Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C4 A Glance
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Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C4 A Glance
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C4 A Glance

Since Xue Chen had become a son-in-law of the Yin Mansion, this was his first time stepping into Yin Qionger's Embroidery House.

The house was a two-story affair, reminiscent of the duplexes Xue Chen had encountered in the modern world, adorned with an air of ancient elegance. Delicate ornaments and furnishings revealed the thoughtful touch of a young lady's hand throughout.

Tieh Yaner deposited Xue Chen onto a grand chair and called up to the second floor with due respect, "Miss, I've brought Young Master Xue to you."

A tender green veil hung from the balcony railing above, casting a mist-like aura in the lantern light.

A silhouette approached behind the veil, speaking softly, "Well done, Tieh Yaner. Stand guard outside, and ensure no other servants or maids intrude."

With Tieh Yaner's departure, the vast Embroidery House was left to just Xue Chen and Yin Qionger.

Resigned to his situation, Xue Chen, wrapped up like a dumpling, reclined in the chair, gazing at Yin Qionger's silhouette behind the veil, wondering about her true appearance.

"It's quite forward of me to summon you at this late hour, Young Master Xue," Yin Qionger's voice was surprisingly pleasant. "Tieh Yaner can be a bit hasty; I hope she didn't startle you."

Xue Chen, slightly irked by the manner of his summons, quipped with a playful laugh, "My dear, a simple call would have sufficed if you missed me. Why go through all this trouble?"

"Eh?" Yin Qionger was momentarily at a loss for words. She had been led to believe Xue Chen was always meek and mild-mannered. How could he suddenly seem so slick and flippant?

Xue Chen continued, "Just speak your mind, my dear. We're husband and wife, after all. The old saying goes, 'marry a chicken, follow the chicken; marry a dog, follow the dog.' Having married into the Yin family, I'm naturally at your service."

Yin Qionger's distaste grew at Xue Chen's frivolous tone, her own voice turning chilly, "Let's cut to the chase. The day after tomorrow marks the fiftieth birthday of the Soong family patriarch. They've sent an invitation for both of us to attend the banquet. I'm concerned you're unaccustomed to such grand affairs, so I called you here to offer some advice."

Xue Chen bristled at this, his response laced with sarcasm, "Are you suggesting that I might disgrace the Yin family?"

Yin Qionger didn't mince words, "You're well aware of the young master of the Soong family's character. He'll surely seize the opportunity to ridicule you, aiming to make you a laughingstock among the guests."

"And what then? Should I cower beneath your skirts as soon as I set foot in the Soong Mansion?" Xue Chen's pride was wounded, and his tone grew sharp.

"You... You really don't know what's good for you!" Yin Qionger snapped, her anger rising, "You're merely a son-in-law in our Yin family. How dare you address me with such insolence?!"

"You've only got it half right!" Xue Chen leapt from his chair, hopping about agitatedly, "I'm far worse off than any other son-in-law. Not only am I the subject of disdain, but I haven't even laid eyes on my own wife! You find my words improper? Well then, go ahead and divorce me. I've had my fill of this anyway!"

"You..." Yin Qionger, hidden behind the curtain, was clearly taken aback by Xue Chen's assertiveness and momentarily at a loss for words.

The air between them grew tense and chilly. It took a while before Yin Qionger managed to compose herself and respond with a frosty edge, "You wish to shed the title of unwanted son-in-law? I'll grant you that. But first, you must help maintain the Yin family's dignity at the Soong Mansion's birthday celebration. Afterward, I'll promptly draft a letter of divorce to liberate you."

"Agreed!" Xue Chen plopped back into his chair, thinking to himself that retreating to a cave for some intense cultivation would be far preferable to enduring the indignities at the Yin Mansion.

A small booklet sailed from behind the veil, landing with a thud at Xue Chen's feet.

"I spent the entire day penning that document," Yin Qionger's voice carried over. "Take it and study it closely. It outlines potential scenarios at the birthday banquet and strategies to handle them. Memorize it, so you can face whatever comes with poise."

Xue Chen gave the booklet a cursory glance. "My wife has certainly covered all bases. But can one truly anticipate every twist of fate? I'd rather not bother. I'll simply ensure I don't become the laughingstock of the banquet."

"And how can you guarantee that?"

"I'll meet force with force, and stem the tide with earth. If Soong Ziyang thinks he can outsmart me, he's got another thing coming," Xue Chen declared confidently. "If I fail, you're free to punish me as you see fit."

"Remember, those are your words," Yin Qionger retorted, no longer interested in prolonging the conversation. She was about to summon Tieh Yaner to escort Xue Chen out when he interjected.

"However, I have one condition. If you refuse, it might just affect my composure at the banquet."

"Out with it," Yin Qionger demanded, cutting to the chase.

"We've been married this long, and you've finally allowed me into the Embroidery House. Surely, you can't deny me a glimpse of your face?"

"You'll see me soon enough, before the Soong Mansion's banquet the day after tomorrow. I have no desire to meet you now."

Xue Chen shook his head, persistent. "That won't do. The less you wish to see me, the more I find myself longing to see you. It's best you indulge this request, or I might spend the night restless, which could leave me distracted at the banquet."

"How dare you threaten me!" Yin Qionger fumed, stamping her foot, yet for the greater good, she swallowed her anger. "Fine. We're bound to meet eventually. Have it your way."

Xue Chen's tactics had paid off. He looked over at the flower platform's railing with a grin.

First, a set of slender, pale fingers emerged, lifting the gauze. Then Yin Qionger herself stepped beyond the veil, appearing beside the railing.

She stood tall and elegant, dressed in a light blue silk gown, her hair pinned up artfully, her complexion snowy, and her features exquisitely refined—as if she were a celestial being stepped out from a painting.

The tiny cinnabar mole at the corner of her right eye only added to her delicate, alluring charm.

Xue Chen involuntarily straightened up, rising from his chair once more, his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets in awe.

It suddenly dawned on Xue Chen why Soong Ziyang, that scoundrel, couldn't let go of Yin Qionger even after she was married. Any man would struggle to resist such beauty!

Xue Chen harbored a twinge of regret. He wished he hadn't promised Yin Qionger they would leave the Yin Mansion together.

"See for yourself!"

Yin Qionger's loathing for Xue Chen was evident on her lovely, angered face. Bathed in the candlelight, her allure took on a captivating quality, embodying the adage, "A beauty under the light becomes more enchanting the longer you gaze."

Xue Chen hopped toward the flower stand, eager for a better look, but his foot caught the edge of a thin blanket, which slipped off, exposing his bare skin!

Yin Qionger, innocent in such matters, paled with fright and let out a scream, retreating behind the gauzy veil.

Tieh Yaner, outside the Embroidery House, rushed in at the commotion. She looked up to see Xue Chen clumsily trying to cover himself with the fallen blanket and flew into a rage. "You vile lecher! How dare you violate the young lady? I'll end you!"

With that, Tieh Yaner clenched her fists and charged at Xue Chen.

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