Unbeatable Little Taoist/C30 New beautiful teacher
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Unbeatable Little Taoist/C30 New beautiful teacher
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C30 New beautiful teacher

"Morning ~" Another beautiful morning, Zhou Xuanling opened his room door and yawned as he talked to the two busy women.

He was still sleepy. The only reason he came out was because he was so hungry that he couldn't take it anymore. The fragrance from outside lured him in.

"Why are you so dispirited? It wasn't that you woke up the earliest, but you're in the best of spirits. " Lv Xiaoxiao who was sitting on a piece of bread said unclearly.

"It's fine, it's fine." Zhou Xuanling waved his hand, and then used an extremely slow speed to go to the bathroom to wash up.

"The two of you, last night ~" Lv Xiaoxiao whispered into her ear after she entered the washroom.

"Nothing happened between the two of us last night." Luo Yutong said uneasily.

"Really? I gave you two a chance. In order to give you two a world, I even went to the villa to sleep first, letting you two slowly walk around. I didn't expect nothing from either of you. " Lv Xiaoxiao said with a tinge of disappointment.

"What happened?" The spirited Zhou Xuanling came out of the washroom, and did not hear what the two of them were saying clearly. He only heard them saying good night and then asked.

"Nothing, nothing. "Hurry up and eat, then go back to school." Lv Xiaoxiao did not know what to say either. Looking at the toothpaste on the corner of Zhou Xuanling's mouth and the water stains on his face that had not been wiped clean, she really didn't know what was going on with this guy today.

She didn't know what time Zhou Xuanling went to sleep the previous night. It could be said that this was the last time Zhou Xuanling had slept since he was born. Of course, this did not count when he was hunting ghosts with his master at night. After all, it was possible for him to not sleep for an entire night under such circumstances.

"Eat, eat." Without saying a word, Zhou Xuanling picked up a bottle of ad calcium from the table and drank it immediately. After drinking it, he looked at the two girls.

He noticed that Luo Yutong was looking at him with a beaming smile, but Lv Xiaoxiao was clenching her teeth.

"What's wrong? Aren't you guys eating?" As he said that, Zhou Xuanling took the bottle of ad calcium in front of Lv Xiaoxiao and held it in his hands.

"You ~ ~" Lv Xiaoxiao was about to get angry, but Luo Yutong's following action surprised her.

"You can have this too. I still have more. " Luo Yutong directly gave the bottle of ad calcium that she had not opened to Zhou Xuanling, her face still smiling.

"Oh, it's over. I won't be able to drink any more from now on, it'll all be yours. " Lv Xiaoxiao covered her face, looking dejected.

"How could that be? Can I not give you some?" Luo Yutong patted Lv Xiaoxiao's shoulder.

"You two have a adultery, what status do you have with me?" Lv Xiaoxiao pointed at Zhou Xuanling, and then pointed at Luo Yutong.

"Cough, cough." Zhou Xuanling was enjoying his drink, when he suddenly heard Lv Xiaoxiao's words. He almost vomited out the milk in his mouth. Just as he was about to retort, he felt Luo Yutong's face turn slightly red, and she looked extremely embarrassed. At the same time, he had a smile on her face, so he didn't say anything.

"I'll let you eat, I'll let you live. Can you shut up? " Luo Yutong immediately patted Lv Xiaoxiao's shoulder. Of course, this pat was very light, and didn't use too much strength.

"See, see." I'm beginning to hate me now. "Looks like I'll have to pack my bags and leave in two days. I'll give the two of you some space so that you two can better travel through the two of you." Lv Xiaoxiao pointed at Luo Yutong with a look of grief.

"Eat, eat. It's almost time for class. Stop talking." Zhou Xuanling could not bear to listen anymore, but he did not say it to Luo Yutong, but said it to Lv Xiaoxiao.

"As expected, adultery is different, it's all against me. I want to eat! " After saying that, Lv Xiaoxiao angrily bit down on the bread, her forceful look causing the two of them to not know what to say.

That was not eating bread at all, which meant that she was itching to eat the meat and drink the blood instead of having such fierce teeth.

After dinner, the three of them walked back to school. Only, it was different from before. At this time, Lv Xiaoxiao was clearly deliberately keeping a distance from them.

Actually, Lv Xiaoxiao really wanted to see the two of them together. He already knew that Luo Yutong liked Zhou Xuanling, so he deliberately created an atmosphere of two people together. He felt that if she did this, perhaps one day the two of them would really be together like that.

However, this process was rather slow. Even two people wouldn't be able to notice it. When they got used to this atmosphere, they would realize that they couldn't leave each other.

This was the reason for Lv Xiaoxiao's actions. Even the two leading the way would not have thought that Lv Xiaoxiao had such an idea. If one were to think about it, Luo Yutong's performance would definitely be relatively happy. As for Zhou Xuanling, he should be at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

Luo Yutong drew closer and closer to Zhou Xuanling. Even as they walked, their arms couldn't help but rub together. With regards to all of this, Zhou Xuanling did not reject him, nor did he deliberately keep a distance from him. This made Luo Yutong even more excited.

"Do you really want me to confess?" Luo Yutong thought in her heart. I wonder, are all girls so thin-skinned? If I say that I like it, I will die! "

The three of them walked to the classroom and sat in the back row. Naturally, Luo Yutong sat in the middle, while Lv Xiaoxiao and Zhou Xuanling sat on both sides of him.

If Zhou Xuanling was seated in the middle, it would definitely cause the students in the class to be shocked.

"Hello everyone, I am your new teacher. My surname is Li "

The bell for class rang. A teacher that no one in the class had seen before came in.

When the new teacher arrived, everyone in the classroom subconsciously raised their heads to look at the new teacher. When they did, all the boys in the classroom widened their eyes and didn't lower their heads again.

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. She wore a light green dress, had jet-black hair, and bright eyes.

With such a beauty in front of them, how could the men in the class still have the mood to chat and play on their phones? He could only admire the beauty that had just arrived.

"Because of some special reasons, your original teacher, the Professor Yang, will no longer teach you. For the sake of not delaying your studies, let me teach you. "

"As your teachers, this is only the first time I'm giving you a lecture. Maybe you're not very familiar with me. My style of lecturing is very different from the Professor Yang's. I hope that you will listen carefully at the beginning of this lesson. This way, you can get familiar with my style of lecturing as soon as possible. "

The newly arrived Teacher Li told his classmates in all seriousness. He didn't know if it was because he didn't know the situation of his classmates, or because he was confident that he could lead his classmates onto the right path.

However, when he had just picked up his textbook to begin his lesson … The situation in the class was very different from before.

Zhou Xuanling raised his head and surveyed his surroundings. He realized that whether they were boys or girls, all of those students were looking up at the teachers who came to listen to him on the blackboard. The one who used to play on the phone no longer played on it. The ones who used to talk to each other all sat upright in their seats.

In fact, in Zhou Xuanling's eyes, there used to be a few naughty and mischievous students, but now they were all listening to his teacher's lecture. It was obvious that he wanted to leave a particularly good impression on the new teacher.

"A beauty's motivation is really great." Zhou Xuanling sighed in his heart.

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