Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C22 The Refining of the Magic Tool(2)
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Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C22 The Refining of the Magic Tool(2)
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C22 The Refining of the Magic Tool(2)

"Green Jade Soul Chasing!" Xue Chen declared with a grin.

Lee Chunhu chuckled naively, "My goodness, Soul Chasing? If that hits me, would my soul be utterly dispersed?"

Xue Chen's expression grew serious. "Exactly. If the wielder possesses formidable magical power, the victim's soul could scatter beyond recovery, possibly never to reincarnate."

Wuh Zhihao exclaimed, "Oh my, is it truly that formidable? Young Master, I owe you a great debt for your help that day. By the way, what's your purpose in showing us this magical artifact?"

Xue Chen replied, "Now that this magical artifact is in my possession, naturally I must make it my own, which requires re-consecration."

"But Young Master," Lee Chunhu queried, "if the artifact is already yours, why the need to re-consecrate it? Is its magical power insufficient?"

Xue Chen smiled. "Insufficient power is only part of it. The crux is that I'm not its original master. It won't heed me unless it's merged with my Fate Spirit Essence, ensuring my complete control."

"Young Master!" Wuh Zhihao interjected, "We're clueless about these cultivation matters. What exactly is a Fate Spirit Essence?"

Defining Fate Spirit Essence in cultivation terms was no simple task. It was too complex for the Five Tigers to grasp, and a shallow explanation wouldn't demonstrate Xue Chen's expertise.

"Fate Spirit Essence," Xue Chen began, "is essentially the combination of one's three spiritual and seven physical souls, each aligned with their zodiac. Once integrated with the artifact, it will respond to the owner's commands effortlessly..."

"Heh!" Wuh Zhihao and Lee Chunhu still seemed puzzled, but Xue Chen had elucidated as clearly as possible. "So, Young Master, how does one re-consecrate a magical artifact?"

"Today," Xue Chen explained, "I aim to demonstrate the re-consecration of Green Jade Soul Chasing, to acquaint you with the ritual's procedure and steps. And yes, please fetch Shea Daming and the rest."

"Right away, Young Master!" Lee Chunhu affirmed, setting off to gather the remaining Three Tigers.

The re-consecration methods differ between Taoist and Buddhist traditions, yet share a common thread.

Once the other Three Tigers arrived, Xue Chen prepared to simultaneously teach and perform the re-consecration.

Shortly, Shea Daming, Yan Aze, Guo Tiehtou, and Lee Chunhu arrived at Xue Chen's abode.

"Listen closely," Xue Chen addressed them. "I'll outline the re-consecration process and steps just once, so heed my instructions."

The Five Tigers, brimming with curiosity and excitement, listened intently.

A practitioner of centuries, Xue Chen had always followed the Taoist way.

"Zhihao, ready the incense," he instructed.

Though uncertain, Wuh Zhihao complied. Shea Daming positioned the incense burner on a table, surrounded by nine candles. Wuh Zhihao inserted nine sticks of incense, while Yan Aze lit them along with the candles using a fire piston. Guo Tiehtou stood vigilant by Xue Chen's side.

With a graceful sweep of his hands, Xue Chen traced an arc in the air, murmuring an arcane spell beyond the Five Tigers' comprehension. A portrait materialized before them, and though not yet cultivators, they recognized the figure depicted.

"Young Master, isn't that the Taoist patriarch, Zhang Daoling?" Wuh Zhihao inquired, "What's the purpose of summoning him?"

Xue Chen replied, "Impressive, you recognize him. Indeed, that's Zhang Daoling, the Taoist patriarch. The first step in refining magical instruments for Taoists is to pay homage to our forefather. Without this, success is unlikely."

Lee Chunhu remarked, "I see, there's a tradition for this..."

Before Lee Chunhu could finish, Xue Chen led by example, kneeling down. The Five Tigers promptly followed, bowing their heads nine times before Zhang Daoling's portrait.

After the reverent act, Xue Chen prayed, "Exalted Ancestor, today your disciple Xue Chen endeavors to refine a magical instrument. I beseech your aid for its successful completion..."

Both Xue Chens observed the eyes of Zhang Daoling's image flicker. Suddenly, the cabin was aglow with golden light...

Xue Chen realized the patriarch's support was with him. In a hushed tone, he instructed, "Keep silent. I'm beginning the refinement of the Green Jade Soul Chasing... And if my body exhibits any issues, do not move me. Ensure no one enters to disrupt my practice!"

"Yes, Young Master!" echoed the Five Tigers in unison.

Lee Chunhu, stationed by the door, rose to secure it, then resumed his kneeling position.

Xue Chen positioned himself on the mat, hands clasped before him, then swiftly extended them outward, channeling Genuine Qi into his palms before directing it at the Green Jade Soul Chasing.

The artifact levitated between Xue Chen and the portrait.

Xue Chen expelled his three souls and seven spirits. A strand of rainbow light gently merged with the Green Jade Soul Chasing, which then radiated a spectrum of colors.

This signified Xue Chen's Fate Spirit Essence entering the Green Jade Soul Chasing. After orbiting within, it replicated his three souls and seven spirits. The originals returned to Xue Chen, while the copies remained within the artifact.

The ritual lasted 81 units of time, with Taoist doctrine equating one unit to sixteen modern seconds. Thus, the complete integration of Xue Chen's Fate Spirit Essence into the Green Jade Soul Chasing would take approximately one thousand two hundred and ninety-six seconds, or about twenty minutes.

These twenty minutes were fraught with peril for Xue Chen. Any misstep could mean his three souls and seven spirits might not rejoin, effectively rendering him as good as dead!


Yin Qionger rose for a brief trip to the restroom and by chance noticed from the second floor of the Embroidery House that Xue Chen's quarters were ablaze with light. Fearing an accidental fire, she hurried downstairs, out the door, and briskly made her way to the side building...


Xue Chen's three souls and seven spirits were safely restored.

He silently recited a Magic Spell, infusing it into the Green Jade Soul Chasing.

From then on, whenever Xue Chen wielded a magical instrument and whispered the incantation, it would respond with power matching his own cultivation level.

Grasping the magical artifact, Xue Chen gestured, and the portrait of the ancestral master vanished.

Xue Chen stowed the technique and took a moment to regulate his breath.

"All set!" Xue Chen announced, "Everyone, you may rise."

The Five Tigers stood up.

Wuh Zhihao exclaimed, "Young Master, with the magic artifact re-consecrated, its power must surely surpass its former glory!"

Xue Chen grinned, "Naturally. Once I wield this artifact and recite the spell, any attempt to thwart me will be futile, unless my adversary's cultivation and magical prowess exceed my own."

"Young Master, now that the artifact is yours to command, its name should change. It's no longer Green Jade Soul Chasing," Lee Chunhu suggested.

Xue Chen's smile broadened, "Indeed. But what new name shall we give it? Let me ponder that!"

He paced the room, murmuring, "All efforts to obstruct are in vain; life and death hinge on a mere thought."

"Ah, I have it," Xue Chen declared, "It shall be named One-thought Life Death!"

Wuh Zhihao nodded, "Young Master, the name couldn't be more apt."

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