Underworld King/C14 Unbelievable
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Underworld King/C14 Unbelievable
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C14 Unbelievable

After driving along the brightly lit street for a distance, they reached a fork in the road. Soon, he saw a signboard that read 'Xi Men Car' in front of him.

At this point, the monkey did not dare to enter and stopped.

"Drive it in." I ordered.

Monkey gritted his teeth. He wanted to say something several times, but I glared at him. In the end, he could only head towards the west gate with great trepidation.

The door was closed. There was a security room inside, guarded by two people.

"Brother Long's car is back, Brother Long is back." The guard rushed out of the security room and opened the metal door.

As we drove in, I noticed that Monkey's hands were trembling as he held the wheel.

Inside the garage, I took a closer look.

Although it wasn't that grand, but it was still quite good for a gang to have such a nest.

In front of him was a field the size of a football field. Behind the sports field was a five story building. On the right side of the building was a garage. It was filled to the brim with motorcycles, cars, and trucks. To the right were some abandoned cars, as well as some broken cars. Several people were painting and welding a car. Sparks flew from the electric welding, illuminating their oily black hands.

"The one with the surname Long, your nest is not bad." I said. " However, this will be our home from now on. "

Flying Dragon let out a hoarse laugh, "I don't care about this place. I never treat this place as my home, I have my own luxurious villa. If you want to treat him as a writer, you can have him. But I'm afraid you only want his life. "Hahaha!" After he finished, he laughed hoarsely again.

I sneered, "Really? I never think about that kind of thing that I would rather die for. I only think about what I can take. "

"I really admire your courage, but aren't you being too arrogant? Do you know how many people there are inside?"

"How much?"

"At least two hundred."

With that said, Monkey's hands trembled even more violently.

"Brother Bao, let's go."

I rolled my eyes at him and ignored him.

"Brother Long, Brother Long." Outside, a few members of the Azure Dragon Gang gathered around, respectfully and enthusiastically shouting. I don't think even his mother would be so enthusiastic. It was a pity that only the inside of the car could see what was going on inside. The people outside couldn't even see what was going on inside. Otherwise, if they saw that their boss was paralyzed, they would smash the car and hack down at me.

I pulled out a cigarette, lit it, took a long drag, and looked back. "That guy, is he on the phone? Give him the phone and tell him to call all the dogs out."

A few people stared at me with their eyes wide open, almost falling out of their sockets. The monkey was even more exaggerated. Its eyelids were all rolled up and it looked like it was rolling its eyes.

"Brother Bao, y-are you crazy?" His voice trembled violently.

"Cut the crap, give it to him." I ordered again.

The yellow-haired boy behind him was stunned for a long time before he took out his phone and handed it to Fei Tianlong.

The wyvern's thick lips, covered in blood, revealed an idiotic smile.

"I didn't expect you to court death yourself. Fine, I'll grant you that wish." After a phone call, all the lights in the five story building suddenly came on. The lights in the playground were also turned on, instantly lighting up the area around us.

Immediately after, hurried and violent footsteps sounded from upstairs and downstairs, cursing.

"Brother Long has been kidnapped, hurry and save him."

I looked at the crowd rushing out of the building and said again, "Hey Long, call the rest of you."

Everyone froze again, looking at me like I was an idiot.

"You, you really want to die?" "Alright." Fei Tianlong continued to make calls. Soon, the sound of motorcycles and cars came from outside. Countless people swarmed over.

The two sides combined could be said to be like three layers on the inside and three on the outside, surrounding our poor car so tightly that not even a drop of water could leak out.

"It's dead. It's definitely dead this time." Monkey leaned over the steering wheel and whined.

"Is everyone here? How many are there? " I asked, flicking my cigarette.

"It's about time, there's definitely no less than 500 people. Hmm hmph, just how are you four going to fight?" The Wyvern sneered.

"No, I'm alone." I pressed my cigarette into the ashtray in the car.

"You're crazy." After staring blankly for a long time, the wyvern finally spat out a sentence, "If you get off the car, you will be hacked into a pile of dregs."

"Thanks for the reminder." "I threw away my cigarette and turned around to look at my two brothers who were pale." "Hey, you two, what's your name?"

The two fellows were stunned, the yellow-haired man quickly said: "Brother Bao, I, everyone else calls me Huang." "Actually, I have a name …"

"Forget about your name, it's too much trouble to remember. Since others are calling you yellow cub, then I'll call you yellow cub as well." And the other one? "

"Brother Bao, you …, you can just call me Mudskipper." His voice was trembling, and his face was ashen. It seemed that he was quite frightened.

"Alright, I'll remember your names. Now, remember my words, you are witnesses to the rise of the Twin Bars on West Peak Street, and I don't think you will ever forget this day. "

"Yes, yes, Brother Bao." The two men replied with trembling voices.

"Open the door! Open the door!" People were crowding in outside, slapping at the car with their hands.

Since it was only a flying dragon carriage, they didn't dare to use their blades to slash at it.

I wiped my hair and said to Monkey who was trembling, "Call the baldy and the curly hair and have them rush over."

Monkey could no longer speak. He could only weakly nod his head.

"Alright, I'm going out. You guys sit inside and don't move." With that, I shot out my foot.

With a "hong" sound, the car body suddenly swayed, and the car door was forcefully separated from the car and flew out.

The people crowded on top of the door were hit by the impact, floating up into the black night sky like a broken leaf in a storm. Then, with a loud 'bang' sound, a few screams tore through the night sky, drifting towards the dark and gloomy direction.


An hour later, Baldy and Curly Hair came back with a dozen brothers. There were originally more than 20 of them. After hearing that he had to face four to five hundred people in the old nest of the Azure Dragon Gang, the timid ones slipped away halfway.

When they entered the West Gate, they could not believe what they were seeing.

Blades and sticks were strewn all over the ground, while people were all over the ground. His ears were filled with moans and cries of pain. He struggled feebly in pain.

Baldy and the others felt chills down their spines.

"What, what's going on?" Curly looked at the baldy in astonishment.

The baldy didn't seem to hear him as he muttered to himself, "The Century of Dilemma has happened here."

"What century of trouble? There's a car over there, let's go take a look." Curly ran to the car.

In the car, there were also a few dying, foaming mouths hanging in disarray.

"Monkey, yellow kid, beheaded. How come you guys are inside? Where's Brother Bao? " Curly Hair asked loudly as he noticed Monkey and the others in the car. With this question, the ten or so people from Baldy immediately rushed over.

Inside the car, Monkey was smoking vigorously. His eyes widened in disbelief.

He was still shaking, and even more than before. His hands were shaking, his feet were shaking, even his lips were trembling, and the cigarette was jumping in his mouth as if he might drop it if he wasn't careful.

"Monkey, I'm asking you a question. Where's Brother Bao?" The baldy roared.

"Brother Bao, he … he … he …"

"He he he, he your head, you idiot, what happened?" Baldy rushed into the car and gave the monkey an idiotic smack.

"He's not human." Monkey finally said the last few words.

"Who, who's not human?"

"Bao-ge is not human, he is not human. These people were all put down by him alone. "

"What? Impossible?" Curly was the first to express his disbelief. He looked at the moaning people all over the place and mouthed them over and over again

He said again, "How is this possible, this is impossible, you are absolutely an idiot."

"If you don't believe me, ask them." Monkey looked behind him.

In the back, even before anyone else could ask, Yellow Ox and Mad Head had already nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice.

Curly Hair still couldn't accept this fact. Many people couldn't accept it, but Baldy seemed to accept it. He jumped out of the car and yelled towards the sky, "Ah!" "Brother Bao, our idol." After shouting, his bald head went back into the car, "Where is Brother Bao now?"

"Inside." Monkey's heart seemed to have calmed down, and his speech seemed to have become much smoother.

"Alive or dead?"

"I don't know." The monkey replied with a trembling voice.

"What an idiot." Baldy cursed and then rushed towards the building.

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