Underworld Detective Lu Xiang/C8 Ghastly city of doom 8 is full of thorns on the road of life
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Underworld Detective Lu Xiang/C8 Ghastly city of doom 8 is full of thorns on the road of life
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C8 Ghastly city of doom 8 is full of thorns on the road of life

The path of life with thorns

Lu Xiang didn't bother with the Underworld Envoy's matter. He immediately took out his "pat circle" and gestured it on Yi Lu's wrist. He patted Yi Lu's wrist neither lightly nor heavily. This "ring" did indeed cleverly buckle onto Yi Lu's wrist, just like a watch. This really wasn't an ordinary "pat circle". It perfectly merged with Yi Lu's wrist.

The needle on the watch was spinning back and forth, making a strange "tat" sound.

Lu Xiang felt a steady stream of something rushing towards Yi Lu's body. He tightly held onto that pine bark like hand and muttered, "Lu Lu, quickly get better!"

After 10 minutes, Yi Lu's face regained its rosiness and her wrinkles disappeared. What was even more amazing was that it was as if the whole time around her had been reversed, and her clothes had been restored to their original state. There was no more blood on them.

Looking at Yi Lu's life watch, it actually began to fade and finally disappeared. Was he deceived? Was the life watch simply a lie?

Just as Lu Xiang was thinking, Yi Lu opened her eyes.

"Lulu, you're awake? This is great! " Lu Xiang screamed, his face covered in tears. It was only then that he understood that the life watch was an item from the Underworld. Perhaps it was similar to the other items in the Underworld, cleverly hidden from the world.

"Lu Xiang, what's wrong with me?" Yilu asked, blinking.

"You …" Lu Xiang suddenly changed his tone, "You don't know why, but you suddenly fell asleep in my arms."

"You scoundrel, what medicine did you drug? Did you eat my tofu? Do you want to die? " Yi Lu leaped out of Lu Xiang's embrace with a "whoosh" sound. She frantically checked her clothes to make sure they were still in good condition. Only then did she relax.

Lu Xiang also breathed a sigh of relief. Luckily, Yi Lu's clothes didn't have any blood stains. Coupled with the fact that the life watch on her wrist was also hidden, it didn't look like she had wandered around the gates of hell before returning. What had just happened seemed like a dream, a nightmare.

However, Lu Xiang knew that this wasn't a dream. He tightly gripped the Soul Devouring Orb in his hand, as if he was holding his own life. From today onwards, he would no longer be an ordinary freshman student. He would become a detective of the underworld. However, it was not a simple matter to retrieve the items from the Underworld. He seemed to have already seen a path covered with thorns laid out in front of him.

"Let's go, let's go take a look at that guillotine. It looks very lifelike …" Yi Lu pulled Lu Xiang's hand and walked towards the square.

"Oh, Lulu, my amulet is gone!" Just as Yi Lu was about to leave, Lu Xiang suddenly smacked his forehead and anxiously said, "That was given to me by my mother. She said that I was forced to wear it when grandfather left and wouldn't take it off my body for the rest of my life!"

"Then what should we do?" When Yi Lu heard that Lu Xiang had lost his talisman, she anxiously pulled his hand and said, "Quick, let's go look for him."

"At this time, the tour guide invited everyone to look at the local altar." Where are you two little lovers going? Hurry and catch up with the main group! "

"Lu Xiang has lost his thing. We're in a hurry to find it!" "We'll see for ourselves later!" After saying that, he pulled Lu Xiang's hand and headed out of the city.

"Auntie repeatedly reminded you not to lose it. Look at you, you're so careless …" Yi Lu lowered her head as she searched, muttering, "It's all because of you, I didn't even look at you …" "Huh?!" Just as Yi Lu was thinking, Lu Xiang took out his protective talisman and waved it in front of Yi Lu's eyes.

"Idiot, this talisman is more important than my life. How could I possibly lose it?"

"Alright, you lied to me!" Yi Lu was a little angry, "How can you lie to me!"

"Alright," Lu Xiang pulled Yi Lu into his embrace, "There are so many people around the altar, we won't be joining in on the fun. We rarely travel, but you don't want to travel alone with me? "

"You're so annoying!" Yi Lu, who was in the embrace of Lu Xiang, hit him. Her heart was filled with sweetness. But the next time you make me so anxious, I'll ignore you! "

"Alright, alright, be good. I heard that there's a pedestrian street in the Ghost City. Let's go take a look." While hugging Yi Lu, Lu Xiang walked in the opposite direction from the altar

"What you said, if you lie to me again, I won't let you off so easily …" The two chatted as they walked down the street. Yi Lu's sweet and soft voice also disappeared into the bustling crowd.

In the evening, Lu Xiang deliberately said that he ate until his belly went bad and went to the pharmacy with Yi Lu. When he returned, he went to the ancestral hall to look around and listened to the attendant's story before returning to the tavern — it was still the same tavern. It was just that the tavern didn't live in a room next to the street.

In the middle of the night, the old town closed before 12 o'clock as per usual. Everyone went back to their respective residences to rest. The uninhabited old town seemed very quiet. Suddenly, a burst of ear-piercing sounds rang out in the night and then abruptly stopped.

"What is that sound?" Yi Lu woke up from her daze and asked.

"Nothing, go to sleep! "Be good …" Lu Xiang coaxed, "We still have to go watch the sunrise tomorrow. Didn't you say that you didn't play much tonight? "Go to sleep, we'll go out at dawn."

Yi Lu obviously couldn't get up in the morning while dreaming of Zhou Gong, so she missed the time to watch the sunrise together with everyone else.

"It's all because of you, you didn't call anyone!" Yi Lu unhappily ate the breakfast that Lu Xiang bought, "I didn't even see the sunrise!"

Looking at Yi Lu's angry manner of eating, Lu Xiang coaxed, while secretly rejoicing in his heart. Luckily, you were still alive. As long as you were alive, everything would be fine.

In the afternoon, the travel agent and his entourage left the Ghost City on a "small train".

"Have you heard?" "A man died last night."

"Yes, I heard he was a foreigner."

"That's right. He didn't sleep in the middle of the night and was strolling on the streets. He was killed by someone …"

Listening to their conversation, Lu Xiang knew that the foreigner who had died was both a substitute for Ghost Boss this year — and a substitute for Easy Life. Once again hugging Yi Lu, Lu Xiang buried his head into Yi Lu's neck, feeling her warmth and her heartbeat.

"What are you doing …" Yi Lu thumped Lu Xiang's chest, "I can barely breathe …"

"It's nothing." Lu Xiang loosened his arm and rubbed Yi Lu's head, "Today's makeup is all over."

"What did you say?!" Yi Lu screamed and quickly took out the mirror. "Where is it? Are you lying to me again …"

"Hahaha …" Looking at Yi Lu's fuming little face, Lu Xiang finally frowned and laughed out loud, "Little fool …"

"Howl …" The little train's whistle sounded again in the tunnel, and the two extra seats had somehow disappeared without anyone noticing.

Lu Xiang was staring at Yi Lu, who was radiating energy all around, with a happy smile on his face. When Yi Lu cast her gaze in the direction of his back, the smile on Lu Xiang's face disappeared and turned into a heavy, unwavering determination. In his hands, he tightly held the slightly warm Soul Devouring Orb.

(End of Ghost Town, by detective Lu Xiang)

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