Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C13 The Shopkeeper Who Pretended to be Deaf and Mute
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Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C13 The Shopkeeper Who Pretended to be Deaf and Mute
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C13 The Shopkeeper Who Pretended to be Deaf and Mute

Xue Chen flashed a reassuring smile. "Qionger, rest easy. With me here, the Yin family will be in no danger. Come on, let's take a stroll down the street!"

Yin Qionger glanced at Xue Chen. "What's the occasion for going to the street?"

With another smile, Xue Chen replied, "You'll find out once we're there."

Somehow, Yin Qionger found herself unable to refuse Xue Chen's invitation.

As Xue Chen and Yin Qionger navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the Yin Mansion, they caught the attention of the maids and servants, who began to murmur among themselves. The question on everyone's lips was the same: How could the young mistress be seen walking with Xue Chen, the so-called 'good-for-nothing' son-in-law? Such a sight was truly unprecedented!

Their gossip wasn't without reason. Xue Chen's recent rise to prominence within the Soong family, coupled with Old Master Yin's decision to entrust the Yin family to him, was known only to a select few: the Tian Xiu Five Tigers, Tieh Yaner, and Yin Qionger herself. But it seemed likely that by day's end, the entire household would be abuzz with the news.

Feeling the weight of many eyes upon her, Yin Qionger spun around with a fierce glare, sending the whispering maids and servants scattering in all directions.

"These servants..." Yin Qionger began, her voice trailing off.

"Qionger, pay them no mind. Their mockery is aimed at me," Xue Chen consoled her.

Yin Qionger remained silent, fully aware of the servants' sentiments.


The Soong family's rice shop and Yunzhou's grandest restaurant, both located on Mochou Street, bookended the thoroughfare. The rice shop anchored the west end, while the restaurant claimed the east.

Yet, the rice shop's prime position was at the midpoint of Pear Flower Road, a bustling hub for small traders and merchants, making it an enviable location for business.

Soong Zibing, the rice shop's manager and distant relative of Soong Ziyang, had been at the helm for over a decade. Now forty, he had a firm grasp on the business.

Wu Zijun, a young assistant and Soong Zibing's nephew, was also part of the shop's staff.

While Soong Zibing was busy tallying accounts in the back, Wu Zijun burst in.

"Uncle, there are five burly men at the front of the shop. They don't look like customers—more like they're here to make trouble," Wu Zijun said, a note of alarm in his voice.

"Zijun, stay calm. The Soong family commands respect; ordinary folk wouldn't dare stir up trouble here. I'll go have a look," Soong Zibing reassured him, rising to investigate.

Upon reaching the entrance, Soong Zibing instantly recognized the five men as the Yin family's formidable protectors.

"Hehe, welcome, esteemed brothers of the Yin family. Please, come inside for some tea," Soong Zibing offered warmly, his years in commerce having taught him the art of hospitality. It was clear to him that the Five Tigers had not come to the rice shop for a casual purchase.

With a respectful bow, Soong Zibing gestured them inside.

Yan Aze, ever the straightforward man with a penchant for food and drink, began to step forward, recalling how he had once guzzled seven or eight jars of wine at the restaurant, ending up as drunk as a lord.

Wuh Zhihao quickly caught hold of him.

"Manager Soong, we haven't come for tea today..." Wuh Zhihao began, leaving his sentence hanging.

Soong Zibing sensed trouble the moment the visitors arrived, yet he greeted them with a strained smile. "What can I do for you gentlemen? At the Soong Family Rice Store, rice is our main trade, but we're well-stocked with all essentials—grains, oil, salt, soy, vinegar, tea, you name it."

Wuh Zhihao gestured dismissively, "Is that so? We'll take everything you've got in the store!"

Soong Zibing chuckled again, "Big brother, you must be pulling my leg. Even the vast Yin Family couldn't possibly use up all the stock in one go!"

Wuh Zhihao's smile was cold. "Shopkeeper Soong, you seem to have misunderstood our intentions."

Soong Zibing clearly understood that they intended to acquire the Soong Family Rice Store, but he feigned ignorance. "Big brother, forgive my dullness, but I'm not quite catching your drift. Could you please clarify?"

Lee Chunhu, ever the hothead, was growing impatient with the cryptic exchange between Wuh Zhihao and Soong Zibing. "Shopkeeper Soong, we Five Tigers deal plainly. We're here on the Yin Family head's orders to purchase your rice store," he stated bluntly.

Soong Zibing was unaware of the events that had transpired during the Soong family's birthday banquet or the changes within the Yin family. "Brothers, Old Master Yin and our Old Master Soong have always been on friendly terms. Surely Old Master Yin wouldn't issue such an order?"

Guo Tiehtou interjected, "Mr. Soong, you seem oblivious to the world outside. The Yin Family is now headed by their son-in-law, our Young Master Xue Chen. And let me tell you, Young Master Xue and the Soong family are anything but friendly."

As a lifelong bachelor who considered the store his home, Soong Zibing was out of the loop regarding the Soong family's recent upheavals. "Brothers, the Soong family's rice shop is the lifeblood of our family. Even if Master Xue has grievances with us, surely he wouldn't go this far..."

Wuh Zhihao cut him off. "That's none of our concern. We're just here to take over the shop. Be sensible and have your master come to meet us. If not, we'll take matters into our own hands."

Wu Zijun had already sensed the brewing trouble and dashed off to inform the Soong family.

Soong Zibing was well aware of the predicament. His only recourse was to stall for time until the Soong family head could arrive. "Brothers, let's discuss this matter. Surely, if you're set on buying the Soong family's rice shop, we should sit down and talk it over, right? Please, come in and enjoy some tea."

With a wave from Wuh Zhihao, the Five Tigers stepped into the shop, where Soong Zibing served them his finest tea.

"Shopkeeper Soong, bring out the ledger for us to see," Wuh Zhihao demanded.

Soong Zibing knew they meant business. "Big brother, the ledger isn't kept here at the shop," he replied.

"Who do you think you're fooling?" Shea Daming retorted, "You're the manager of the Soong family's rice shop. Surely the ledger isn't stashed away at the Soong Mansion. Bring it out now, or I'll wreck this place!"

Naturally, Soong Zibing was not keen on the idea of the rice shop being ruined on his watch; the consequences from the head of the Soong family would be dire.

Left with no other option, Soong Zibing retreated to the back room to retrieve several hefty ledgers.

Among the Five Tigers, it was Lee Chunhu who had a knack for numbers. After perusing the ledgers, he quickly ascertained that the rice shop's total assets hovered around one million taels of silver.

Lee Chunhu whispered into Yin Zhihao's ear for a moment.

Without delay, Wuh Zhihao turned to Soong Zibing and declared, "Manager Soong, per our master's directive, we're purchasing the rice shop for 100,000 taels of silver. Whether you choose to stay on and work with us is up to you. The Yin family would be pleased to have you. If not, you're free to leave immediately."

Before Soong Zibing could respond, a harsh voice from outside challenged them, "Thinking of robbing me, are you?"

Both the Five Tigers and Soong Zibing glanced at the entrance to find Soong Ziyang standing there.

Soong Zibing hurried forward to greet him.

"Young Master, at last you've arrived. I was just..."

With a dismissive gesture, Soong Ziyang interrupted, "Manager Soong, attend to your duties."

Clutching the ledgers, Soong Zibing withdrew to the back room, his heart pounding with anxiety. He couldn't help but wonder if the Young Master could indeed fend off the Yin family's enforcers.

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