Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C17 Confining Soong Ziyang
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Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C17 Confining Soong Ziyang
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C17 Confining Soong Ziyang

Soong Ziyang coughed up a mouthful of congealed blood.

Soong Wanli took his son's pulse once more.

Thank heavens! Soong Ziyang's injuries had finally healed.

Soong Ziyang was the sole heir to the Soong family. Without him, there would be no one to carry on the vast family enterprise, and Soong Wanli couldn't bear the thought of surviving without him.

After tidying themselves up, father and son settled into the redwood chairs to savor some tea.

The secret chamber was well-appointed, suitable for months of secluded cultivation without any concern for their daily needs.

"Yang'er, who inflicted such wounds upon you?" Soong Wanli inquired.

"Father, it was the man who caused a scene at the Soong family's birthday celebration that day..."

Soong Wanli cut off Soong Ziyang mid-sentence.

"Xue Chen, the Yin family's son-in-law? Impossible," Soong Wanli exclaimed, "He's nothing but a destitute scholar, incapable of even tying up a chicken. Your injuries suggest an assailant with Foundation Stage abilities, which he certainly lacks! Ziyang, be honest with me, what really happened?"

Soong Ziyang detailed the entire incident of the Yin Mansion's Five Tigers forcibly taking over the Soong family's rice business.

Soong Wanli was livid.

"You reckless fool! You lost five million taels of silver to Xue Chen at my birthday banquet, and now our rice business is gone. You're on the brink of ruining the Soong legacy! You ungrateful wretch! I ought to thrash you!" Soong Wanli's hand was raised to strike, but the thought of his son's recent recovery stayed his hand. "To think I, Soong Wanli, have raised such a failure of a son. It's a curse upon our family!"

With a face of despair, Soong Ziyang pleaded, "Father, if not for Xue Chen's interference, I could have bested those curs from the Yin family, and our rice shop would still be ours..."

"You continue to deceive me. How could a mere scholar like Xue Chen cause you harm?" Soong Wanli challenged.

"Father, there's something off about Xue Chen. In our confrontation, I was defeated by a single move, and it seemed as though he hadn't even exerted himself."

Soong Wanli rose and paced thoughtfully.

"Ziyang, is it possible that Xue Chen is masquerading in the Yin Mansion? Could he be concealing his true capabilities, biding his time to strike at our family?"

"Father, regardless of whether this cur, Xue Chen, is feigning weakness or truly possesses hidden talents, I vow to avenge today's humiliation."

Soong Wanli's mind raced back to the events of the birthday banquet. The Yin family's Five Tigers had managed to defeat Gu Sanqi with Xue Chen's guidance. Was it conceivable that Xue Chen was indeed a mastermind in disguise within the Yin Mansion? No, he couldn't allow Ziyang to take any more risks without understanding Xue Chen's real power. His son was his only heir, and he couldn't afford to be reckless.

"Yang'er, until we uncover the full extent of Xue Chen's motives and abilities, you must refrain from acting impulsively, lest you suffer dire consequences," Soong Wanli advised.

"No, Father, I am compelled to seek retribution today. If not for Xue Chen, I wouldn't be nursing these grave injuries. If not for Xue Chen, the Yin family's daughter would be mine. There can be no peace between Xue Chen and me!"

"Yang'er, I've examined your injuries. If Xue Chen is indeed your assailant, his cultivation surpasses the Foundation Stage. I myself am at the early Foundation Stage, and Gu Sanqi's master, Xu Daozhen, is only at the third level of the Foundation Stage, not yet having reached the Golden Core Stage. Seeking out Xue Chen would be a death wish. Do you understand?" Soong Wanli implored.

Soong Ziyang loathed Xue Chen deeply, yearning for his demise.

"Father, I can't rest until Xue Chen is vanquished by my hand!"

"Do you have any idea how outmatched you are by Xue Chen? Starting today, you will remain in this secret chamber, training in the Soong family's martial arts. You are not to leave."

"No, I demand revenge!" Soong Ziyang screamed in desperation.

Soong Wanli ignored his son's cries and exited the chamber. No one in the Soong family, other than Soong Wanli, could unlock the chamber.

Effectively, Soong Ziyang was in solitary confinement.

"Release me!" Soong Ziyang bellowed, his voice reverberating off the chamber walls, unheard by anyone outside.

Collapsed on the floor, Soong Ziyang wept quietly...

Upon returning to the living room, Soong Wanli was met by Mrs. Huang.

"Master, how is Yang'er's condition?"

"He's out of danger, but I've confined him to the secret chamber."

"Master, that chamber has no ventilation, no food, no water... Yang'er might..."

Soong Wanli interjected sharply, "My secret chamber is fully stocked. He won't starve. And frankly, it's better he starves there than gets killed outside!"

"My poor boy!" Mrs. Huang sobbed.

Soong Wanli shot her a stern look. "Spare me. Overindulgence ruins children..."

Mrs. Huang stifled her tears, chastened.

"You've always blamed me. But ask yourself, have you truly disciplined Ziyang? You're obsessed with making money. What good is wealth now?"

Soong Wanli, unwilling to argue further, strode out of the living room.

Outside, the estate guard was making his rounds.

"Guard Li, summon Guard Zou to my study," Soong Wanli commanded.

"At once, Master!" Guard Li responded.

Meanwhile, Xue Chen and Yin Qionger were leisurely sipping tea in the parlor, nibbling on pastries, and engaging in conversation.

They reminisced about Xue Chen's past years at the Yin Mansion, and Yin Qionger offered her apologies.

"Qionger, truly, it doesn't bother me. As long as we can live our lives together happily, that's all I wish for," Xue Chen assured her.

"Everyone desires a peaceful life, but Chen, after your confrontation with Gu Sanqi at Master Soong's birthday and today's incident with Soong Ziyang, you've drawn the ire of the Cloud Deriving Sect. They are a formidable immortal sect, teeming with masters. The Yin family will face troubled times ahead. Have you thought of how to handle them?"

Xue Chen, now at the Golden Core Stage, found it trivial to confront the Cloud Deriving Sect's cultivators. He had strategies in mind but chose to keep them to himself, not wanting to burden Yin Qionger with worry.

"I have my ways, but for now, it's a secret," Xue Chen said with a slight smile.

Yin Qionger loathed how Xue Chen always left her hanging. Annoyed, she stood up and said, "All you do is grin and keep me guessing when I'm trying to have a serious conversation. I'm done talking to you."

"Qionger..." Xue Chen shook his head, thinking to himself, This woman can turn on a dime. It's not that I want to keep secrets from you; I just don't want you to worry. Can't you see that?

Tieh Yaner, standing watch at the door, overheard their exchange in the parlor. As Yin Qionger emerged, visibly upset, she commented, "Miss, it seems like the master is getting less and less reliable."

Yin Qionger shot Tieh Yaner a stern look. "Chen has his principles and measures when he speaks and acts. You're a servant; refrain from making careless judgments about your betters from now on!"

Tieh Yaner hadn't anticipated such a swift change in her mistress. Before, no matter what she said about Xue Chen, her mistress never backed down.

It was clear that the mistress was increasingly standing up for Xue Chen.

As a maid, her role was to follow her master's directives.

"I understand, Miss," Tieh Yaner murmured, quietly trailing behind Yin Qionger.

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