounds.

Then, the man in black brought the two girls upstairs.

The floor below the tenth floor of the Xuanyuan Hotel was a hotel for eating, but upstairs in a private room, it looked like a hotel. Luo Yutong, who knew about this, started to cry, she never thought that she would encounter such a situation while eating.

When they reached a room upstairs, the man in black carried the two women inside and roughly threw them on the carpet inside.

"What exactly do you want to do? Why are you capturing us? We can give you money, a lot of it! " After being put down, Luo Yutong hurriedly said, "Furthermore, do you know our identities? If you catch us and expose us, your boss will sell you. They would never give up a greater interest just because of you. "

The few of them did not pay attention to her and instead reached out to close the door, standing at the doorway to prevent the two girls from escaping. Luo Yutong's attacks were pushed aside several times, and even with the TV and chairs, the few of them could only open the door with their hands.

The two of them were sitting on the sofa in the hall.

"Master Zhao, you are quite accurate, this Luo Yutong is really here, how did you know she would come?" An elegant man with glasses looked at the so called Master Zhao in admiration.

"You can't leak it." Opposite the man sat a man on the sofa. It was clearly daytime, but this Master Zhao seemed to be shrouded in darkness. There was an unmistakable coldness in his voice, but there was also an unconcealed excitement, as if he were finally about to achieve something.

"They won't be able to escape, right?" The scholarly man said with a hint of worry.

"Don't worry, the bodyguards I've trained you with are completely competent." Master Zhao slowly stood up, "Let's go, let's settle these small matters first before coming back."

"Yes, master." The scholarly man quickly stood up.

He could feel that Yun Che had an inexplicable trust and admiration for this so-called Master Zhao.

Master Zhao got up and walked out. However, he was still shrouded in darkness, making people unable to see his appearance clearly.

"I'm just crying, what's wrong!" In the other room, Luo Yutong was crying sorrowfully.

"Relax, I've already sent a message to Zhou Xuanling. He should be coming soon." Hugging Luo Yutong, Lv Xiaoxiao whispered into her ear.

"Will he come? Does he know where it is? " Hearing Lv Xiaoxiao's words, Luo Yutong's eyes lit up with hope.

Originally, she was desperate, and nothing could make her despair more than waiting. This logic was suitable to be used here.

They were waiting in despair for the person who had brought them in, and now they were both waiting in despair for their hope.

At the same time, Zhou Xuanling was already on his way. He did not drive, nor did he hitchhike. He kept running without stopping.

"They're rushing to be reincarnated!" A car passing by Zhou Xuanling shouted.

But seeing that the other person had already run far away from him, the person riding the electric car could only wave his fist bitterly and then ride the electric car and leave.

Zhou Xuanling ignored everything around him. Right now, he only had one thought in his mind, which was to rush to the hotel as fast as he could to rescue the two of them. If the two of them were to be harmed, Zhou Xuanling felt that he would never forgive himself in his entire life.

Furthermore, when he first went down the mountain, the Luo's Father gave him a place to live, and he was even Luo Yutong's bodyguard. If something were to happen to Luo Yutong, could she still be considered a man?

Fortunately, the Xuancheng Hotel was not far from here, near the school.

Thus, he quickly arrived at the entrance of the hotel.

A few attendants were barged in by Zhou Xuanling before they even had a chance to bow. Zhou Xuanling was so anxious that he did not realize that there was another door not far away, where Master Zhao and the scholarly man were hiding in the darkness just in time to go out.

"Xiao Qian!" Zhou Xuanling who was standing on the stairs shouted. His Ghost-Bounce was right beside him.

"Find out where they are." Zhou Xuanling would not foolishly go inside to search for it. He had a better way, he could not waste his time.

"Lead the way!" Zhou Xuanling's voice became ice-cold. If he knew who it was, Zhou Xuanling would definitely not let him off.

With Xiao Qian in the front and Zhou Xuanling following behind, the man and the ghost walked up the stairs.

As expected, Xiao Qian was very impressive, it didn't take long for her to find the room where the two of them were.

Two black-clothed men stood at the door of the room, staring at Zhou Xuanling like tigers stalking their prey.

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