Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C15 One Move to Win!
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Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C15 One Move to Win!
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C15 One Move to Win!

"Why the hell hasn't Soong Ziyang shown his face yet?" Lee Chunhu, a member of the Five Tigers, was notoriously short-tempered.

Wuh Zhihao offered a slight smile. "My guess? He's in the middle of negotiations with Manager Song..."

Just then, Soong Ziyang and Soong Zibing emerged from the back room.

Soong Ziyang's face was etched with worry, while Soong Zibing forced a smile that clearly didn't sit right.

Soong Zibing bowed with his fists clasped. "My apologies for the long wait..."

Wuh Zhihao cut him off with a dismissive wave.

"Manager Song, spare us the pleasantries. We're here for a decision, and we want it now!" he demanded, locking eyes with Soong Ziyang.

The rice shop was a Soong family asset, and while Soong Zibing held a high-ranking position, he wasn't the one calling the shots. He stepped back, ledger in hand.

Soong Ziyang, attempting to buy time, suggested, "Please, have a seat and enjoy some tea..."

Lee Chunhu interjected.

"No need for tea, Soong Ziyang. We're not here to dawdle. We've offered 100,000 taels for this shop to join the Yin family holdings. What's it going to be? Yes or no?"

Realizing further delay was futile, Soong Ziyang glanced at the ledger Soong Zibing held and countered, "This establishment is worth well over a million taels. Would any of you let it go for a mere 100,000?"

Wuh Zhihao's smile was icy. "Whether it's possible is your concern, Young Master Song. The Yin family's offer stands. We just need your answer. Do you agree, or not?"

Soong Ziyang gritted his teeth. "I'm sorry, but I cannot agree."

Guo Tiehtou brandished his short-handled meteor hammer. "Looks like Young Master Song is itching for a fight with the Five Tigers, huh?"

Soong Ziyang had seen the Five Tigers best Gu Sanqi, but the victory seemed off to him. He had scrutinized the fight and knew that, on skill and wit alone, the Five Tigers shouldn't have won. Xue Chen must have interfered; after all, he had openly stated his intention to 'train' the Five Tigers before their next clash with Sanqi.

Without Xue Chen's interference and with his own martial prowess—honed by his father and further refined by masters of the Cloud Deriving Sect—Soong Ziyang was confident he could take on the Five Tigers.

"Fine. If it's a fight you want, I'm ready," he said coolly. "But let's lay down some ground rules: if I manage to land even a single blow, you'll pack up and leave. Agreed?"

"We, the Five Tigers, aren't even fazed by the Cloud Deriving Sect's cultivators, let alone you, Soong Ziyang. But sure, we'll take that bet. If we win, the rice shop goes to the Yin family. This place is too cramped—let's take it outside..."

Before Wuh Zhihao could finish, Soong Ziyang had already sprung into action, leaping outside.

The Five Tigers followed suit.

The two sides faced off, poised for confrontation.

Before the contest had even commenced, a crowd had already gathered to watch.

Soong Ziyang, buoyed by the audience, leapt at the Five Tigers with renewed vigor.

But before his attack could land, two figures soared in. It was Xue Chen and Yin Qionger, with Xue Chen still clasping Yin Qionger's hand. Xue Chen's effortless flight, carrying the martially untrained Yin Qionger, spoke volumes of his exceptional skill.

The crowd erupted in cheers.

Xue Chen released Yin Qionger's hand, and she smartly stepped aside.

"Soong Ziyang, I've been eager for a rematch since our last encounter at the Soong Mansion. Today's the perfect day to satisfy that itch," Xue Chen declared.

"Hmph, you hid behind the Yin family's guards at my home, and now you want to play the hero? A pathetic son-in-law trying to challenge me? You're asking for death. But fine, I'll grant your wish!" Soong Ziyang retorted, charging at Xue Chen with a raised fist.

"Wait!" Xue Chen interjected, "We can't just brawl. We need to establish rules for victory and defeat."

Soong Ziyang scoffed internally, dismissing Xue Chen as a non-threat.

"Fine. The rules are simple: if you win, the rice shop is yours. If I win, your debt of four million eight hundred thousand silver taels is erased."

Xue Chen clapped his hands, "Let's have the witnesses here confirm this."

Yin Qionger had only heard from her father, Yin Yusheng, that Xue Chen had been discreetly powerful during his years at the Yin Mansion. She had never seen him demonstrate his prowess, and given the Soong family's martial legacy and ties to the Cloud Deriving Sect, she was deeply concerned for Xue Chen's chances against Soong Ziyang.

Approaching Xue Chen, Yin Qionger whispered, "Chen, be realistic about your abilities. Don't overexert yourself. The Yin family isn't short on money; there's no need to risk injury over pride."

Xue Chen couldn't stand the thought of not avenging the humiliation Soong Ziyang had inflicted upon him.

"Qionger, don't worry. Your husband isn't made of tofu," he reassured her.

Overhearing their exchange, Soong Ziyang devised a new scheme.

"Ah, I almost forgot. We need to add one more stipulation to our contest. If I win, Miss Yin of the Yin family will be mine as well."

Now the patriarch of the Yin family, Xue Chen saw Yin Qionger's growing affection for him, and he knew she would soon be his wife. He couldn't bear Soong Ziyang's audacious claim to her.

With a glance at Yin Qionger, Xue Chen sprang into action, launching an attack on Soong Ziyang.

With the power of the early Golden Core Realm at his disposal, Xue Chen didn't rely on mere techniques. His presence alone was enough to cause harm. As he neared Soong Ziyang, a simple pat from his right hand sent Soong Ziyang stumbling backward, crashing to the ground and coughing up blood.

The crowd, including the Five Tigers and Yin Qionger, hadn't even grasped what had happened before the contest was decided!

Soong Zibing hurried over to assist Soong Ziyang to his feet.

"Young Master, are you hurt?"

In a hushed tone, Soong Ziyang urged, "Help me back to Soong Mansion, quickly!"

He was acutely aware of his internal injuries; without prompt treatment, he risked losing his martial arts skills or, worse, his life.

"Young Master, about the rice shop..."

Soong Ziyang, barely able to muster strength, interrupted, "The rice shop is lost... No more talking, just help me back to Soong Mansion!"

Soong Zibing's heart ached. He had safeguarded the shop for over a decade, and now it had abruptly changed ownership.

Watching Soong Zibing support Soong Ziyang's unsteady steps, the Five Tigers couldn't help but laugh.

"Young Master, it's our first time seeing you in action, but we missed what technique you used!" Shea Daming remarked.

"Indeed, Young Master, you're full of surprises. What was that move you pulled off?" Yan Aze inquired.

Xue Chen chuckled, "That's the art of winning without a move. But let's set that aside for now. The Soong family's rice shop will henceforth be known as the Yin family's rice shop. Zhihao, you and your brothers will manage the Yin family's rice shop from here on out."

Wuh Zhihao was overjoyed. Running a business was far more prestigious than merely guarding a home. To be a protector was to serve the master, but it could feel like being a mere watchdog.

"Young Master, our duty is to safeguard you and the Yin family, but this shop..." Wuh Zhihao teased.

Xue Chen offered a warm smile, "The five of you brothers can rotate managing the rice shop."

Wuh Zhihao bobbed his head eagerly, "Absolutely, Young Master!"

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