Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C16 Unpredictable
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Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C16 Unpredictable
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C16 Unpredictable

Wuh Zhihao tasked Lee Chunhu, an adept accountant, with overseeing the rice shop. Together with the other three tigers, he escorted Xue Chen and Yin Qionger through the bustling streets, confidently returning to Yin Mansion.

Upon taking charge of the rice shop, Lee Chunhu's first order of business was to replace the signboard. Now, the sign that hung above the shop's entrance proudly declared: Yin Family Rice Shop! Lee Chunhu assumed the role of the shopkeeper with authority.

Soong Zibing, supporting Soong Ziyang, arrived at the gates of Soong Mansion where they were promptly greeted by a guard.

"What's happened to you, Young Master?" Guard Zou inquired.

"Guard Zou, the Young Master is injured. Quickly, inform the master!" urged Soong Zibing.

Guard Zou, bewildered, asked, "Who in Yunzhou City would dare to harm the Young Master?"

Soong Zibing shot Guard Zou a look. "Never mind that now. Just go and notify the master!"

Realizing the gravity of Soong Ziyang's injuries, Guard Zou dashed off to the Soong Mansion's living room where Soong Wanli and Mrs. Huang were leisurely sipping tea.

Guard Zou burst into the room, prompting a sharp rebuke from Mrs. Huang. "Guard Zou, haven't you learned any manners during your time with the Soong family? What's the meaning of this intrusion?"

Breathless, Guard Zou knelt on one knee and managed to say, "Madam, Master... the Young Master... he's been injured!"

Soong Wanli rose to his feet at once. "Who is responsible for Young Master's injuries?"

"I'm not sure, but he's seriously hurt; there's blood at the corner of his mouth," Guard Zou reported.

Hearing of her son's condition, Mrs. Huang became frantic. "Master, Ziyang is our only son; he must be alright..."

Soong Wanli shot her a stern look. "This is the result of your coddling. He's never fully committed to learning the Soong family's martial arts."

Tears welled up in Mrs. Huang's eyes. "Now you blame me? When Sect Master Yun offered to take Ziyang as his disciple, you were the one who refused!"

"He has yet to master even a third of our family's martial arts..."

Before Soong Wanli could finish, Soong Zibing had already brought Soong Ziyang to the living room entrance.

Soong Wanli and Mrs. Huang hurried over. As a martial arts expert, Soong Wanli immediately recognized the severity of his son's internal injuries.

"Quick, take Ziyang to the secret chamber!"

The Soong Mansion housed a discreet training and healing chamber, hidden within the family garden and camouflaged by a stone slab door that most would overlook.

With a show of strength, Soong Wanli opened the stone door and assisted Soong Ziyang inside. Before sealing the chamber, he declared, "I will tend to Ziyang's wounds. I must not be disturbed!"

As the head of the Soong Mansion's eight protectors, Guard Zou saluted with a fist. "As you command, Master!"

The stone door shut behind them.

Soong Wanli gently laid Soong Ziyang upon a stone bed, a revered artifact known for its year-round comfort and its sanctity in aiding recovery and martial practice.

After taking Soong Ziyang's pulse, Soong Wanli's brow furrowed.

From the severity of Soong Ziyang's internal injuries, it was clear that the assailant's cultivation level was at least at the mid-Foundation Stage. In Yunzhou City, aside from himself, who was at the early Foundation Stage, and Xu Daozhen from the Cloud Deriving Sect at the late Foundation Stage, there were no other experts capable of inflicting such damage on Soong Ziyang.

He resolved to heal Soong Ziyang's injuries first, then inquire about the details.

Soong Wanli then positioned himself on the stone bed, propping Soong Ziyang up. Sitting cross-legged behind him, he placed his hands on Soong Ziyang's back and began channeling his Genuine Qi...

Periodically, a surge of Genuine Qi would envelop them both...


Upon returning to Yin Mansion, Xue Chen and company found Yin Qionger in high spirits, suggesting a visit to the parlor.

The Four Tigers had already inspected the mansion, with Tieh Yaner stationed at the door leading to Yin Qionger's boudoir, on standby for any orders. Meanwhile, Yin Mansion's maids delivered tea and pastries to Xue Chen and Yin Qionger.

After enjoying their tea and pastries, Yin Qionger turned to Xue Chen with a question.

"Chen, come clean with me. How much are you keeping from me?"

She recalled Xue Chen's verbal prowess at Soong Mansion. As a scholar, it wasn't surprising that he had a way with words. However, today, Xue Chen had managed to injure Soong Ziyang before anyone could grasp the situation. Despite her sheltered life, Yin Qionger knew well of the Soong family's martial arts heritage, a common knowledge among the locals. Yet, Xue Chen had effortlessly wounded Soong Ziyang, which seemed illogical.

"Qionger, if I'm not mistaken, this is the second time you've asked me such a question," Xue Chen replied with a smile. "Wasn't everything about me thoroughly vetted by your father before I joined the Yin family?"

Yin Qionger's expression turned serious.

"Chen, indeed, I'm aware of your past. But right before my father entrusted the Yin family to you, he made a remark..."

She paused, fixing her gaze on Xue Chen, gauging his reaction. Xue Chen, however, remained composed.

"What did he say?" Xue Chen inquired.

"He said you were inscrutable..."

"Do you share your father's opinion?"

"Whether I agree or not isn't important. What concerns me is that I'm a bit frightened..."

Xue Chen offered a reassuring smile. "Qionger, what scares you?"

Yin Qionger confessed, "Your marriage into the Yin family was public knowledge in Yunzhou City; everyone labeled you as useless, a weakling. Even the Yin household didn't take you seriously at first. But after today's incident with the Soong family's young master, I'm lost in a haze of confusion. I now believe my father's words—you truly are inscrutable. If you possess genuine skills, that's one thing. But if you're merely cunning, the Soong family won't be easy to deal with. My father has mentioned their exceptional martial arts and the support they have from the Cloud Deriving Sect. I'm genuinely worried... and yet, you still haven't been completely honest with me."

To be honest, claiming he had undergone a hundred lifetimes of cultivation only to fail, and that he now inhabited the original Xue Chen, possessing the power of the Golden Core Stage—making injuring Soong Ziyang as easy as crushing an ant—who would believe such a tale?

"Qionger, I truly am that impoverished scholar, Xue Chen, who entered the Yin Mansion through marriage, and I am indeed just an ordinary man. But now that my father-in-law has entrusted the Yin family to me, it's my duty to shoulder that responsibility. I cannot allow any harm to come to the Yin family, and I must fulfill my role as a worthy son-in-law, even if it means risking my life to ensure your safety and the family's well-being."

Witnessing the surprise and bewilderment on Yin Qionger's face, Xue Chen couldn't help but add, "How could I not, with such a beautiful and captivating wife?"

Yin Qionger's face took on a stern seriousness. "Enough, I won't indulge this conversation—you're not being serious!"

Despite her words, Yin Qionger was gradually warming up to Xue Chen in her heart.

"Drink some tea, enjoy the pastries," she offered, pouring him another cup with her own hands.

For Xue Chen, this was an unprecedented moment of honor as a husband. Yin Qionger's actions today provided immense solace to a man who had long endured injustice within the Yin Mansion.

The resolve to rejuvenate and safeguard the Yin family surged with newfound intensity in Xue Chen's heart.

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