Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C19 The Messenger of the Cloud Deriving Sect
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Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C19 The Messenger of the Cloud Deriving Sect
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C19 The Messenger of the Cloud Deriving Sect

Among the Five Tigers, two were notably impatient: the first was Lee Chunhu, and the second, Guo Tiehtou, who was even more so.

"Young Master, what's this Qi Cultivation about?" Guo Tiehtou blurted out.

Xue Chen replied nonchalantly, "Sit cross-legged, calm your heart, relax, and let your energy flow through your meridians..."

Although Xue Chen described a meditation method common among practitioners, he spoke with such gravity that the Five Tigers, only half-understanding, grew even more admiring of him.

"Young Master, could you write down that mantra for us?" Wuh Zhihao inquired.

"Writing it on paper is pointless; it must be etched in your heart," Xue Chen responded. "But sure, I'll jot it down for you later."

With a fist salute, Wuh Zhihao expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Young Master. We'll head out on patrol now and return for the mantra tomorrow!"

Xue Chen mused that whether or not he pursued immortality was secondary; imparting more skills to the Five Tigers would benefit both himself and Yin Mansion.

"Very well," Xue Chen agreed. "Tomorrow, Zhihao, come to me for the mantra."

After the Five Tigers departed, Xue Chen turned his attention back to his book.


Meanwhile, Zou Zhifa had hastened to the Cloud Deriving Sect's base at Phoenix Tail Mountain.

Situated at the southern tip of the Great Qi Country, Phoenix Tail Mountain was a haven of tranquility. Upon arrival, Zou Zhifa felt an immediate sense of refreshment. The mountain was shrouded in a veil of clouds and mist.

He secured his horse to a tree and, patting the silk pouch he carried, approached the imposing mountain gate. The words "Cloud Deriving Sect" were inscribed in bold Song-style calligraphy, each stroke exuding strength and vigor.

As Zou Zhifa made to enter, a man wielding a large saber approached him.

"State your name and business. Do you have an entry token?"

The Cloud Deriving Sect required visitors to identify themselves and present proper credentials for entry.

Zou Zhifa presented a silk pouch to the gatekeeper, "I am Zou Zhifa, protector of the Soong family from Yunzhou City, bearing a letter for Elder Xu on behalf of my master."

The Soong family's annual contributions to the sect were well-known, earning them recognition throughout the Cloud Deriving Sect.

"Ah, I see. Please wait here," the gatekeeper said.

Shortly after, a young man arrived.

"Mr. Zou, meet Luo Zhigang of the Cloud Deriving Sect, responsible for communications. He will escort you to Elder Xu."

The sect's headquarters sat atop the mountain, guarded by nine formidable checkpoints, each more challenging than the last. Without an insider's guidance, ascending to the summit was nigh impossible.

"Thank you," Zou Zhifa acknowledged.

The gatekeeper glanced at the silk pouch, noting the inscription: A personal letter from Elder Xu.

Xu Daozhen held a prestigious position within the Cloud Deriving Sect, his renown eclipsing even that of the five great protectors and four elders. With numerous disciples like Gu Sanqi under his tutelage, Xu Daozhen's cultivation at the third stage of Foundation Establishment ranked him fourth within the sect.

After Zou Zhifa accepted the brocade bag returned by the gatekeeper, Luo Zhigang extended his hand, "Sir, please come with me."

Guided by Luo Zhigang, the journey was smoother, but with each checkpoint, they encountered guards, so by the time they reached Xu Daozhen's place of cultivation, night had fallen.

"Sir, I'll leave you here. Room number four in the Heavenly Block is where Immortal Xu practices. Please, go ahead."

"Thank you," Zou Zhifa replied.

Approaching room number four, Zou Zhifa paused briefly before knocking.

"Who's there?" came a stern voice from within.

The members of the Immortal Sect, despite their profound skills, remained cautious. With numerous sects vying for power in the world and the constant threat of being outmatched or ambushed, caution was a necessity. The world of cultivation was rife with such tales, driven by the scarcity of resources for ascension and the fierce competition to achieve immortality.

"Immortal Xu, I am Zou Zhifa, the protector of the Soong Mansion, sent by our Patriarch to deliver a letter to you."

Soong Wanli, after concluding his business at the Cloud Deriving Sect, would often spend time at Xu Daozhen's retreat, fostering a strong personal bond between them.

"The door is unlocked, come on in!"

Zou Zhifa gently pushed the door open and entered to find a figure with a hairpin seated on a meditation cushion, eyes seemingly closed.

"Senior, forgive the intrusion," Zou Zhifa greeted with a bow.

Xu Daozhen opened his eyes and rose to his feet.

"Mr. Zou, no need for formalities, please take a seat."

Looking around, Zou Zhifa noticed the lack of chairs, save for the cushion.

"Senior, about that..."

Understanding the implication, Xu Daozhen gestured, and two rosewood chairs with a tea table between them materialized beside the bed.

"Sir, please be seated!"

Zou Zhifa hesitated, unsure if the chairs were indeed meant for sitting.

"What's the matter, afraid of a trick?" Xu Daozhen asked.

"No, no, Senior, I'm merely amazed at how chairs and a table could appear out of thin air in this room."

Xu Daozhen chuckled, "Sir, every room in the Cloud Deriving Sect is equipped with such contrivances. Rest assured, they pose no danger."

With that assurance, Zou Zhifa settled into a chair.

"Sir, what tea would you prefer? The Cloud Deriving Sect offers Cloud Mist Tea, Early Spring Tea..."

Zou Zhifa, eager to conclude his errand and depart from the unsettling Cloud Deriving Sect, declined the offer.

"Senior, please, there's no need for formalities. Here is the letter from my family leader for your perusal." Handing the brocade bag across the table, Zou Zhifa watched as Xu Daozhen opened it and began to read: "Immortal Xu, as if meeting in person, a formidable figure has recently emerged in Yunzhou City, harming my son and seizing our property. My investigations suggest this individual's cultivation is at the third phase of Foundation Establishment, possibly even at the initial stage of the Golden Core Realm. This person now poses a significant threat to the Soong family. I implore you to remember the support our family has provided your sect over the years..."

Xu Daozhen stopped reading, already grasping Soong Wanli's intent.

He set the letter down on the coffee table.

"Sir, Gu Sanqi has briefed me on the matters raised by Patriarch Soong. The Soong family has been a benefactor to our Cloud Deriving Sect, and we shall not overlook their concerns. Please relay to Patriarch Soong that I will dispatch someone from the mountain. Should the need arise, I myself will descend to address the situation."

Zou Zhifa rose, fists clasped in gratitude. "Many thanks, Immortal. My task is complete, and I shall now depart."

"Sir, the hour is late, and a journey back to Soong Mansion would be most inconvenient. Please, stay the night here and set out on your way come morning."

"Thank you, Immortal!" Zou Zhifa had no real intention of returning to the Soong residence just then; his response was merely a formality.

"You'll find the rooms beyond number twelve vacant. Choose any to your liking. Upon your departure tomorrow, simply inform me. Feel free to explore before you retire, but steer clear of the graveyard on the rear mountain."

"Understood, Immortal. I will retire now," Zou Zhifa acknowledged.

He selected room thirteen for his night's stay.

Maybe it was the unfamiliar surroundings, but Zou Zhifa tossed and turned restlessly in bed, unable to sleep.

Eventually, he rose, dressed, and stepped out of room number thirteen.

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