Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C12 Defeat the Soong Family!
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Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C12 Defeat the Soong Family!
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C12 Defeat the Soong Family!

Xue Chen disregarded Lee Chunhu's remarks and surveyed the Five Tigers with a sweeping glance.

"Come with me to the side hall to discuss matters," Xue Chen commanded, striding towards the side hall with his hands clasped behind his back.

The Five Tigers, not daring to defy Xue Chen, followed him in compliance.

The side hall of the Yin Mansion, typically deserted, was nonetheless spotless.

Xue Chen settled onto a mahogany chair, and Shea Daming promptly offered him tea.

It had been quite some time since Xue Chen had relished the pleasure of being waited on. He lifted the cup and savored a sip of tea.

The tea at the Yin Mansion was surprisingly good—refreshing and brisk. In the past, when he was out of favor with the household, even plain water was a luxury, let alone fine tea.

Wuh Zhihao, the leader of the Five Tigers, stepped forward with a respectful bow.

"Young Master, what would you have us do?"

After another sip of tea, Xue Chen spoke leisurely, "Gentlemen, I have a scheme in mind that requires your execution..."

Wuh Zhihao, still bowing, declared, "Young Master, for your cause, the Five Tigers would brave any peril!"

Xue Chen offered a slight smile. "Here's the plan: within a fortnight, I intend to acquire every last one of the Soong family's enterprises in Yunzhou..."

Shea Daming, ever prudent, approached with a bow.

"Young Master, the Soong family's holdings are vast and scattered throughout Yunzhou City, and with the Cloud Deriving Sect as their shield, the acquisition may prove challenging..."

Before Xue Chen could respond, Guo Tiehtou, known for his fearlessness among the Five Tigers, cut in.

"Fool, what is the Cloud Deriving Sect to us? Did you not witness yesterday how the Young Master made that Gu..."

Lee Chunhu interjected, "Gu Sanqi!"

Guo Tiehtou pressed on, "Exactly, Gu Sanqi. He ended up kowtowing three times to the Young Master before slinking away!"

Yan Aze cautioned, "Gu Sanqi is but a minor figure in the Cloud Deriving Sect. We shouldn't underestimate them..."

With a dismissive wave, Xue Chen interjected, "Leave the Cloud Deriving Sect to me. Now, are you in or out on my business?"

Wuh Zhihao asserted, "Listen up, everyone. The Young Master's business is our business. Enough talk. We'll do as the Young Master instructs."

Turning back to Xue Chen with another bow, Wuh Zhihao inquired, "Young Master, where shall we begin?"

Xue Chen smirked, "Hmph, as food is essential to the people, we start with the Soong family's rice shop."

Wuh Zhihao gestured to the other four tigers, "To the Soong family's rice shop, follow me!"

Watching the Five Tigers depart, a faint smile played on Xue Chen's lips.

Hmph, Soong Ziyang, I won't rest until your Soong family is in ruins!

Xue Chen sipped his tea again, longing for a moment's rest. He had spent a restless night on the ground floor of Yin Qionger's Embroidery House.

As he was about to doze off, Tieh Yaner appeared in the doorway of the side hall.

What did this woman want now?

Previously, she had unceremoniously hauled him up to Yin Qionger's Embroidery House, and her mockery and scorn were no secret. Though Xue Chen bore no ill will towards her, he certainly wasn't fond of her.

Certainly, with his new status, Xue Chen had no need to stoop to the level of a mere servant girl!

"What do you want?" Xue Chen asked, casually crossing his legs.

Tieh Yaner, aware of Xue Chen's elevated position, approached with caution and respect, bowing before him.

"Young Master, the young lady requests your presence at the Embroidery House."

Xue Chen inquired leisurely, "Did she mention why?"

Tieh Yaner bowed her head, "I am not privy to that information."

Xue Chen, already intending to see Yin Qionger, responded, "Inform the young lady I will join her shortly, after I change."

"Yes, Young Master!"

Now the master of Yin Mansion, Xue Chen could no longer afford to be careless about his appearance; his image was of utmost importance.

Dressed impeccably, Xue Chen's presence took Yin Qionger by surprise; he was indeed a striking figure.

Yin Qionger, however, withheld any compliments. For one, she couldn't bring herself to do so; she had never regarded Xue Chen as an equal, and changing her attitude now was not easy. Besides, as a woman of cunning, she knew better than to indulge her man too much, lest she lose her influence over him.

"Xue Chen..." For the first time in years, Yin Qionger addressed him by name, feeling a twinge of discomfort, which Xue Chen detected as well.

"Qionger, after all these years, we're still strangers. Let's change that—call me Chen from now on," Xue Chen suggested with a warm smile.

"Fine, Chen. You didn't sleep well last night, did you?"

Xue Chen chuckled inwardly, "Qionger, is that really why you wanted to see me?"

Yin Qionger shot a look at Tieh Yaner, who immediately understood and bowed.

"Miss, I'll stand guard outside. Call if you need me."

Once Tieh Yaner had left, Xue Chen grinned, "Qionger, is there something you can't discuss in front of her?"

"Chen, it's nothing serious. I've been thinking a lot since last night. Now that my father has entrusted the Yin family to you, what are your intentions?"

Xue Chen had anticipated a private conversation, not a discussion about family affairs.

"Qionger, I've been meaning to discuss this with you. Naturally, I aim to enhance the Yin family's fortunes and make us the most powerful clan in Yunzhou City!"

"Do you have a specific plan?" inquired Yin Qionger.

"The first step is to confront the Soong family..."

Yin Qionger cut him off, "Chen, the Soong family suffered a blow to their pride and paid a hefty sum yesterday. They won't take this lying down, especially since they're tied to the Cloud Deriving Sect..."

"Qionger, rest assured, I have strategies to handle the Soong family and the Cloud Deriving Sect. I've already set things in motion against the Soong family..."

Yin Qionger stared at Xue Chen, astonished, "You're causing more trouble for the Soong family?"

Xue Chen flashed a smile. "I'm indeed stirring up trouble, but not with the Soong family!"

"Chen, what on earth are you up to?"

With another slight smile, Xue Chen said, "You think I'd buy the Soong family's properties at market value? They owe me a staggering four million and eight hundred thousand silver. To settle this debt, they'll have to sell all their assets to me at a bargain price!"

Yin Qionger had not anticipated Xue Chen's cunning strategy.

"Chen, there's a time to be merciful. Please, don't be too ruthless."

Xue Chen couldn't possibly disclose to Yin Qionger that Soong Ziyang had murdered the original owner of his body, and even if he did, she wouldn't believe it.

"Qionger, rest assured, I measure my actions carefully. But someone like Soong Ziyang can't be let off easily. He must be prevented from ever making a comeback, or the citizens of Yunzhou City will suffer."

Yin Qionger let out a long sigh. "Chen, all I wish for is that our Yin family avoids any further misfortune."

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