Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C11 It Was so Satisfying!
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Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C11 It Was so Satisfying!
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C11 It Was so Satisfying!

Yin Yusheng rose and made his way toward his quarters. Xue Chen watched his father-in-law's retreating figure, a twinge of sadness in his heart. He noticed how Yin Yusheng seemed to have aged considerably in just a short time. Once striding confidently, tonight he appeared frail and aged. Xue Chen made a silent vow to safeguard the Yin family and elevate them to the most formidable clan in Yunzhou.

Xue Chen also got to his feet, intending to speak, but before he could utter a word, Yin Yusheng abruptly turned around. "Father..." Yin Qionger rose and approached Yin Yusheng, with Xue Chen trailing behind her.

"Father..." she called out gently, "Is there anything else you wish to instruct your daughter on?"

Yin Yusheng glanced at Yin Qionger, then at Xue Chen, and heaved a deep sigh. "Qionger, Chen has been with our Yin Mansion for several years now, hasn't he? We've never truly appreciated him. From this day forward, everyone in the Yin Mansion must show him respect. And you, my daughter, must treat him well..."

"Father..." Yin Qionger, having witnessed Xue Chen's conduct today, had begun to grasp that he was far from a mere impoverished scholar. With Yin Yusheng entrusting the reins of the Yin family to Xue Chen, she, as his wife, would naturally have to adjust her behavior toward him. Yet, after years of distance, the sudden shift to accept Xue Chen was challenging for Yin Qionger. Nevertheless, she couldn't disregard her father's wishes. "Father, it's late. You should retire to your room. I understand what I must do."

"Good, you both should also turn in early," Yin Yusheng said softly.

Tieh Yaner, who had been standing watch at the parlor entrance, overheard their exchange and realized the Yin family was on the cusp of significant change. She felt a twinge of regret for her recent poor treatment of Xue Chen, wondering if he would retaliate. Yet, she reassured herself, considering her position as the young mistress's maid, Xue Chen wouldn't dare cross her.

Then she heard Xue Chen speak up. "Dad, may I escort you back to your room?"

As Xue Chen moved to assist Yin Yusheng, the elder gently brushed his hand aside. "Chen, no need. You and Qionger go ahead and get some rest."

Tieh Yaner perceived the old master's consent for Xue Chen to share the young mistress's chamber. She inwardly lamented how she had thought only servants were opportunistic and judgmental, but now she saw that those of higher status could be even more so.

"Alright, Dad, you should get some rest," Xue Chen said.

Xue Chen and Yin Qionger remained until Yin Yusheng had left the parlor. Yin Qionger then turned and headed toward a different door that led straight to her Embroidery House, with Xue Chen following close behind.

Upon reaching the parlor entrance, Yin Yusheng abruptly spun around.

"Why are you following me?" Yin Qionger asked, her tone neutral but her enunciation crisp.

"I'm accompanying you to the Embroidery House!" Xue Chen replied with a smile, his voice tinged with a hint of cheekiness.

Tieh Yaner stood watch at the hall's entrance. Under normal circumstances, she would have sarcastically and authoritatively stopped Xue Chen from tailing Yin Qionger. But today, she remained silent, her head bowed.

Yin Qionger spoke up.

"I'm not comfortable with men trailing behind me, much less returning to my room with me..."

Before she could finish, Xue Chen interjected, "Qioner..."

Having married into the Yin Mansion years ago, Xue Chen had seldom interacted with Yin Qionger, let alone addressed her so familiarly. Now, uttering "Qioner" felt incredibly awkward to him.

To Yin Qionger, the sound of "Qioner" was jarring!

She cast an unusual glance at Xue Chen.

In the past, such a look from Yin Qionger would have sent shivers down Xue Chen's spine, but not today. Unfazed, he continued with a forced grin, "We are husband and wife. It's about time we shared a bed..."

Yin Qionger was ready to counter, but recalling Yin Yusheng's earlier words in the parlor, she suppressed her response.

Turning, she proceeded towards the Embroidery House.

Traditionally, Tieh Yaner would escort Yin Qionger back to the Embroidery House and leave only after attending to her. However, today Tieh Yaner only followed at a distance, departing once Yin Qionger and Xue Chen entered.

Upon entering the Embroidery House, Yin Qionger made a beeline for the second floor.

Xue Chen considered following but paused at the first stair, contemplating the potential awkwardness should Yin Qionger reject his advance. He longed to share a bed with her, but it had to be consensual.

Now the head of the Yin Mansion, he knew sharing a bed with Yin Qionger was inevitable. Why rush the moment?

With that thought, Xue Chen settled into a chair, poured himself some tea, and sipped leisurely, eyes half-closed.

Yin Qionger lay in bed, restless. Images of her father haunted her thoughts, his words echoing. Indeed, she and the Yin family had wronged Xue Chen over the years. Despite this, he had always been humble and complaint-free within the Yin Mansion. His actions at the Soong family's could spell trouble for the Yins, yet they also proved Xue Chen was no coward. He wasn't a terrible man either. Anyone else might have barged upstairs, made unwanted advances, and insisted on sharing her bed by force, but not Xue Chen...

Rising from bed, Yin Qionger draped a coat over her shoulders and walked to the corridor's balustrade. Pushing aside the beaded curtain, she peered downstairs.

There, she saw Xue Chen, asleep in the chair.

The Five Tigers of Glory were already on patrol around Yin Mansion at the crack of dawn. As they approached the second-floor entrance of the Embroidery House, where Yin Qionger resided, they caught Xue Chen stepping out and stretching languidly.

"Son-in-law!" Yan Aze hastened to greet him. "Must've been quite the night sharing a bed with the miss, huh?"

The rest of the tigers chimed in, "Surely it was amazing!"

Xue Chen shot the Five Tigers a look. "Amazing? I spent the whole night sitting on a chair downstairs..."

Lee Chunhu gave him a skeptical glance.

"No way, son-in-law. After we sobered up last night, we ran into Tieh Yaner. She mentioned that Old Master Yin had given orders for you and the young lady to..." Lee Chunhu gestured with his thumbs up.

In response, Xue Chen playfully kicked at Lee Chunhu. It was all for show, no real force behind it, but Lee Chunhu still yelped.

"Son-in-law, you have your fun and then take it out on us?"

At the moment, Xue Chen's mind wasn't on romantic entanglements; he was preoccupied with devising a strategy to further crush the Soong family. After all, Soong Ziyang had once sought the life of his body's previous owner. Xue Chen wouldn't rest until the Soong family was in ruins.

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