Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C23 He Harassed the Yi Mansion.
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Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C23 He Harassed the Yi Mansion.
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C23 He Harassed the Yi Mansion.

The Green Jade Soul Chasing originally belonged to Xu Daozhen of the Cloud Deriving Sect.

Xue Chen, while erasing the artifact's attributes, had inadvertently caused minor harm to Xu Daozhen.

Once Xue Chen successfully re-refined the artifact, Xu Daozhen was immediately aware.

This artifact, in the hands of another and re-refined, posed a significant threat to both Xu Daozhen and the Cloud Deriving Sect.

It was imperative to reclaim the artifact.

Xu Daozhen crafted a summoning talisman and released it; it swiftly made its way to Gu Sanqi's residence, specifically to room number four.

Gu Sanqi was in deep meditation when the talisman arrived, buzzing overhead.

Catching the talisman, Gu Sanqi read the message: "Come to room number four immediately."

Recognizing his master's call, Gu Sanqi conjured a flight talisman, soared into the air, and headed straight for room number four.

Within the Cloud Deriving Sect, accommodations were divided into Heaven and Earth categories, with the more advanced practitioners like guards, elders, and the sect master residing in Heaven rooms, while juniors and servants occupied Earth rooms.

The distance between Heaven and Earth rooms spanned several hundred meters.

Yet, with the flight talisman, Gu Sanqi reached room number four in just eight seconds.

Gu Sanqi knelt before Xu Daozhen.

"Disciple pays respects to Master!"

Xu Daozhen lifted Gu Sanqi to his feet.

"Thank you, Master," Gu Sanqi said, standing.

"Sanqi, I've summoned you at this late hour for two reasons. First, the Green Jade Soul Chasing I entrusted to you—you mentioned it might have ended up with Xue Chen of Yunzhou City's Yin Mansion. I've sensed its original properties have been erased. Moreover, I was wounded during the erasure. Previously, I was unaware of the culprit, but now it's clear: Xue Chen was the one who harmed me. His re-refinement of the artifact threatens both myself and our sect. Take several of your brothers and retrieve the Green Jade Soul Chasing from the Yin Mansion at all costs."

After enduring Xue Chen's earlier humiliation, Gu Sanqi had vowed to exact revenge. He had since been honing his sect's techniques, achieving a breakthrough in the Earth Heart Scripture, advancing to the late Qi Refinement stage. He was confident he could defeat Xue Chen.

"Master, rest assured, I will reclaim the Green Jade Soul Chasing and seek justice for both you and myself," Gu Sanqi affirmed.

Xu Daozhen cautioned him, "Sanqi, considering Xue Chen managed to injure me while nullifying the artifact's original attributes, his cultivation must be at least equal to mine, possibly even at the Golden Core Stage. Exercise caution on this mission, employ strategy, and avoid direct confrontation."

Gu Sanqi, prideful by nature and seething from Xue Chen's insult, was eager to confront him directly. He was prepared to risk everything, even if it meant perishing alongside his adversary. He also couldn't shake his disbelief that Xue Chen's cultivation could truly be that formidable; after all, his previous defeat to the Five Tigers was merely a result of Xue Chen's cunning ploy.

Certainly, he wouldn't dare go against his master's wishes at that moment.

"Yes, Master, your disciple understands."

Xu Daozhen nodded, then added, "The second matter concerns the Soong family, who are indebted to our Cloud Deriving Sect. Patriarch Soong has written to us, claiming the Yin family has usurped their property. You must meet with Patriarch Soong and strategize on how to recover the Soong family's assets."

"Understood, Master!"

"Sanqi, this issue requires immediate attention. Take some of your brothers and set out at once. I will also impart to you an advanced flying talisman to hasten your journey. Pay close attention..."

The enhanced flying talisman from Xu Daozhen promised a significant boost in speed.

"Yes, Master. Your disciple is all ears!"


Xue Chen and the Five Tigers were deep in discussion about the capabilities of the One-thought Life Death when a knock interrupted them.

Xue Chen was relieved that the initial phase of the magic tool's refinement was complete; an interruption at another time might have been disastrous.

Guo Tiehtou opened the door to the cottage.

"Miss, is that you?" exclaimed Guo Tiehtou.

Yin Qionger entered without a word.

"Chen, what's going on here? I saw flames from the Embroidery House and feared it was ablaze. What exactly are you up to?"

Xue Chen replied with a smile, "Qionger, I'm just sharing a story with the Five Tigers."

"A story?" questioned Yin Qionger. "And does this story require burning incense and offering prayers?"

With another smile, Xue Chen said, "Well, Qionger, it's a tale about the Taoist patriarchs, so..."

"No need to explain further. Just be cautious in the future. A fire in the wooden structures of the Yin Mansion could be catastrophic."

Xue Chen bowed respectfully, "Your advice is well taken, my lady. I shall not forget."

Yin Qionger departed.

Xue Chen quickly shut the door and addressed the others, "Keep the refinement of the magic tool from the Young Madam for now, understood?"

The Five Tigers responded in unison, "Yes, Young Master!"

Xue Chen continued, "Although the preliminary refinement of the One-thought Life Death is complete, to enhance its magical potency, we must persist. I may need to enter seclusion for several hours. Do not neglect the security of the Yin Mansion."

Wuh Zhihao saluted, "Rest assured, Young Master. We will guard it with our lives!"

The Five Tigers left to patrol the night.

Over centuries of cultivation, Xue Chen had accumulated a wealth of heavenly treasures, such as Dragon Horns, Jade Coral, and Immortal Spirit Fruit, which could significantly amplify the magic tool's power. Yet, refining these items posed a greater challenge than integrating one's Fate Spirit Essence, as the soul components could drift, while these inanimate treasures resisted fusion, demanding considerable cultivation and time from the refiner.

Thus, Xue Chen resolved to seclude himself for additional hours.

Securing the door, he sat down and erected a triple-layered barrier. Surrounded by a collection of celestial treasures, he resumed the intensive refinement of the One-thought Life Death.

After a full patrol of the Yin Mansion, the Five Tigers designated a rotating guard, with the others retiring to rest, agreeing to switch every two hours.

Lee Chunhu was currently on duty at the Yin Mansion, pacing diligently back and forth, vigilant to any irregularities.

As he patrolled the backyard, he caught sight of several shadows flitting over the mansion's walls before quickly dispersing. An attack on the Yin Mansion — that was the immediate thought that sprang to Lee Chunhu's mind.

These intruders were no ordinary foes; their skills surpassed those of the Five Tigers. Realizing he was outmatched, Lee Chunhu raced back to his quarters and roused the Five Tigers from their slumber.

"Guys, I spotted several figures sneaking into the Yin Mansion while on patrol."

"We should check it out," suggested Wuh Zhihao.

With that, the Five Tigers emerged from their dwelling.

The Embroidery House, where the young Miss resided, was the most critical area of the mansion, second only to the main building where Yin Yusheng, the master of the house, stayed.

"Chunhu, you and Guo Tiehtou head to the main building to guard the master. Da Ming and Aze, you're with me to the Embroidery House to protect the Miss," Wuh Zhihao directed, and the teams swiftly took up their positions.

The mysterious figures were, in fact, Xu Daozhen's disciples, including Gu Sanqi, Xin Jun, Hu Sunan, and Babud. All four were practitioners in the Qi Refining Stage, with Gu Sanqi at the third level and the others at the initial phase.

Now scattered throughout the Yin Mansion, their campaign of disturbance was well underway.

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