Unique Martial Sovereign/C39 Honorary imprint
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Unique Martial Sovereign/C39 Honorary imprint
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C39 Honorary imprint

This Martial Cultivator gave Bai Ye a very special feeling.

Bai Ye looked at the other party and did not speak for a long time. This Martial Cultivator was very similar to his back then, or perhaps more accurately, his previous life's Bai Ye in this life, because his body belonged to someone else, so he did not have such a strong self-confidence that would make them unable to look at his directly. However, the calmness in their eyes was the same.

"Chugo." Martial Cultivator looked straight into Bai Ye's eyes and said.

"White night." Bai Ye looked straight into his eyes, but Bai Ye looked indifferent, while Chu Ge was excited.

"Then, let's fight!" He appeared in front of Bai Ye, throwing a punch towards him, while Bai Ye quickly used his left leg to kick him in the armpit. Chu Ge was forced to take a step back, his mouth raised, his left foot supporting the ground, his right foot swinging half a circle at Bai Ye, and Bai Ye used both his hands to block the kick, while Chu Ge's kick landed on Bai Ye's hands, borrowing the force from the impact, his left foot flew up and hit Bai Ye's hands again, forcing him to take a few steps back.

His right leg swept towards Chu Ge's legs, and even the ground had a scratch from Bai Ye's right leg. Chu Ge was caught off guard, and was sent flying, but Chu Ge was a person who never defended himself, so he was still thrown into the air with his fist, and Bai Ye had his back facing the ground, his feet pushed against Chu Ge's chest, sending him flying for more than ten meters, then Bai Ye quickly got up, used his legs to jump, grabbed Chu Ge's right leg, then fiercely pulled Chu Ge to a stop, and ruthlessly smashed Bai Ge's body onto the ground.

His left foot violently kicked Bai Ye's face. Bai Ye felt as if his head was hit by an iron ball, but he wouldn't let go of him and ruthlessly smashed Chu Ge onto the ground, "Bang!" A muffled sound rang out, and Chu Ge immediately spat out a large mouthful of blood. No one dared to look anymore, because that strike definitely hurt!

Bai Ye wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth. Chu Ge struck his knee towards Bai Ye, and Bai Ye also hit his knee without showing any weakness. "Dong!" A crisp sound rang out, Bai Ye felt as if his knees had collided with iron, and Chu Ge was no exception. Bai Ye was also fine.

On the other hand, Chu Ge didn't have anything, he was just relying on his own ruthlessness. Right now, he felt a burning pain on his knees.

However, the pain did not frighten Chu Ge, it instead made him even crazier, a punch aimed straight at Bai Ye, while Bai Ye turned around and kicked him in the face. However, the pain did not frighten Chu Ge, but instead made him even crazier, and Bai Ye turned around and kicked him in the face.

Hou Chengtian and the others were all dumbfounded. Holy shit, how could these two guys be so ruthless in fighting? It was as if they were enemies, wanting to bite you even after taking a hit.

When he fell to the ground, Bai Ye got up and quickly went forward to kick him. He flipped over on his hands, and while Bai Ye was unprepared, he grabbed the back of Bai Ye's neck with both of his hands. His head hit Bai Ye's head hard, and once again, "Dong!" Bai Ye and Chugo shook their heads, wanting to wake up quickly. In his daze, Bai Ye used his right elbow to hit Chugo's right cheek, and Chugo immediately spat out a few white spots, those were his teeth, after being repeatedly attacked by Bai Ye, they finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The still unconscious Bai Ye was unable to dodge the attack, and was knocked down by Chu Ge. Then, Chu Ge stomped on Bai Ye's throat, but he ignored Bai Ye's fighting consciousness, and sent a flying kick flying towards his lower body. The kick almost did not kill Chu Ge, and he did not have the strength to attack Bai Ye, so he fell on the ground, exhausted for a long time.

Bai Ye, after a period of time, finally regained his consciousness. He seized the opportunity and jumped up, then bent his leg and kicked in midair. This kick landed on Chugo's throat, and everyone could hear it loud and clear.

However, the way the crowd looked at Bai Ye changed. They discovered that although they had been overestimating Bai Ye, but at this moment, they realized that Bai Ye had already surpassed their expectations. He was an extremely strong opponent that they had fought twice in a row, and their performance couldn't be faked.

After passing the tenth trial, the opponents from the eleventh to the thirteenth trial were also very strong, but they weren't at the level of the black-clothed swordsman or Chu Ge.

The fourteenth trial. If Bai Ye passed this trial, then he would have broken the record of Nalan Yunshu and would have become the record holder.

The specks of light gathered once again, and this time, a Vicious Beast appeared, it was a gigantic golden poisonous snake. Its mouth was not completely shut, and a small piece of its tongue was peeking out, making a sizzling sound as it dripped its saliva on the ground. However, the setting of the stage was indestructible, so Bai Ye could not tell how terrifying the venom was, since he had seen those kinds of venomous snakes before.

The scales of the golden snake were very strange, it was not as smooth as an ordinary snake, but its scales were erected, and a cold light flashed at the edges. Clearly, it was not just a show of strength, just by accidentally swinging its tail and scraping sparks on the ground, one could tell how sharp its blade-like scales were.

Bai Ye had only taken one step when the golden viper launched its attack. It opened its mouth and Bai Ye immediately dodged to the side, but it did not spit out the venom, but a golden mist. Wherever the venom passed, Bai Ye could even hear the air crackling, making sounds like a pot of boiling oil being poured with cold water.

Seeing this kind of power, how could Bai Ye dare to let the golden fog near him? However, the speed of the fog was very fast, so Bai Ye had no choice but to shoot out a Purple Dragon sword qi, wanting to use this as a way out, but the Purple Dragon sword qi did not even touch the golden fog for long before it was melted, causing Bai Ye to feel unwell.

Wherever the mist passed, it would produce crackling sounds, causing everyone below to feel extremely crestfallen. Bai Xin couldn't help but to break out in a cold sweat for Bai Ye, who was the Bai family's hope, because Bai Ye was the one who just passed the thirteenth trial, and he was very excited.

However, Bai Ye's mind was sharp, and he suddenly thought of the theory behind high temperature disinfection. However, he didn't know the Burning Heaven Fire, and the only flame martial art he knew was the Fire Cloud Palm.

It liked to eat the corroded solution of its prey, which was similar to a spider's habit. However, it was clearly disappointed this time, because Bai Ye, who was surrounded by the golden mist, suddenly made a big movement, a dazzling white light appeared, followed by the burning of the golden mist at a speed visible to the naked eye. Before the golden mist could be retracted, the entire golden mist was incinerated, revealing Bai Ye's figure, and the white light on his right fist slowly faded away.

That's right, Bai Ye just relied on the power of the Tyrant Fist Style, but he did not shoot it out. Thinking about it now, he could probably use the Tyrant Fist Style to deal with the ice python as well, but Bai Ye was shocked by the ice python's defensive abilities at that time, so he did not think of this.

Its golden mist was something that it had condensed for a very long time. It was not many in number, and normally it would be stored in the poison sac, but in the blink of an eye, two pieces of the golden mist were destroyed by Bai Ye. It would take a year or two to condense it again.

After a flash of black light, the golden snake's left eye suddenly expanded by several times, and then suddenly exploded, causing half of its head to disappear. The golden snake struggled for a while, and after all, the snake was very tenacious, it struggled to bite into the white night, and suddenly jumped up, and a huge golden shadow ferociously smashed into the place where it was just standing, with a heavy thud, that was the tail of the golden snake. The snake's action just now was just trying to attract the attention of the white night.

Bai Ye had passed the fourteenth trial, and after hearing the declaration made by the crowd, everyone still had an expression of disbelief. If it were a day ago, who would have known Bai Ye, even if he took over an inn and defeated many people? In their eyes, he was nothing more than an arrogant little monster who had never seen the world before.

But at this very moment, these evildoers who thought themselves to be high and mighty were actually stepped on by someone they looked down upon and stood at a height that no one had yet reached. They had seen the strength of the golden snake before, and it was very strong, and if they did not use their trump cards, they had no confidence in winning against it.

"After passing the fourteenth trial, challenger number 41 has obtained an honorary imprint." The dull voice changed, leaving everyone puzzled. Glory imprint? What does this have to do with the white light!?

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