Unleashing Chaos Through Upgrades/C23 Auction
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Unleashing Chaos Through Upgrades/C23 Auction
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C23 Auction

Zhang Binn had spent half a month in the Devil Beast Mountain Range, healing his wounds and evading the relentless searches of the Spirit Martial Sect's disciples.

Yet, he couldn't shake the thought of the 5,000 crystals Xianyun had mentioned, the price for becoming an Inner Sect disciple, which meant he needed to cash in the treasures he carried.

In Myriad Peace City, the streets teemed with life, but Zhang Binn had no desire to take in the sights.

"Excuse me, do you know where I can find an auction house?"

"Big brother, I'm just a beggar. If you've got any spare crystals, I'd be grateful. If not, please let me be..." The beggar's voice quivered as Zhang Binn questioned him.

Zhang Binn released the beggar with a shove, "That doesn't make sense. Beggars in big cities are supposed to be in the know. Why do I keep running into ones that are just begging?" Confounded, he decided to seek information from another beggar.

"Brother, a moment, please!"

"Talking to me? Holy smokes! That's one shiny bald head!" Zhang Binn turned around, nearly blinded by the reflection of the sun off the man's head.

The newcomer was indeed bald, but it wasn't his lack of hair that would catch one's attention away from the glare of the sun—it was his strikingly handsome face.

Zhang Binn was taken aback. This guy was nearly as good-looking as me!

"What can I do for you, Bald Brother?"

"May I speak with you privately?" The dashing bald man didn't seem bothered by Zhang Binn's ribbing, showing that he wasn't concerned with what others thought of his baldness. He stepped aside, revealing the door behind him.

Zhang Binn then turned his attention to the building behind the bald man, an edifice of refined elegance.

"Lingyun Pawnshop?" Zhang Binn didn't miss a beat and followed the bald man inside.

"Welcome, Young Master!" The staff inside greeted the bald man as he entered.

As Zhang Binn walked alongside him, he surveyed the pawnshop's interior. The furniture was tastefully luxurious, adorned with renowned calligraphy and paintings, and there was even a miniature artificial mountain. Quite the lavish setup! And that golden Pixiu on the counter—could it be authentic?

"Come this way, brother... Uh..." The dapper bald man turned just in time to see Zhang Binn gnawing on a golden statue with his teeth, his mouth pressed against the counter, while two clerks desperately tried to pull him away.

"Stop it!" one clerk pleaded, on the verge of tears.

"You can't bite that!" the other clerk cried out, straining his voice.

Zhang Binn's teeth were still clamped on the statue as he mumbled indistinctly, "...Don't cling to it..."

The dapper bald man approached Zhang Binn and gave him a pat on the back. "Brother, please come with me to the backyard." He couldn't risk leaving Zhang Binn in the pawnshop any longer, fearing he might damage more items.

Zhang Binn was escorted to the backyard, casting longing glances back at the golden statue now marked by his teeth. "It's genuine..."

Upon entering the pawnshop's backyard, the scene opened up to reveal a landscape dotted with elegant pavilions and towers.

The dapper bald man guided Zhang Binn to a quaint pavilion by the water's edge.

"I've noticed you've been asking about the auction house, brother. Do you have any treasures you're looking to sell?"

"Brother Baldy..."

"The name's Yuen Ji."

"That is, Brother Yuen Ji the Bald..."

Even with his composure, Yuen Ji's expression turned slightly awkward.

"...Indeed, I've uncovered quite a few treasures in the Devil Beast Mountain Range, but this is a pawnshop. I'm looking to trade for crystals, not to pawn and redeem later." Zhang Binn looked puzzled; the pawnshop's range of services seemed unusually broad.

Yuen Ji offered a small smile. "While I do run a pawnshop, I also hold shares in the largest auction house in Myriad Peace City. Why not show me your treasures and give me a glimpse of what you've found?"

Zhang Binn hadn't spent his time in the Devil Beast Mountain Range idly; his cultivation at the first level of the Qi Refining Stage had served him well in the outer reaches of the range.

Emptying his pockets, Zhang Binn laid out everything except the dragon scales and horns onto the pavilion floor, instantly filling the space with a burst of radiant colors.

"So many Devil Beast Spiritual Pearls!"

Yuen Ji was taken aback. There were at least seven or eight Spiritual Pearls scattered on the ground, all from Rank Three or Four Devil Beasts! Seeing this, his view of Zhang Binn transformed entirely.

"May I ask, brother, which sect do you hail from?" Yuen Ji was certain that such prowess could only belong to a core disciple of a sect.

Zhang Binn was cautious not to reveal too much, "Just call me Zhang Binn. What does it matter which sect I belong to?"

Yuen Ji didn't press further, "Then, may I purchase these Spiritual Beads from you? Rest assured, Mr. Zhang, the price I offer will not be lower than the auction's."

After a moment's contemplation, Zhang Binn agreed, "Alright, you can buy them. But I'd still like to check out the rankings and broaden my horizons."

"That's easily arranged. There's a grand auction tonight. I'll accompany you for a bit of fun."

Yuen Ji treated Zhang Binn to a meal, seizing the rare opportunity to ingratiate himself with a core disciple of a sect.

Zhang Binn's crystal stones fetched him six thousand crystals, a sum that not only met Elder Xianyun's request but also left him with a surplus.

As dusk fell, Myriad Peace City remained a hubbub of laughter, music, and song.

Yuen Ji and Zhang Binn rode through the city in a carriage, but Zhang Binn quickly sensed something was off—the sounds from outside were diminishing.

"Is this bald trickster planning to ambush me?" Zhang Binn's suspicion grew, and he readied his Genuine Qi around his right hand, gripping the Hidden Dragon Sword.

Yuen Ji, however, remained jovial and unbothered.

When silence enveloped the carriage, Yuen Ji announced, "We've arrived, Mr. Zhang."

Yuen Ji stepped out first, followed by a wary Zhang Binn.

Zhang Binn was astounded, "Have we left the city?"

Before him flowed a serpentine river, and behind stood a massive tree, ten spans in girth, surrounded by the sweet chorus of birds and a canopy of stars.

"We're still within the city," Yuen Ji assured, sending his attendants back with the carriage, then approached the great tree, busying himself with something.

Zhang Binn joined Yuen Ji by the tree, marveling, "Myriad Peace City hides such wonders?"

With a soft "Pah," a person-sized hole appeared in the trunk of the towering tree.

Yuen Ji turned with a light chuckle, "Myriad Peace City is full of secrets yet to be discovered."

Zhang Binn remained rooted to the spot, utterly astonished by the sight of a door in the tree.

"Come on in, Mr. Zhang."

With a determined clench of his jaw, Zhang Binn thought, if a Rank Seven Devil Beast can't stop me, what do I have to fear? He then stepped into the dark maw of the tree.

Once inside, Zhang Binn found himself in a whole new realm.

A brightly lit corridor stretched downward before him, flanked every ten feet by robust men, each boasting the strength of at least the sixth or seventh level of the Body Tempering Stage.

Zhang Binn swallowed hard. These men were on par with the outer disciples of the Heavenly Rotating Jade Sect; this auction house was more formidable than he'd anticipated.

After walking roughly two miles down the corridor, they were met with a thick iron door guarded by eight men at the ninth level of the Body Tempering Stage.

As Yuen Ji led Zhang Binn to the entrance, the guards greeted in unison, "Good morning, Young Master!"

Yuen Ji gave a slight nod, and one of the guards swung the door open.

Zhang Binn mused that this Baldy Yuan was far from ordinary.

Crossing the threshold, Zhang Binn felt as though he'd stepped into another dimension.

Overwhelming scents of flowers, heady alcohol, and captivating laughter filled the vast, circular underground chamber. The space resembled a colossal funnel, with the auction stage nestled at its very bottom.

"Young Master Yuan!"

"Young Master Yuan!"

Everywhere Yuen Ji went, he was greeted as either 'Young Master' or 'Young Master Yuan,' leaving Zhang Binn feeling like a mere backdrop. Several dolled-up young women flocked to Yuen Ji, nudging Zhang Binn aside.

Yuen Ji navigated the crowd with ease, but soon lost sight of Zhang Binn. He called out loudly, and Zhang Binn's feeble voice responded from the edge of the throng. Yuen Ji made his way through the crowd to Zhang Binn's side.

"Mr. Zhang, not a fan of the vibe here?"

"Haha," Zhang Binn chuckled awkwardly, his voice tinged with irony. He reveled in the atmosphere of being surrounded by beautiful women—yet they were all flocking around you! It had to be your wealth that drew them in like moths to a flame.

Yuen Ji picked up on Zhang Binn's discomfort and offered, "If Mr. Zhang prefers a quieter setting, we can retreat to a private room."

As they made their way to the private room, Zhang Binn seethed internally. He was clearly the more handsome one! Why were all the girls on the street greeting the bald man instead? Had they no discernment?

Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, Zhang Binn blurted out, "Why did you decide to shave your head?"

"Maintaining long hair attracted too many women, complicating my management of the pawnshop's affairs. Once I shaved it off, my troubles seemed to lessen," came the reply.

"…" Zhang Binn thought to himself, Oh, what an act! You're quite the performer!

Sensing Zhang Binn's preference for solitude, Yuen Ji guided him down a less crowded corridor. That's when they encountered a brash group of young men coming from the opposite direction.

"Get out of the way! Move aside!" barked the domineering Liu Huang, shoving people aside without a second thought.

With a cold snort, Zhang Binn slapped Liu Huang's hand away, "Keep your filthy paws to yourself!"

Already in a foul mood, Zhang Binn was not about to let this slide. It wasn't in his nature to hold back when provoked.

"You're asking for it, kid!" Fuming from the rejection, Liu Huang drew his sword and lunged at Zhang Binn.

"Ding dong, Liu Huang's killing intent +30."

"Ding dong, Liu Huang's rage +20."

Zhang Binn watched Liu Huang's menacing blade with a sneer. With a swift motion, he unleashed the Hidden Dragon Sword, dissipating Liu Huang's sword energy. Advancing, Zhang Binn delivered a stone-crushing punch to Liu Huang's chest.

Liu Huang was sent flying, blood spraying from his mouth, caught by his fellow disciples. Both he and Zhang Binn were at the first level of the Qi Refining Stage, but Zhang Binn wielded the Invincible Devouring Cultivation Method. Having consumed the essence of numerous Devil Beasts in the Devil Beast Mountain Range over the past month, their cultivation levels were nominally the same, yet the content of their Genuine Qi was worlds apart.

Liu Huang's fellow disciples were clearly not to be trifled with either. Each one unsheathed their sword, ready to fight for Liu Huang's cause.

Unfazed, Zhang Binn drew his Hidden Dragon Sword, its formidable sword energy slicing through the air of the corridor.

"A Spirit Rank sword!"

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