Underworld Detective Lu Xiang/C6 Ghastly city of doom 6 was targeted by ghosts and was unable to escape the calamity
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Underworld Detective Lu Xiang/C6 Ghastly city of doom 6 was targeted by ghosts and was unable to escape the calamity
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C6 Ghastly city of doom 6 was targeted by ghosts and was unable to escape the calamity

6. It is hard to escape from a ghost's eyes.

"No, no!" Lu Xiang saw Yi Lu's eyes darken little by little as his body gradually slid down. His face was also becoming more and more bloodless. Helpless, he firmly grabbed onto his heart and powerlessly filled his every senses.

Heartache, heartache near death, heartache near numbness. When Yi Lu smiled and closed her eyes, Lu Xiang could no longer hold back the tears wailing on Yi Lu's body. Waves of heart-wrenching cries and the bursting laughter of the crowd filled the air above the square with a strange aura.

On the stage was the scene of the ghost head chopping off the head of the little Japan. The crowd looked at the scene and gave vent to their anger, thunderous applause.

"Are you sad?" It was unknown when the old man had walked up to the two of them, but he still had that smiling expression on his face.

Lu Xiang glared at him fiercely. Carefully putting Yi Lu down, he stood up and suddenly grabbed the little old man's collar, "You did it, right?"

The old man let Lu Xiang grab onto him without struggling, "Youngster, are you sure you saw it clearly?"

"It's you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have let Lulu pass. If I didn't go to Lulu, I wouldn't have died!" Lu Xiang roared like a wounded beast.

"I won't let you pass because you've passed, and she's still dead. And if you pass, you'll have to die with him." The old man still had a smile on his face, but the words that came out of his mouth sent chills down everyone's spines. "Do you want to die too?"

"What did you say?" Lu Xiang shook his head in disbelief, "Impossible, you lied to me. You've been following us the entire way. Just what do you want …"

Lu Xiang was suddenly speechless because the scene in front of him had suddenly changed. There was no longer any noisy stage around, no abnormal audience, Yi Lu's corpse had also disappeared. It was more accurate to say that Yi Lu was still alive at this time.

It was as if they had passed through a space-time tunnel and arrived at daytime. The group had just entered the Ghost City. Slate, high and low arranged houses, thick moss and black mold.

After a while, the scene changed to the sacrificial square. It was still at the crossroads, a lifelike beheading platform, and even a group of tourists. However, among a group of modern people, there were a few "people" who wore the clothes of the Republic of China. Their faces were deathly pale as they wandered among the tourists.

"8th of January. It's my birthday …" Yi Lu said. At this time, a man in a silk gown nearby suddenly turned his head. His originally expressionless face suddenly revealed a sinister smile, and even a hissing sound came from his throat.

When they left the stage, the man in the silk gown also followed Yi Lu.

Then, they arrived at the ancestral hall. The man seemed to be very scared of something and stood outside the temple, not daring to enter until after everyone had finished visiting the ancestral hall. Only then did he leave with the others.

"That is the son of the Patriarch." The old man stroked his beard and said, "If he can't give birth to his baby, everyone will call him the Ghost Boss. "The little girl's birth date is the same as his, also having a negative physique. She's the perfect double he's had for dozens of years, so even if you can see ghosts and stop the little girl from going to the theatre, the little girl definitely won't live past 12 o'clock tonight."

Lu Xiang looked at the scene in front of him in shock. He had never believed in ghosts. Although he had always experienced hallucinations when he was young, and he had gone to see a doctor, the doctor had always said that he was too tired from studying and had hallucinations.

"Since Ghost Boss has set his eyes on the little girl, he won't let go so easily." The old man continued, "At that time, you were watching the show, so Boss Gui followed closely behind her. If you were still standing by her side, then you would have died together."

The little old man spoke calmly, but Lu Xiang knew that if the little old man hadn't stopped him at that time, if he had coincidentally seen what that ghost did to Yi Lu, he would have definitely stopped him. So when it came to beheading, he and Lulu would both die, killed by ghosts.

There are a thousand ways to die. You got away with it once or twice, but there won't be a lucky third time.

"Do you think I was the one who asked the little girl to come forward?" The old man beamed as he looked at Lu Xiang painfully burying his head in his hands, "Look carefully at who it is."

It was a group of ghosts. Like the hallucinations they had seen this afternoon, they pushed Elody forward. A meter away from the stage — also the altar — the ghost head stood there, laughing sinisterly.

Lu Xiang painfully closed his eyes. When he opened them, the scene returned to reality. There were still people around who had turned a blind eye to Yi Lu's death and her cries, the lively atmosphere, the blood-stained stage, and Yi Lu's slowly cooling body.

"You should have seen how that little girl died, right?" The old man said, "You can't beat Boss Ghost. He's been in this ghost city for more than 70 years, looking for a substitute year after year, but has not succeeded. This year, you've finally found him. Do you think he'll let the little girl off?"

After inserting the wooden piece into Yi Lu's neck, he turned around to look at Ye Tianming. He knew that he saw him at the time — that smile was one of pride and warning.

Lu Xiang found it strange. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he actually saw that the "wooden dagger" was red. It wasn't dyed red by Yi Lu's blood, but was red before the stab wound.

"Why are you telling me this?" Lu Xiang was no longer shocked, nor did he scream. His eyes were filled with pain and calmness, "You have always been mysterious. You must have some sort of motive, right?"

"Heh heh." The old man laughed again. "I need you to help me with something."

"And if I refuse?" Yi Lu was already dead. Even if he were to live in this world, he would only be a walking corpse.

"You will." The little old man suddenly stopped laughing, "Because I can seal the little girl's soul within her body and let her come back to life."

"What did you say?!" Lu Xiang opened his eyes in disbelief. His originally despairing eyes had regained its liveliness due to these words, "Are you speaking the truth?"

"Of course." The old man said, "As long as you help me with something, I'll help you save your little girlfriend."

"Really?" Lu Xiang grabbed the little old man's arm tightly, as if he was grabbing onto a lifesaver.

The old man smiled. It was an unfathomable smile.

"Alright!" Without hesitation, Lu Xiang agreed to the little old man's request.

"That's good. Carry the little girl and come with me." After the old man finished speaking, he left the stage without looking back.

"Lulu!" Lu Xiang suddenly shouted.

The surroundings were in a mess, but no one noticed them. Lu Xiang felt his body turn cold, as if he had been abandoned by this world.

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