Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C2 The Five Tigers
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Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C2 The Five Tigers
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C2 The Five Tigers

At the third quarter of the hour, Xue Chen returned to Yin Mansion, guided by memory. After several knocks, the massive gate creaked open. A man clad in a martial master's attire peeked out and, recognizing the son-in-law, called into the courtyard, "All's well, the young master has returned on his own. No need to search for him anymore."

As Xue Chen entered the courtyard, he was promptly greeted by four additional martial masters. These Five Tigers, as they were known, were elite guards hired by Old Master Yin, each a skilled veteran from the Army of Brilliance, despite their youth.

Old Master Yin, likely fearing that the resentful Soong Ziyang might target Xue Chen, had assigned the Five Tigers to ensure his safety. Their concern had peaked when Xue Chen left the mansion unannounced earlier that day, prompting them to consider a search party.

"Aiyo, young master, where on earth did you sneak off to?" Wuh Zhihao, the martial masters' leader, frowned at Xue Chen. "If anything had happened to you, how could we face the old master?"

Lee Chunhu chimed in with his own grievance, "Exactly. Even if you disregard your safety, think of our livelihoods!"

Their chatter was more complaint than concern, lacking the respect due to the son-in-law of Yin Mansion. This sentiment wasn't unique to the martial masters; the entire household, from maids to stable hands, scarcely acknowledged Xue Chen, dismissing him as a fortunate scholar who had stumbled into marrying into the Yin family.

It was common knowledge that Miss Yin held little regard for her husband, having never allowed Xue Chen into her private chambers since their wedding. Theirs was a marriage in name only.

In the grand estate, the servants' attitudes mirrored their masters'. They addressed him as "young master" but held no genuine respect for Xue Chen.

"Look at you, young master, covered in mud and with your hair in disarray. Have you had a rough time outside?" remarked the martial masters, their complaints giving way to curiosity.

Wuh Zhihao then noticed Xue Chen's disheveled appearance. Xue Chen nonchalantly replied, "I went to visit a friend today and encountered a wild dog that tried to attack me. I dealt with it."

The martial masters exchanged glances before erupting into laughter. Shea Daming, who had opened the gate, was nearly in tears from amusement. "Young master, you're lucky the wild dog didn't finish you off, let alone you dealing with it. Brothers, let's check the young master for injuries!"

They clumsily fussed over Xue Chen's attire, their faces a mix of scorn and mockery.

"Enough!" Xue Chen's brow furrowed, and as the Golden Core within him whirled, a formidable pressure erupted. His cultivation at the Golden Core Stage was not to be underestimated; the martial masters were instantly repelled, sent reeling five feet back by the force.

The Martial Masters stumbled to a halt, staring at Xue Chen with expressions as blank as scarecrows, wondering if their eyes were deceiving them.

The man before them, with his commanding presence, bore no resemblance to the timid and refined son-in-law they had known.

"What... What's happening?" Wuh Zhihao gaped, pinching himself at the waist to ensure he wasn't dreaming. Fixing his gaze on Xue Chen, he demanded, "What sorcery was that just now?!"

Xue Chen's garments billowed as he scanned the Martial Masters with an icy glare. "From now on, treat me with the respect I deserve. Anyone who disrespects me will find their bones broken first!"

His voice wasn't loud, but it cut through the air with chilling authority. The five Martial Masters trembled, feeling a wave of numbness wash over their spines, and they all bowed their heads, unable to meet Xue Chen's steely gaze.

"Xue Chen, have you returned?"

Amidst the frosty silence of the front courtyard, a voice drifted from the parlor entrance. It was Yin Yusheng, the head of Yin Mansion, making his appearance.

Xue Chen quickly subdued his formidable aura and bowed respectfully at the parlor's threshold. "Father-in-law, my apologies for the delay today. I was visiting a friend and have only now returned."

Yin Yusheng grunted in acknowledgment. "Try to stay within the mansion as much as possible. Should you need to leave, always take guards with you. You're a member of the Yin family now; you must act with caution."

"I'll keep that in mind," Xue Chen replied, nodding.

Yin Yusheng turned and headed back into the parlor. "Get some rest. The day after tomorrow is Old Master Soong's birthday. Tomorrow, help me inspect the Yin family's gifts to ensure there are no mistakes."

Once Yin Yusheng had departed, Xue Chen made his way to the inner courtyard, commanding the Martial Masters, "What are you standing around for? I need to bathe. Fetch the hot water!"

The Martial Masters, still shaken by Xue Chen's earlier display, hurriedly obeyed, a newfound respect kindling within them.

Wuh Zhihao, their leader, wrung his hands with unease. "Young Master, it's quite late. The fires in the kitchen are out, and the servants are likely asleep. Where will we find hot water for your bath?"

Xue Chen halted. "That's not my concern! Either rouse the servant responsible for the fire or boil the water yourselves. I expect a hot bath within half an hour!"

With those words, Xue Chen stamped his foot lightly, and the green stone tiles beneath him cracked with a sharp snap, spiderwebbing outwards.

The five Martial Masters stared at the fractured tiles, utterly stupefied, long after Xue Chen had disappeared into the inner courtyard.

"Brother Wu, is this... martial skill or witchcraft?" Lee Chunhu crouched down, caressing the broken tiles and gulping nervously. "A mere step shatters stone—can this even be human?"

Wuh Zhihao inhaled sharply. "Brothers, we've been blind. The Young Master has been concealing his true power. He may appear gentle and frail, but in truth, he's a martial prodigy!"

Martial Master Yan Aze nodded in agreement, "He's not just a martial arts practitioner; he's an incredibly formidable expert!"

Lee Chunhu shivered from head to toe. "Considering how we've treated the Young Master, do you think he'll take his revenge on us later?"

Guo Tiehtou, another Martial Master, gripped his shaking fists. "How about we join forces and sort him out tonight? Strike first to gain the upper hand!"

Wuh Zhihao gave Guo Tiehtou a rap on the back of his head. "That's a terrible plan! Reflect on the Young Master's presence and the shattered stone tiles. Even with a combined assault, we'd be no match for him!"

Rubbing the sore spot on his head, Guo Tiehtou wore a gloomy expression. "So, what do we do?"

"Everyone, pay attention. From now on, no more disrespect towards the Young Master! If we stick to our duties, we might get the chance to learn a thing or two from him!" Wuh Zhihao paused to think, then added, "Keep tonight's events to yourselves. The Young Master surely has his reasons for feigning ignorance. We don't need to make life harder for ourselves."

The Martial Masters nodded blankly, "We'll follow Brother Wu's lead."

"What are you spacing out for?" Wuh Zhihao glanced at the moon in the night sky and urged, "Get to the kitchen and start boiling water. If you keep dragging your feet, there won't be enough time!"

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