Underworld King/C18 Communion
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Underworld King/C18 Communion
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C18 Communion

"Cheers!" Three months later, in the biggest restaurant on West Gate Street, Immortals Gathering Hotel. All the senior members of the Twin Rod Party were gathered together, shouting and cheering as they celebrated the victory of the Twin Rod Party over the North Road in just three months, making it one of the biggest gangs on West Street.

"Brother Bao, Brother Bao, we're all here to pay our respects to Brother Bao." Bareheaded and drunk, he raised his glass and shouted, "May Brother Bao lead us on to glory and sweep through West Gate Street. "Sweeping away the cities, sweeping across Earth, dominating the world."

"Why don't you just fucking sweep the universe? What's going on with you? " I slapped the kid until he was shaking.

Actually, I don't like this kind of situation, but since I'm going to lead these hoodlums onto a path that won't bring disaster to the people, since I'm mixed up with them, I have to do some things as well. Unfortunately, that group of beauties didn't come because they didn't want to come. They said that in these three months, they wouldn't do anything and didn't have the face to drink this celebration wine.

This is indeed the case. In these three months of killing and hacking, I never let those girls take action. I only let Jiang Li train them herself.

The reason I did it was simple. I didn't want to bring them into this mess. I don't even know why I'm messing around with these hoodlums. Initially, they were just angry because they didn't like those men from the Green Dragon Gang bullying people. Thus, they brought this group of people to mess around. He became the biggest gang on the North West Side Road.

Today, I was even fantasizing about using some underhanded tricks to make those beauties leave by themselves.

"Brother Bao, let's drink. What are you thinking about?" Baldy and Curly Hair once again rushed over with a huge smell of alcohol.

I pushed them away and was about to curse when my eyes suddenly lit up. The familiar face in my eyes is expanding.

"Jarth?" I couldn't help but cry out and rush forward. I didn't drink much, but I did. Furthermore, I, who have always been unable to handle alcohol, felt my eyes go blurry. I treated the beautiful lady who resembled my former lover as my own lover.

When the group of brothers saw me rushing towards the beauties, they all started to clamor.

"CAO, this is the first time I've seen Bao-ge flirting with a girl."

I ignored their coaxing and rushed forward to grab the beauty. "Ya Si …"

"Ah, hooligan!" A scream, then a snap, and my face burned with pain.

After this slap, the brothers behind him all rushed over with a "hong" sound. Some of them even picked up their stools.

Baldy picked up a chicken leg and smashed it towards that beauty, "Stinky 3 or 8, you dare to hit Bao-ge?"

"What are you guys doing?" A tall and handsome male student next to the beauty shouted at us while standing in front of her, "Don't come over here again, come over to me again … I'm calling the police." Speaking of which, he actually took out his cell phone.

"Screw your head." The stool and phone both smashed down miserably.

The boy screamed and fell to the ground. His phone was already in a mess.

"Everyone stop!" I hastily stopped the violent maniacs. At the same time, he came to his senses. He had been awakened by that slap.

After waking up, I realized that the beautiful woman in front of me was the same person I had seen that night. When I looked closely, I realized that she was just like my former lover, not exactly the same. Even if it was similar, it still made my heart surge. An inexplicable emotion surged in my heart.

When she saw the boy fall to the ground, she cried out in fear and rushed forward to support him. She felt a surge of jealousy in her heart. I really wish I could immediately turn that boy into a eunuch. Of course, I didn't do that.

"Take him away." I said lightly to the beauty.

The beauty's frightened eyes looked at us for a moment before she hurriedly helped the boy to escape.

"Brother Bao, are we letting them go just like that?" Curly Hair came over with a depressed look on his face. "That girl is so perfect. How good would it be to leave her behind?"

"You only know about beauties." I pushed him away with one hand and said to the monkey, "Monkey."

"Hello, Brother Bao. What orders do you have?" Monkey, whose face had turned red due to the alcohol, quickly walked over.

"Go, investigate the origin of that girl."

"No problem, I'll go immediately tomorrow."

"What tomorrow? Go now. I want to know the result tomorrow morning." I can't wait any longer. She already has a boy by her side. If I'm not in a hurry, I won't even need to play anymore.

"Brother Bao, it can't be, right now, both of you …" Monkey's face turned bitter. He obviously didn't want to go right now. But under the pressure of my white eyes, he reluctantly put down his glass and went out.

"What are we still standing at the door for? Let's go back and drink." As soon as I finished, Curly started shouting.

"What do you want to drink? "It's boring. Brother Bao, it would be more interesting if you could call those beauties over to drink together."

Speaking of beauties, beauties had arrived. Two had come. It was Lin Lin and Li Hong.

The arrival of the beautiful lady did not make them excited. Instead, they widened their eyes in shock.

His hair was disheveled, his clothes were tattered, and there were traces of blood on his body. When they saw us, their eyes filled with tears.

Without asking, he already knew that something had happened to these women.

"CAO, who made you guys into this state, I'll annihilate his entire family!" The baldy roared, picked up a bottle of wine and rushed out.

"You don't know the reason? Who are you going to destroy?"

Hearing my words, the baldy stopped and turned around. He loudly asked the two beauties, "Who bullied you two? Speak, your Big Bro Baldy will avenge you all. "

"And me, me, me …" A bunch of perverts rushed forward, all wanting to be the greatest protector of all.

"Wa …!" Not only did the two beauties not answer the questions of the crowd, they even started crying. And she was crying very loudly, as if she was really hurt. "Hurry up and go save Big Sister Jiang Li and the others."

"What? What happened to Jiang Li and the others?" The baldy's group immediately became a mob of questions.

"All of you, scram!" I can't stand it any longer. I don't need to act like this in front of a beautiful woman. In this case, it would only delay the matter and would not benefit him in any way.

A group of people hurried to get out of the way of my angry roar, leaving me and two crying beauties in the middle of it.

"What is going on?" I asked slowly.

The two beauties raised their teary, beautiful faces, "Brother Han, Brother Bao …" Linlin cried as she said, "Big Sis Jiang brought us to deal with the executioners' council …?"

"What?" It's one of the best gangs on the south road. What are you going to do with them? Who told you to deal with it? " I asked in astonishment.

"It's, it's a river …" "No, we sisters have to go ourselves."

Who would believe that you would go without your elder sister, Jiang Li.

"Today is a celebration for us, the Twin Bars, and we really want to join in. "But we don't have the face to come, so …"

"So, you want to do one thing to prove that you're all amazing and then come to the celebration in glory, right?" Before they could finish their sentence, I angrily interrupted them, "What a bunch of brainless, big-chested idiots. Do you really think fighting and killing gangs is just a game?" With your little abilities, you actually dared to go to the Executioner's Guild. Why are your chests so big, why don't you have more brains? "

The moment I got angry, I started cursing nonstop. This time, the two girls cried even more fiercely, "Brother Bao, we were wrong. I beg you, please save Sister Jiang and the rest."

These words actually reminded me, seeing that only two of them managed to escape in such a sorry state, the other ten probably fell into someone else's hands. Ten beauties, he thought. He really had lost a lot of money being taken by others.

"Where are they?"

"It's at the Red Dragonfly Bar at the southern end of the road …"

"Let's go. Bring us there." I rushed out first, and the group of people behind me immediately followed, shouting and shouting. The Twin Bladed Party was no longer a hooligan who had been trampled on by others three months ago. It was a hooligan with a strong bullish aura.

"What are you all doing here? If no one is left behind to guard the old lair, then no one has to be afraid of others bringing the old lair to its end! " After walking outside, I turned around and said to Baldy and the rest.

When Curly Hair heard this, he immediately rushed forward and hugged the baldy's shoulder. He smiled contemptuously and said, "Baldy, this matter of guarding the headquarters is extremely important, and the mission is extremely difficult." Other than Brother Bao, I'm afraid you are the only one here who can shoulder this heavy responsibility. "

Hearing this, the baldy's mouth split open, "That's right, Brother Bao, leave the guarding to me. As long as my baldy is here, I will be absolutely safe."

"Alright then." I nodded in agreement. "Curly, bring fifty of our brothers with you."

"Yes, Brother Bao." Curly Hair smiled even more and shouted loudly, "Brothers, it's time to be a man. The beauties are eagerly waiting for our rescue. Those who are not afraid of death, follow me."

With a "Hua La" sound, a large group of people swarmed behind the curly hair.

The baldy seemed to understand something and fiercely patted his head, "A hero saves a beauty?" Oh my, how could I have forgotten this … "Brother Bao, Brother Bao, I feel that saving others is even more difficult. I'm afraid that I cannot accomplish this task."

"Scram!" I kicked the bald man away with one foot and ran toward the Red Dragonfly on the South Road.

The furry hair behind him mocked the baldy and the group of brothers as they aggressively followed. Everywhere they passed, the pedestrians would move out of the way, as if they were trying to avoid a god of pests.

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