Underworld Tycoon/C10 Aromasia
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Underworld Tycoon/C10 Aromasia
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C10 Aromasia

Rowena said in despair, "No! I beg you to let me go!"

Zhao Tieru decisively said, "It's impossible to let you go. If you did well, I can consider letting you go."

One of the hooligans laughed obscenely, "Big Brother Niu, I heard that you have amazing kung fu skills in bed. You can go there five times in one night. Look at the beautiful scenery. Firstly, we should pursue the excitement in the wild and experience the happiness on the other side. Secondly, we should personally experience Big Brother Niu's manliness. After learning a little, we can benefit from it and show off our prowess in front of women. Just now, we were just looking forward to the performance of this chick and that idiot's show. We were looking forward to your performance, Big Brother Niu. "

When they thought about it carefully, they felt that this kind of stimulation really made them look forward to it. They had never tried going to Wu Mountain with women in the wilderness before, and had seen these two dog and dog trying to do that kind of thing in the wilderness. Now that they had mountains, water, and beauties, Zhao Tieniu believed that it would be even more exciting if he replaced that little fool.

Zhao Tieru looked at Luo Lina in a daze, and said to the two hooligans beside him, "You two put this little beauty on the ground, so you can see how a real man can show off his might." Haha, look carefully, study well! I'm definitely going to be more powerful and invincible than the male lead in the A movie.

A big movie was about to be put on. Zhao Tieniu and Luo Lina were the lead actors. They were about to put on an old cow and eat young grass.

At this moment, she was being pressed down to the ground by two dark faced delinquents. The dress on her chest had already been torn apart, revealing her snow-white skin, and her white dress was also lifted up. Zhao Tieniu, who was standing in front of her, had already taken off his pants with a lewd smile, wanting to do whatever it was he was doing.

"Let her go!" Li Wenbin let out an angry roar, his eyes were quickly bloodshot. However, when those two hooligans stepped on Li Wenbin, Li Wenbin was unable to break free even after using all his strength.

Zhao Tieru stretched out his hand to caress Luo Lina's private parts. He then turned to Luo Lina and said, "F * ck, you slut. Take a look at this and see what it is. Actually, you already wanted it, right? Haha! "Don't worry, Big Brother will definitely let you feel great."

Looking at the object in Zhao Tieru's hand, Luo Lina's face turned red. She felt extremely ashamed. Was she really a bad woman? Was his own chastity, which he had kept for 16 years, dedicated to this vulgar, dirty man?

He really wanted to give his first time to the one he loved the most. It seemed that he couldn't do it now, but he would never give his first time to someone like Zhao Tieniu. What could he do to save him now? Unless …

She forced a smile and glanced at Li Wenbin. How she wished she could be with Li Wenbin forever, but it was too bad, dear Brother Wenbin, if there was a next life, I would still be your girlfriend, and we would spend it together, loving each other, and trying to be a happy couple.

Luo Lina gritted her teeth and said with a determined face, "Rascal, you beast, even if I die, I will not let you succeed."

Then, as if he had lost all courage to live in this beautiful world, he suddenly bit down hard, and a large amount of blood gushed out from his mouth. His head tilted, and his arms hung limply by his sides.

A hooligan stood beside Luo Lina and looked at her. He turned around and said to Zhao Tieru, "Big Brother Niu, she bit her tongue and committed suicide."

Pow! Zhao Tieru slapped Luo Lina on the face and said coldly, "F * * k, you actually spoiled my sexuality, causing me to be unable to quell my anger. You still have to run back to the city to find a woman. That is unforgivable."

Zhao Tieru saw Luo Lina's body slowly turn cold, and blood was still flowing out of her mouth. Zhao Tieru let go of Luo Lina, and in his heart, he felt proud. It was such a pity that he died before he could get on his horse with his spear. How could she protect consciousness from her flirtation? Could it be that my skills have decreased recently and I am helpless against a little beauty? Sigh, looks like I am really getting old.

The four hooligans were greatly surprised to see this kind of situation. They had originally wanted to see Zhao Tieniu display his manly prowess, and an exciting movie was about to begin, but this kind of feeling was much more realistic and exciting than watching a movie. The most important thing was that the male and female protagonists themselves knew each other, and they felt a sense of familiarity.

He didn't expect that this little beauty would be so pure and bite her tongue to save her chastity to say goodbye to this beautiful and seductive world. He really couldn't understand why there was such a girl now. Weren't girls all very open-minded now? The four hooligans felt that it was a great pity to miss out on such a large scene that was likely to be unprecedented and would never happen again.

Li Wenbin felt as if his heart had been cut by a knife. He had not expected that Luo Lina would be so chaste, so touched and sad. Since then, he had been separated from her Yin and Yang.

Li Wenbin quickly ran over and hugged Luo Lina. His left hand quickly pressed against Luo Lina's chest and temporarily stopped the bleeding. Li Wenbin saw tears flowing from the corner of Luo Lina's eyes. His face was filled with fear, pain, helplessness, unwillingness and yearning for a better world.

Seeing Luo Lina acting like this, Li Wenbin's heart ached to the point of wanting to die. With tears streaming down his face, he said, "Little Sister Lina, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't protect you properly. I deserve to die."

Luo Lina was not completely dead yet. When she heard Li Wenbin's shout, she actually slowly opened her eyes and gave him a sad and beautiful smile. She then looked at Li Wenbin with a pair of eyes that seemed to say, "Brother Wen Bin, don't be sad, don't be sad. I am very happy that I did not let that beast succeed. I am willing to give up everything for you without any regrets.

Love is a kind of feeling, even pain can feel happy; love is a kind of feeling, even heartbreak can feel sweet. Love is a kind of experience, even if broken will feel beautiful, I have your love, I have nothing else in this life.

Li Wenbin understood what Luo Lina was saying from her eyes and nodded. It was very normal for two people who loved each other to reach the "Intent Proficiency" stage.

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