Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C5 Unruly Son-in-law
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Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C5 Unruly Son-in-law
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C5 Unruly Son-in-law

Xue Chen awoke in his bed to find it was already the next morning. He had a faint recollection of Tieh Yaner's fist coming at him, and perhaps out of a sense of shame and guilt for his brashness, he hadn't fought back, nor had he summoned his protective energy. He had taken quite a beating from Tieh Yaner. It was only Yin Qionger's concern that he might be too injured to attend the Soong family's birthday celebration that made her intervene and stop Tieh Yaner. With her mortal strength, Tieh Yaner had managed to pummel a cultivator of the Golden Core Realm, likely making her the first to ever do so.

Thankfully, a night's rest had allowed the power of the Golden Core to heal Xue Chen's physical injuries. Upon rising, he went to pay his respects to his father-in-law, Yin Yusheng, as was customary. Yin Yusheng tasked Xue Chen with inventorying all the gifts for the upcoming birthday banquet, and to his astonishment, the array of offerings was extensive. From gold, silver, and jade to luxurious silks and a myriad of rare treasures from across the lands, it took Xue Chen a full day to meticulously check each item against the list.

The Soong Mansion buzzed with activity on the third morning. As Xue Chen was just waking up, Tieh Yaner burst in with several maids in tow. Without a word, they set about grooming him from head to toe, ensuring he was impeccably dressed. After a quick breakfast, Old Master Yin sent word for Xue Chen to board the carriage, ready to make their way to the Soong Mansion for the birthday respects.

Upon Xue Chen's arrival at the mansion's entrance, all present were taken aback by his transformation. His attire was sharp and well-fitted, his demeanor radiant and confident, a stark departure from any prior timidity. He exuded a vibrant, youthful energy, and his presence was striking. Beside Yin Yusheng stood Yin Qionger, equally stunning in her careful attire, making the pair a vision of elegance and harmony.

Yin Yusheng, pleased with Xue Chen's presentation, urged the couple to quickly board the carriage. The procession included two carriages for the guests and three for the birthday gifts, each led by one of the Five Tigers. The convoy made its way through the broad streets toward the Soong Mansion.

Xue Chen and Yin Qionger shared a carriage, but from the moment they embarked, they each retreated to opposite corners, the air between them icy. The awkwardness from their candid encounter the previous night still lingered. The journey passed in silence as they traversed half of Yunzhou City before reaching the Soong Mansion.

The Soong family, the preeminent clan of Yunzhou and backed by the influential Cloud Deriving Sect, was unmatched in prestige. Today, as the family patriarch Soong Wanli celebrated his fiftieth birthday, figures from both the martial arts circles and the political elite gathered to offer their felicitations. The throng of carriages brought the road before the Soong Mansion to a standstill.

Old Master Yin, with Xue Chen and his wife in tow, alighted from the carriage. He exchanged warm greetings with familiar faces as they approached the Soong residence. At the entrance, Soong Ziyang, tasked with receiving the guests, was all smiles. Among the arriving dignitaries, his eyes quickly found Yin Qionger.

Before he could revel in his joy, his gaze landed on Xue Chen, standing beside Yin Qionger, and his expression instantly solidified.

Was he seeing a ghost? Just two days earlier, Soong Ziyang had personally strangled Xue Chen to death, only leaving the body in the desolate hills after it had gone cold. How had this cursed son-in-law resurrected in mere days?

Did Xue Chen have a twin brother, perhaps?

Lost in his shock, Yin Yusheng ascended the steps with his daughter and son-in-law, presenting the birthday gift list to the Soong Mansion's steward. He then offered his congratulations to Soong Ziyang with a bow.

It was only then that Soong Ziyang snapped out of it, managing a forced smile to politely engage with Yin Yusheng, all the while his eyes were stealthily taking in Xue Chen.

"Young Master Soong! My congratulations on your father's auspicious birthday!" Xue Chen greeted him with ease, casually flicking his folding fan near his throat and quickly sticking out his tongue.

Soong Ziyang's eyebrows shot up. Xue Chen's actions were a blatant allusion to the murder attempt on the outskirts of the city.

"The Yin family patriarch has arrived!" the butler called out, ushering Yin Yusheng and his relatives inside.

Xue Chen lagged behind deliberately, tapping Soong Ziyang's chest with his fan as he passed and flashing a sly, meaningful smile.

Who was Soong Ziyang? He'd swaggered through Yunzhou City all his life. Initially shocked at the sight of the resurrected Xue Chen, he now seethed with rage from the provocation, internally cursing his failure to finish the job properly on that desolate hill. He should have dismembered Xue Chen!

"That despicable wretch, I'll ensure you'll never lift your head in Yunzhou City again!" Soong Ziyang seethed, plotting his next move.

As noon approached, firecrackers erupted outside the Soong Mansion, signaling the start of the birthday feast.

Yin Yusheng, a man of stature in Yunzhou City, was seated at the main table with the birthday honoree, Soong Wanli, while Xue Chen and Yin Qionger joined other guests at a side table.

Before the meal commenced, Soong Wanli stood to thank his guests with a speech filled with customary platitudes. Meanwhile, Xue Chen's gaze was fixed on a middle-aged man with a long, thin face and a sparse goatee, seated beside Soong Wanli. His sallow complexion and half-closed eyes gave him the appearance of a consumptive.

Out of all the guests, Xue Chen was drawn to this man because he recognized him as a cultivator, albeit one with a cultivation level that seemed to hover around the mid-stage of Qi Refinement.

Despite the Soong family's prominence, they were still mortals. Having a cultivator attend their celebration was a significant honor.

Soong Wanli seized the opportunity to boast, introducing the man to the gathered guests. This was Gu Sanqi, a fifth-generation disciple of the Cloud Deriving Sect.

The guests seldom had the chance to meet a reclusive cultivator, so they all rose to their feet and greeted him with a respectful fist salute.

Xue Chen simply shook his head and sighed, picking up his chopsticks to eat. He couldn't help but think how the world had declined, with even the smallest fish from the Qi Refining Stage brazenly seeking attention.

Gu Sanqi clearly relished the warm reception and compliments, surveying the room with a haughty gaze. He quickly noticed that Xue Chen was the only one not paying him any heed, which irked him. He called out loudly, "Who is that young master? Patriarch Soong hasn't even declared the feast open. How dare you start eating? Such a lack of decorum!"

All eyes turned to Xue Chen. Soong Ziyang, already plotting to make Xue Chen look foolish, seized the moment. Feigning concern for Gu Sanqi, he said, "Please, Mister Gu, hold your anger. That young master is Uncle Yin's newly acquired son-in-law from a humble background. He's likely unfamiliar with the ways of the world and ignorant of proper etiquette. I urge you not to take offense."

Laughter erupted throughout the courtyard, leaving Yin Yusheng's face a shade of iron, while Yin Qionger hastily tugged at Xue Chen's sleeve, urging him to set down his chopsticks.

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