Unbeatable Little Taoist/C50 Ambiguous
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Unbeatable Little Taoist/C50 Ambiguous
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C50 Ambiguous

The two girls behind him also opened their eyes slightly.

After Zhou Xuanling felt their movements, he turned around and laughed softly.

"It's okay, let's go home."

Luo Yutong nodded to Lv Xiaoxiao, and her body was still trembling. This made Zhou Xuanling curious, what did these three thugs do to them? To be able to scare these two girls who were not afraid of anything in the world to such an extent.

However, no matter how Zhou Xuanling asked them, even if he was trying to coerce them to do it, the two of them wouldn't answer his question.

He had no choice but to give up.

In the days after he returned home, it was rare for there to be two days of peace and quiet.

During the day when they were in class, they would stand beside Luo Yutong. At night, they would go home and fight with her for calcium, watch TV, and make trouble.

The feelings between the two of them gradually heated up.

One afternoon.

"Hey, you've already stolen a lot of things. How shameless are you? Give it back to me!"

Looking at the snacks in Zhou Xuanling's hands, Luo Yutong said while gnashing her teeth.

This was already the nth time, when Zhou Xuanling wasn't paying attention and secretly took away his things, and then, every time he didn't admit it, she caught him red-handed, yet he still dared to deny it?

Zhou Xuanling who was sitting on the sofa rubbed his nose helplessly and shook the potato chips in his hand.

"Don't be so stingy. It's just a bag of snacks. I'll give it back to you when I pay you."


Luo Yutong seemed to have shouted these words, as her small face flushed red from anger. She pointed at Zhou Xuanling and couldn't say anything for a long time.

Finally, he stomped his feet and turned around to return to his room.

This action caused Zhou Xuanling to be somewhat surprised. Why was it so easy to speak today?

Was it too much today? When I wanted to coax her, the next moment, the corner of Zhou Xuanling's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Luo Yutong took a broom that was long and wide, an incalculable broom, and walked straight towards me.

His posture made it seem as if he wanted to eat Zhou Xuanling alive.

The latter was also stunned for a moment before standing up and running away.

"Zhou Xuanling! Give me back my things! "

However, neither of them had expected that just as Luo Yutong was about to approach him and raise her hand to beat him up …

Because he was in too much of a hurry, his feet tripped, and he was unable to maintain his balance. Under Luo Yutong's alarmed cry, she swung her hands, and her head fell to the ground.


Zhou Xuanling reacted quickly and instinctively grabbed her body, putting one hand around his waist and the other around …

Feeling the warm palm in front of his chest, Luo Yutong's face flushed red, and instantly, his entire head began to smoke from the heat. When he reacted, he immediately became angry from embarrassment.

"You bastard, hooligan!" AHH! "Believe it or not, I will cut off your salary and cut off your hand!"

Holding the broom, Luo Yutong rolled up her sleeves in a fit of rage. If looks could kill, Zhou Xuanling would have already been killed countless of times by Luo Yutong.

Zhou Xuanling did not expect such a thing to happen. His eyes were a little awkward, he touched his nose, a little helpless. He did not do it on purpose, if not to support this woman, he would not have …

But... Since it was his fault, Zhou Xuanling had no choice but to slowly retreat. He smiled brilliantly: "Yu Tong, look at how I didn't do it on purpose. "Besides, ah, I haven't. If you really meet anything, it's right. If you want to deduct my salary, just deduct it. Just let me off this time, okay?"

Looking at Luo Yutong who was approaching step by step, Zhou Xuanling almost wanted to jump out of the window.

This woman's anger was too frightening. He remembered the last time she was angry, he was kicked out of the house and threw a blanket out without letting himself in for the whole night.

"Bastard, hooligan!"

Luo Yutong's face was already hot enough to fry eggs, but she had a strange feeling in her heart. It seemed that she was still a little happy?

Being forced like that, Zhou Xuanling immediately retreated back to the sofa.

Seeing that there was no way out behind him, Zhou Xuanling chose to give up on his pride without any hesitation and started begging for forgiveness.

"Aiyo, First Miss, count me as wrong, okay? Can I buy you a big bag of snacks next time? This old man has forgiven me once. "

Facing such a yielding Zhou Xuanling, no matter how angry Luo Yutong was, he could not continue fighting, but it would be too embarrassing if he stopped right now.

So he continued to say, "Not good, let's forget about the first time we met. Now you're taking the opportunity to eat my tofu, why do you have to touch me when there's so much I can help you with …" "Then!"

Was Zhou Xuanling really suffering unspeakably here? Seriously, he really didn't do it on purpose, he guaranteed that if something like this happened again, he wouldn't be able to hold it up even if he was beaten to death.

"AHH!" Zhou Xuanling didn't even have time to say anything before he cried out once again. She already didn't know what to say as he slowly walked on the ground.

And this glue, directly fell to the ground, was in Zhou Xuanling's arms who was standing on the sofa in front of him.

Because of the inertia, Zhou Xuanling was directly knocked onto the sofa.

Luo Yutong instinctively raised her head, supported by her two hands on the sofa, and saw Zhou Xuanling in front of him.

Their faces were almost touching, the tips of their noses a millimeter apart.

Seemingly Luo Yutong who was riding on Zhou Xuanling's body, his face immediately flushed red, so red that it could drip blood.

They were so close that their heartbeats could be heard. Even the thick-skinned Zhou Xuanling couldn't help but blush.

Finally, he coughed awkwardly.

"How long are you going to sit there?"

If it was her beauty, Zhou Xuanling would definitely deal with it with a smile, but …

The person in front of him is Luo Yutong.

Luo Yutong seemed to have reacted now, she immediately used both hands to prop herself up.

Coincidentally, the door was suddenly opened.

The two of them instinctively looked towards the door.

"I'm back …" "Alright."

Lv Xiaoxiao happily carried a large bag of snacks into the room, but when she saw this scene, her entire body froze.

He rubbed his eyes, still in disbelief.

Under the awkward gazes of the two, he took a few steps back, looked at the number of the door, then entered the room and muttered to himself.

"I didn't go into the wrong house. Oh my god, it's still daytime right now. How can the two of you …" It's, it's like this, and you didn't even pull the curtains, it's too open, isn't it?! "

Luo Yutong immediately stood up, holding back her red face, she waved her hands with all her might.

"Xiaoxiao, don't misunderstand. I was just careless …"

"No, you don't need to explain to me that I understand. I understand."

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