Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C14 Comparing Heart to Sugar
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Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C14 Comparing Heart to Sugar
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C14 Comparing Heart to Sugar

Wuh Zhihao rose to his feet and cast a glance at Soong Ziyang.

"Young Master Soong, your timing is impeccable. I assume the decision to sell the Soong Family Rice Shop to the Yin Family isn't yours to make," Wuh Zhihao remarked.

Soong Ziyang offered a cold laugh. "Hmph, you're nothing but the Yin Family's lapdogs. Not only do I have no intention of selling, but you also lack the standing to negotiate with me... Get lost!"

Guo Tiehtou stood, his voice laced with contempt. "Hmph, Soong, don't underestimate us. We are the Five Tigers of Tianxiu, and we're not to be taken lightly. You'll agree to this deal today, whether you like it or not. Otherwise, we'll wreck this rice shop."

Soong Ziyang sneered once more. "The Soong family holds considerable clout in Yunzhou. We won't tolerate your barking here. If you have any sense, you'll clear out now, or else..."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Wuh Zhihao interjected, "Hmph, Soong Ziyang, don't puff yourself up. We, the Five Tigers of Tianxiu, along with the Cloud Deriving Sect's cultivators, don't even give you a second thought. Why should we fear an ineffectual young master like you? Frankly, if it weren't for our Young Master's orders, you wouldn't even be worth our time. And let's not forget, you owe our Young Master 4.8 million taels of silver. He's been lenient with you out of respect for the Soong family. We're offering to take this rice shop off your hands for 100,000 taels of silver, and you don't have a choice in the matter..."

The thought of that 4.8 million taels debt sent a shiver down Soong Ziyang's spine.

Paying off debts was a matter of honor, and if one couldn't pay, mortgaging assets was the usual recourse. But the Soong Family Rice Shop was worth far more than a mere hundred thousand taels of silver. Surrendering it to the Yin Family would be unthinkable—his father would have his head!

Despair crept into Soong Ziyang's heart.

Yet, he wasn't one to concede defeat easily. He wouldn't cry until he was staring death in the face.

"Hmph, a few million taels of silver? The Soong family can handle it! Do you have any idea how extensive our holdings are here in Yunzhou City?"

Lee Chunhu chimed in, "Your family's wealth is of no concern to us, the Five Tigers. But today, we're here to carry out our Young Master's first order, and we're not leaving without results. Are you going to make this deal, or do we have to get rough?"

"Get rough? The martial arts passed down through my family are formidable, and with the Cloud Deriving Sect backing us, we have nothing to fear from the likes of you."

They say when a scholar meets a soldier, reason falls on deaf ears. The Five Tigers were warriors by nature; arguing with them was futile. Besides, they had risked their lives battling Gu Sanqi—what were Soong Ziyang's threats to them?

Moreover, the Five Tigers were no strangers to life-and-death struggles. Fear of death was foreign to them.

"You think you can intimidate us?" Guo Tiehtou scoffed. "Do you even know who we are? I'd lay down my life today if it meant securing this shop for our uncle. Brothers, let's take down Soong first."

With that, Guo Tiehtou drew the short-handled meteor hammer from his belt and swung it deftly through the air.

Soong Ziyang had witnessed the fierce battle between the Five Tigers and Gu Sanqi firsthand. He knew his own martial arts skills were nowhere near Gu Sanqi's level, so while he could talk a big game, the thought of actually clashing with the Five Tigers made him uneasy.

There's an old saying: the soft fear the hard, the hard fear the foolhardy, and the foolhardy fear those who are truly reckless. The showdown between the Five Tigers and Gu Sanqi was a fight to the death. Soong Ziyang, a scion of a wealthy family, valued his life above all else.

"Discussing this shop is one thing, but I need to review the accounts first," Soong Ziyang said, his voice taking on a gentler tone.

Wuh Zhihao huffed, "You're welcome to look over the books, but make it quick. We've been waiting around here long enough, and we don't have the luxury of time to spare."

"Absolutely, I'll be quick," Soong Ziyang assured him before heading into the back room.

Meanwhile, Xue Chen and Yin Qionger were leisurely strolling through the streets.

"Chen, we've been out for quite a while. Shouldn't we head back home?" Yin Qionger suggested.

"Go back? Do you even know why I brought you out here today?" Xue Chen teased.

Yin Qionger shot Xue Chen a curious look. "And what's the reason?"

"You'll see when we get there," he replied with a smile.

Yin Qionger playfully rolled her eyes. "Always with the mysteries! I'm not going to indulge you any longer."

Despite her words, Yin Qionger wasn't really upset and continued to walk contentedly by Xue Chen's side.

They reached Pear Flower Road. Yin Qionger, who typically stayed within the confines of her chambers, seldom ventured out, and her outings were few and far between.

Pear Flower Road was renowned for its bustling marketplace, brimming with charming trinkets that were particularly alluring to someone like Yin Qionger, who rarely experienced such sights.

"Chen, look! They're selling candied hawthorn fruit over there!" Yin Qionger exclaimed with excitement.

"Would you like some?" Xue Chen asked.

"Silly, isn't it obvious?" she replied, her cheeks flushing with a hint of red.

Xue Chen patted his sleeves, realizing he had no money with him.

"Qionger, I..."

Yin Qionger gave him a knowing smile. "Chen, you didn't bring any money, did you?"

Xue Chen's face grew even redder. "Qionger, it's not that I forgot to bring money; I simply don't have any."

Yin Qionger felt a twinge of guilt. After all these years, she wondered how Xue Chen had managed.

"Chen, the Yin family owes you an apology..."

Xue Chen grinned broadly. "It's fine. I may not have money right now, but I still carry the status of the Yin family's son-in-law. That in itself is prestigious. Besides, won't I be the one calling the shots for the Yin family in the future? There's no need to worry about money then."

Having said his piece, there wasn't much left for Yin Qionger to add. She made a silent vow to treat Xue Chen better from now on. Although the idea of sharing a bed with him was something she'd need to adjust to, she knew that outwardly, they had to present themselves as a true married couple.

But those thoughts could wait. Matters of marriage would be addressed in due time.

Yin Qionger pulled out her purse and handed it to Xue Chen.

"Here, take this silver and go buy yourself some candied hawthorns!"

Xue Chen, a bit sheepish, accepted the money pouch nonetheless.

"Qionger, stay here and wait for me, okay? Don't wander off; I'll be right back."

Xue Chen returned with two skewers of candied hawthorns.

"Qionger, try this. The vendor assured me they're very sweet."

Yin Qionger tasted one and her eyes lit up.

"Chen, it's really good. You should have some too!"

Xue Chen chuckled, "You enjoy it, Qionger. Sweet things aren't really my thing."

But Yin Qionger wouldn't have it; she plucked one off the skewer and popped it into Xue Chen's mouth.

Whether the candied hawthorn was sweet, Xue Chen couldn't tell, but a sweetness blossomed in his heart.

Years had passed since he joined the Yin family, yet this was the first time Xue Chen truly savored the sweetness of happiness.

"Qionger, thank you..."

Yin Qionger's smile was curious. "Thank me? For what?"

"For making me feel incredibly happy right now!"

Yin Qionger's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and warmth.

What could she say in return? For years, neither she nor her family had ever fully acknowledged Xue Chen, not just as a person, but as a man.

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