Unique Martial Sovereign/C1 Transit
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Unique Martial Sovereign/C1 Transit
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C1 Transit

Although he had closed his eyes and appeared to be resting, he was actually thinking about that battle which had shocked the entire Hua Xia Martial Arts Forest. Silver Feather had been the champion of that competition three years ago, Silver Feather against Ren Tianxing, the world's number one martial artist under the heavens. Baili Xuesu was the first champion of the competition, and his martial prowess could be said to have reached the acme of perfection. Even Wu Lin had recognized him as the strongest martial artist in the world.

Before this, no one had ever known him, because he had no sect or sect, and his martial arts skills were all created in a moment of inspiration. This was all thanks to Silver Feather, a master of the art of life and death, a martial arts master, Hong Fist, and a martial arts master that could be said to be the best in China. Of course, there was no connection between the martial arts and the state of the art.

Martial arts, on the other hand, was the main thing. It emphasized drawing qi into one's body and training qi through them. True qi penetrated one's body, and from top to bottom, there were all kinds of deadly weapons.

The reason why Silver Feather was able to create his own martial arts was to watch his good friend practice his national martial arts. It was a chance that he would never have again in his life.

However, for Yin Yu, defeating Baili Tu Su was not a surprise. Although he was not an expert in the art of martial arts, he could still rely on his stamina to fight a battle of attrition. Once the true qi of a martial arts master was exhausted, he would be at the mercy of death.

Even his good friend was taken aback. This cultivation method was somewhat similar to the Dou Qi in the novels of the West. Of course, there was no such thing as Dou Qi in this world, only a bunch of superpowers.

Baili Tu Su's kung fu skills were very high, he had mastered the Taichi Fist from the Wudang Faction to a superb level. Some of them had even seen Baili Tu Su play and clap with an armor piercing bullet from his anti-weapon rifle, easily knocking the powerful impact to the side.

Even so, Baili Tu Su's Taiji Fist was still broken. It was broken by Silver Feather with a power so strong that he couldn't control it. In the martial arts world, no one would dare to receive Silver Feather's fist.

"However, although the power of the Tyrant Fist Style is shocking, and is not to be underestimated, it is actually somewhat similar to the Seven Injury Fists." The requirements of the Tyrant Fist Style were too high. Even if he managed to reach Stage Ten of the legendary [Vajra Body], he would still not be able to completely reduce the backlash of the Tyrant Fist Style. Furthermore, he would not be able to use it too much, and he could only use it three times a day.

At this moment, Silver Feather suddenly raised his head. He heard something amiss. Even though the soundproofing effect of the cabin was extraordinary, it still couldn't prevent Silver Feather from hearing.

Wuu, this is caused by something violently rubbing against the air!" Silver Feather's heart tightened. This was a high altitude area. If something like this happened, could it be that the other planes were in trouble? "Or, rather, the more unthinkable.

"Zizi, zizi ~ ~ ~" Within the cabin, the sound of electric currents began to appear. This was a phenomenon caused by the chaotic electromagnetic waves.

At this moment, the other passengers in first class noticed that something was wrong. However, they did not show any signs of panic and calmly asked the flight attendant. After all, those who were able to get on first class were all rich people with an extraordinary bearing.

However, everything was frozen in an instant, including Silver Feather himself. Silver Feather only had enough time to see the walls of the cabin turn red, then everything was drowned in flames. All he saw was flames, the entire MH730 exploding and disintegrating in the sky!

However, Silver Feather didn't feel any pain. Or rather, he died right after the explosion. He seemed to be in a soul state right now, floating lightly in the air. His feet were slowly moving, and there were still some fragments of his plane burning.

It really is a meteorite. But why is there a fragment inside my body? Shouldn't my soul be completely devoid of matter?" Silver Feather had seen with his own eyes how MH730 exploded, and a meteorite the size of a car had directly hit it, then bent and broke off from the center of the asteroid. Silver Feather had seen with his own eyes how MH730 exploded, and a meteorite the size of a car had directly hit it, and then bent and broke off from the middle of the asteroid.

His parents had both died when he was young, so he didn't have any brothers or sisters. As for love, he really did give up his first love, but then something happened that made Yin Yu sad, so there was no connection anymore.

Suddenly, the meteor fragments within Silver Feather's body emitted a blood-red light. Immediately afterwards, a huge black vortex appeared in front of Silver Feather, enough to accommodate a small car. Silver Feather's body uncontrollably entered this vortex.

As soon as Silver Feather appeared, he was stunned because the air here was very fresh and refreshing. However, Silver Feather was surprised not by this, but by the concentration of spirit energy in the air.

Silver Feather had stayed in the cultivation holy land before, and it was already the place with the highest concentration of spiritual energy on Earth. In there, even Martial Cultivator with the lowest aptitude could draw their qi into their bodies in three to five years, let alone a talented Martial Cultivator like Silver Feather. Silver Feather had trained for only three years and had already reached the level of Innate Qi, allowing his lifespan to increase to 200 years.

But in this place, the concentration of Lingqi was actually several times higher than that of the cultivation holy land. If not for the fact that Silver Feather was now a soul, he would have been unable to resist the temptation of cultivation.

"Eh, mother …" However, when Silver Feather noticed this, he couldn't help but let out a sigh, because this young man was about to die. The words he had said just now were only the last few moments of his life, after all, the young man's injuries were too serious. If Silver Feather wasn't a soul, then perhaps Silver Feather would be able to use his own innate energy to heal him.

However, the meteorite within Silver Feather's body did not allow him to stand by and watch. Instead, it dragged Silver Feather into the young man's body. Silver Feather was slightly stunned, but he was powerless to resist.

After a long time, the youth who should have passed away sat up straight. However, the youth sighed.

"So it was for me to possess this young man. Bai Ye, Yin Yu, forget it. Since this life is doomed, let me be Bai Ye!" The youth stood up helplessly, but the owner of his body had already changed.

Silver Feather felt the young man's weak consciousness, but immediately after, the fragments of the meteor in his body pulled the young man's soul over, forcing Silver Feather to swallow him. Silver Feather resisted the power of the meteor for the first time, but he did not succeed; after all, he was not familiar with this soul body, so he could only watch the young man's soul merge into his own soul.

This world was really not the original world of Silver Feather. Silver Feather didn't know how big it was, because Bai Ye didn't know either. He only knew that he was in the Divine Continent, one of the medium-sized towns on the borders of the Nine Regions.

This world also had Martial Cultivator s, but because the concentration of spirit energy in this world was too high, all of them were Martial Cultivator s that focused on training their Qi. And the Bai Family, which this body belonged to, was the overlord of the entire Windy Pool Town.

The Body Transformation realm was the only realm that Silver Feather knew of. It was probably similar to the fourth rate Martial Cultivator in his previous life, with a total of nine levels. It emphasized using the spirit energy of heaven and earth to slowly cleanse one's body, increasing one's strength by one hundred kilograms with every breakthrough.

He spent three years training to reach the first level of the Refinement Realm, and then another five years to break through to the second level. Now, after one year had passed, he had only advanced to the middle level of the second level, while the other members of the Bai Clan, who were at the same age as him, had already reached the fifth level of the Refinement Realm, while the genius had already reached the seventh level and above.

She was just a daughter of an ordinary family, and in addition to her father's younger brother coveting her mother's beauty, Bai Ye was such a trash, the two of them could be said to have been completely humiliated in the Bai family. Bai Ye's father was a direct descendant, but Bai Ye and her mother could only stay in the Bai family's woodshed, and only ate the leftovers of the servants.

Ever since Bai Ye had become sensible, he would often go out to hunt, hunt some ordinary wild beasts to sell, and even fill his own table. The two mother and son lived the lives of ordinary people, but never would they have thought that Bai Ye, who came out to hunt this time, would actually meet Martial Cultivator's natural enemy, the Vicious Beast!

Vicious Beast s were the most savage creatures in the Divine Continent, they loved to eat people, and the Martial Cultivator was a delicacy that they found hard to refuse.

Under the same level of cultivation, normal Martial Cultivator would never be able to defeat the Vicious Beast alone, and would even be killed by it. Only those who were an entire realm higher could compete with the Vicious Beast, and there was no need to mention Bai Ye, who didn't even experience much actual combat.

If it weren't for Bai Ye's obsession and the fact that he had severely injured the Vicious Beast, Silver Feather wouldn't have been able to possess him. At that time, Bai Ye was only left with bones, but Bai Ye was actually about to die.

After Silver Feather heard about Bai Ye's situation, he remained silent for a while.

"Forget it, since I have your body, then let me take care of your mother. If I don't die, I will not let her suffer. Also, the Bai Clan that has lost their humanity, I am here!"

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