Underworld King/C8 Escape from Disaster
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Underworld King/C8 Escape from Disaster
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C8 Escape from Disaster

I suddenly woke up and was about to run away. A beautiful figure suddenly descended from the sky and stood fifty meters away, looking at the corpse from afar.

"It's over." I screamed in my heart. I knew very well that with that witch's abilities, as long as I moved, she would be able to detect my movements and then quickly notice me.

"You, why aren't you leaving?" Luo Sha's face was pale as he growled.

"Do you want to die? Can I move now? I can only continue to hide. " As I spoke, I quickly lowered myself and hid in the darkness.

"You, you, it's all your fault, why didn't you run when she went up?"

When I heard that, I got angry, "You are f * cking blaming this daddy. This daddy hasn't blamed you yet? If it wasn't for you just now yelling about going up and asking all sorts of questions, I would have left this damn place by now. You, you better fucking shut up now! "

"Hmph, these stinking men deserve to die. Any man who wants to touch me and I'm not interested in him will die." On the other side, the witch was ferociously roaring at the dead people. It's better if she roars like this. Once she roars out loud, there will definitely be people coming over to watch the show. Or there will be some patrolling police officers coming over to interrogate her. What drove me mad was that not only did she yell, but the lights in one window after another dimmed down, far and near, where I could hear the noise.

F * ck me!

"Then, Miss Pearl, what will happen to the man you fell for after touching you?" the black cat asked with a trembling voice.

"A man I like?" The witch muttered to herself, then suddenly shouted as if she had just eaten a bomb, "Zhang Junbao, you stinking man, where are you? If you don't come out, I will make you beg for death! "

This woman was going crazy again. Even if she's a Heavenly Immortal, I wouldn't dare to take a hundred of her.

"Miss Pearl, it might be useless to call her like this, or my big brother might not be here." The mouse spoke carefully.

"Then where did he go?" the witch shouted, and then nervously stamped her foot, "Well, I don't care where he goes, even if he goes to the ends of the earth he won't be able to escape me. "Zhang Junbao, just you wait. When you see it, let's see how I'll deal with you."

My back was drenched in cold sweat. My eyes were staring fixedly at the witch's jade hand that was unfolding.

She spread out her hand and a white light appeared in the center of her palm. Then, the light scattered in a V shape, as if a pure white snow lotus had bloomed in the night.

Dazzling white light illuminated the beautiful pearl face. As far as the eyes could see, it was filled with beauties and beauties. However, who would have thought that it was such a beautiful lady that caused the two men to tremble in the darkness?

Embarrassment … Embarrassment … I've never been so useless since I started cultivating.

He felt ashamed in his heart, but the astonishment in his eyes gradually deepened. In the heart of the V shaped white light was a pure white lotus that slowly rotated and floated.

"Tracking Flower?" I was shocked. I finally understood why she couldn't get rid of that witch. She had still chased me all the way to Earth. So it turned out that she had obtained the tracking flower of one of her father's three great treasures.

Tracking Flower, Immortal World Tracking number one treasure. It was tracking based on energy and true essence.

Every cultivator would have energy and true essence as they cultivated deeper. Besides strength, there was no difference at all.

But because each person's cultivation type didn't change in the slightest, as well as the difference in cultivation method, habits, body structure, and so on, each person's true essence had their own unique characteristics.

Humans couldn't tell the difference between them. What they could tell was the difference between the strong and the weak. As long as it came into contact with someone, it would be able to follow its master's will and find them according to their unique true essence. Even if you hid in the ground, you wouldn't be able to avoid them. The only way is to seal your true essence and turn yourself into an ordinary person.

Of course, the tracking range of the Tracking Flower was limited. Within a thousand miles, it would be completely helpless if it ran out of this range.

But now, let alone a thousand miles away from that witch, I don't even have a thousand meters.

What should he do? The moment that flower flies into the air, it will definitely crash onto my head, and we'll be finished by then.

If I don't do it, I won't rest. I hardened my heart and activated my mental cultivation technique to seal my true essence.

Above my head, the Raksha King, who was controlled by restrictions, became excited as I sealed my true essence. Because the seal's true essence directly weakened the restrictions, he was completely able to break out.

Indeed, the Rakshasi King would not give up such an opportunity. As my true essence weakened, his true essence continuously hit against the barrier. "Boom!" A stream of black smoke shot up from my head. The Raksha King had already escaped my control.

"Hahaha, laozi is free now. Zhang Junbao, go to hell.

I smiled contemptuously and scolded, "Idiot, isn't running out here looking for death? What's even more stupid is what's called it? It seems like it's really idiotic. "

He might have been too happy to shout so suddenly.

Indeed, just as I expected, before Raksha King's laughter could fade away, a golden light flashed across the sky as a rope instantly wrapped around his body and violently pulled him towards the ground.

With a boom, smoke and dust filled the air. The huge body of the Rakshasi King heavily smashed into the ground, creating a huge crater on the painted asphalt.

"Aiyo, oh …" Rakshasi loudly moaned in pain, cold sweat beading on his forehead.

"Immortal Binding Rope." It was her father's treasure again. That old man was quite generous, he gave all the treasures to her precious daughter.

That's the rope I'm afraid of. In terms of strength, even if there were ten Pearl Enchantress, I wouldn't put it in my eyes. But this rope is her father's treasure, I can't do anything about it.

"Who are you?" Pearl asked harshly as she looked at the grinning Raksha King on the ground.

The Rakshasi King suddenly trembled and endured the pain as he looked at the pearl beauty.

Upon seeing this, Pearl's beautiful eyebrows wrinkled, "Eh, I think I've seen it somewhere before."

"No, we've never met, definitely not!" The Rakshasi King shook his head like a rattle, and his face was frighteningly white.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, definitely!"

"Oh, if that's the case, then forget it."

"Hehe, forget it, forget it. I can leave now." The Rakshasi King let out a laugh that was worse than crying as he scrambled to leave.

"Stop, are you still tied up by my rope?"

When the Rakshasi King saw this, he really wanted to hug his head and cry.

"Hehe, beautiful fairy, your excellency has many things to offer, you have a merciful heart …"

"Shut up." Pearl sternly interrupted the Rakshasi King, "I heard you were Zhang Junbao just now. Which Zhang Junbao?"

At first, the Rakshasi King was surprised, but then he happily said, "Oh, I know, it's that Zhang Junbao you're looking for."

Bastard actually betrayed your father when I cut your mother.

Hearing this, the beautiful pearl girl's eyes immediately lit up, and she placed her hands on her chest, in the shape of a heart, and shouted loudly, "Ah! I finally found him!"

"Where's my big brother?" This was what the black cat and the white mouse had rushed over to ask. These two beasts have completely sold themselves to beg for the honor of helping that witch find me.

"He's hiding there." The Raksha King hurriedly pointed to the place where I was hiding.

"Ah, Zhang Junbao, get out here for me!" The witch screamed in excitement and rushed over. The flesh in my heart.

"Big brother, big brother." A cat and a mouse hopped over.

However, when they reached their destination, there was nothing around them other than a few disgusting corpses piled up together.

"Xiao Han, Zhang Junbao, come out, come out quickly!" The Enchantress cried out, but there was no other echo in the field other than her own.

After calling out a big battle formation, he also searched for a while. Finally, after finding nothing, he vented his anger on the Raksha King.

"How dare you deceive me. Do you know what happens when you deceive me?" His voice was stern, and his jade-like face was shining with a cold light. This scared Luo Sha, who was trembling all over.

"Miss, precious and beautiful lady, I didn't lie to you. I really didn't lie to you. We were hiding there just now."

"You and him? How did you end up with him? "

"I was controlled by him. When you released that flower, he sealed his true essence all of a sudden, causing the restrictions on my control to weaken. Only then did I escape." Raksha King hurriedly explained.

After listening to her explanation, Pearl's Beautiful Beauty raised her eyebrows, "Seal true essence?" God, he could even do that to avoid my stalking flowers. This, this is too much! " She was full of joy, but now her face was full of anger, "Zhang Junbao, one day I will find you. When that time comes, I … I will tear you into eight pieces, and I will dig out your heart to eat your flesh!"

After saying this, he turned around and roared at the cat and mouse, "Let's go!"

"Go, go where?"

"Go find that damned Zhang Junbao."

"Then, then what about this person?"

"Drag him away until we find Zhang Junbao."

"Oh." The black cat promised and jumped over to bite the other end of the rope. Its four legs dragged Raksha King Juechen along …

Go. It was a joke. A kitten dragging its huge body could run so fast that people would definitely think it was the sun rising from the west. It was unbelievable.

Since the little white mouse had nothing to do, it jumped on top of the Raksha King and started sniffing with its nose. It was sniffing for my scent.

"Aiyo, aiyo, Big Brother Cat, Grandpa Cat, slow down a bit." I'm going to lose my skin. "

"Big Brother Mouse, I'm a human, not a mouse. I can't kiss your mouth!"

"Ah, help!"


The screams of the Rakshasi King got further and further away. Finally, when it completely disappeared, I heaved a sigh of relief and crawled out from under the three corpses.

Just now, when I was in a hurry and while no one was looking, I quickly ran to the three corpses and covered myself tightly. Finally, I escaped this calamity.

F * ck, that was close. These days are simply not a human's life. If this continues, I might go crazy.

He turned his head to look at the three badly mutilated corpses. Thinking back to how he had climbed down there just now, he felt a chill down his spine, and a cold wind began to blow on his back.

I wouldn't have gotten under the dead if I'd been beaten to death. I had no choice in an emergency.

Resisting my nausea, I hastily took off my clothes that were covered in blood, took out a new set of clothes from my storage belt, and changed into them. Only after working for a while did my heart calm down.

But very quickly, his heart shuddered once more.

The vile words that the witch had said before she left were now clearly floating in her ears.

"Zhang Junbao, one day I will find you. When the time comes, I … I will tear you into eight pieces and dig out your heart to eat your flesh!"

Even though, she can't really dig out my heart and eat my flesh. But I know that this perverted devil will definitely beat me to death.

From my personal analysis, and from my long observation, this woman suffered from mild schizophrenia, severe intermittent anger disorder, and extreme personality disorder. There seemed to be quite a lot of illness. If there was a chance, he had to get her to a mental hospital.

As I thought this, I quickened my pace toward the other end.

In the distance, as the journey lengthened, scattered lights began to appear.

It was just outside the city, so it was naturally very lonely. I think I'm now gradually entering the city center.

The bazaar was a bazaar, and it was not as deserted as the suburbs. Although it was already late at night and most of the shops along the street were closed, some of the snacks prepared for the night were busy doing business.

My stomach began to feel hungry as I looked at the restaurants and the customers who were tasting the food.

He had once heard people say that one could turn a blind eye to the world after a cultivation ascension and lose their appetite. This was pure bullshit. No matter how much he ascended, he was still a human. People still had to eat. If he didn't eat anything, then he would just die. Similarly, there was also desire. If there was no desire, then he was just a piece of wood. Was he even a human?

I walked into a busy street and looked for my target in the various lights.

I like peace and quiet, so I found a relatively deserted shop.

There were only a few people in the store watching TV and eating pancakes, while the midnight news was being played on the television. On the news, it was the hot news that the famous celebrity Guo Qingqing had been kidnapped and then rescued. Many reporters were holding all kinds of speakers. All kinds of cameras and cameras surrounded her so tightly that not even a drop of water could trickle through. She even asked one question after another, making it impossible for anyone to answer.

I've never been interested in these celebrities, not three hundred years ago, and now.

I went into the shop and sat down at a separate table and called to the boss.

An old man came out from the kitchen, "Sir, please take a seat, what would you like to eat?" After asking this question, the old man shouted towards the inside, "Xiaolan, come greet the guest."

"Oh, grandpa is here." Following a sweet voice, a fifteen to sixteen year old beauty jumped out of the kitchen. She was wearing a green dress with two long ponytails at the back. There were two cute dimples on her oval face.

"Big brother, please drink some tea." When the little girl came out, she poured me a cup of tea and served it to me with a suffocating sense of youth.

"Thank you, give me a bowl of noodles." I smiled and accepted the tea.

"Alright, please wait a moment." The old man agreed readily and went into the kitchen.

While I was waiting, I glanced at the shop. It wasn't very big, probably only the old man and the beautiful girl were there.

Soon, the noodles were served.

The smell seemed very fragrant, but it only tasted ordinary. No wonder there were few customers here.

"Old man, come out!"

I was eating when a shout came from behind me, followed by a thump and the sound of a stool being kicked down. The sound startled me. Hurriedly turning his head, he saw two men wearing strange T-shirts, bare-chested, with a green dragon pricked on each of their arms. There's no need to ask, I'm already guessing that these two brats are hooligans.

Hearing the shout, the old man hurriedly ran out with an unnatural smile on his face.

"Brothers, please take a seat!"

I almost spat out the noodles that I just ate. I say, aren't you too exaggerated? You're already so old, and you still call me big brother, what kind of world is this?

"Cut the crap. Protection fee, bring it over."

When I heard this, I was stunned for a moment.

He had only seen it on TV before, but he had never seen it before. It was his first time seeing it today.

"Eh, brothers, didn't we just get married?" The old man was in a bit of a dilemma.

"What do you mean just handed it in? That's from last month, now it's for this month. Stop nagging, 500, hurry up." A hoodlum roared ferociously as he raised his foot and crushed a stool with a bang.

There were a few customers inside, but after seeing this scene, they quickly paid the bill and left. It seemed that everyone was afraid of these hooligans.

I continued to eat, ignoring them.

"This … My two big brothers, this store is a small one. Moreover, we, the grandfather and grandson, only rely on this small amount of money to survive. The two of you, charge us daily fees, we …"

"Cut the f * cking crap. Old man, do you want to die?" "A hoodlum suddenly pushed the old man." With a "hua la" sound, the old man staggered and almost fell onto the table.

"Grandfather, grandfather." The little beauty was probably hiding inside and didn't dare to come out. When she heard the noise, she seemed to realize that something had happened to her grandfather, so she hurriedly rushed out to support the old man. "I beg you, please let my grandfather go. We really don't have any money."

When the two hoodlums saw the little beauty, their eyes immediately lit up, and an evil smile appeared on their faces.

"Hehe, old man Xu, your granddaughter is getting more and more intelligent."

"You, what do you want to do?" The old man cried out in alarm as he hurriedly protected the little beauty, who stared at him with wide eyes and appeared behind him in fear.

"What is it? "Old man Xu, as long as your granddaughter accompanies us out for fun, we'll forget about this month's protection fee."

"No." The old man refused.

"F * ck your mother, die!" One of the hooligans threw half of the cigarette in his mouth, picked up the chopsticks on the table and threw them at the old man.

"Ah!" The little beauty let out a sharp scream.

Of course, the little beauty's worries were unnecessary. The little hooligan's chopper didn't fall down because I had grabbed it tightly by the wrist.

Even though 99.9% of my primeval essence is sealed, with the remaining 0.1%, to ordinary people, I am still a martial arts expert. I am still more than capable of dealing with these ordinary people.

"Aiyo, aiyo, don't be f * cking nosy." The hoodlum grimaced in pain, but he didn't forget to let out a tough roar.

I coldly swept a glance at him before taking down the chopsticks in his hand and placing them on the table. "Young man, did your mother not teach you to respect and respect your elders and children?" "Why are you bullying the elderly and children?"

"You are f * cking courting death!" The other punk suddenly swore and threw a stool at my head.

"Big brother, be careful." The little beauty screamed in surprise.

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