Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C9 An Unlucky Qi Practitioner!
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Unlucky Son-in-law Cultivator/C9 An Unlucky Qi Practitioner!
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C9 An Unlucky Qi Practitioner!

"At this point, for the honor of our sect, I must resort to my ultimate move!"

Gu Sanqi, realizing that further delay would only worsen his position, decided to unleash his ace in the hole.

With another surge of energy, he sent the Five Tigers of Heavenly Inheritance reeling back. Seizing the moment to catch his breath, he deftly produced a three-inch-long jade arrow from his sleeve.

The arrow gleamed a translucent green, emitting a soft glow. Gu Sanqi pinched the tiny arrow between his fingertips with one hand, while the other formed a sword gesture, his face etched with solemn concentration as he silently chanted an incantation.

The chant quickened, crescendoing to a sudden halt. With a flick of his wrist, Gu Sanqi sent the jade arrow soaring into the sky.

Transforming mid-flight, the small arrow became a foot-long streak of emerald light, circling above Gu Sanqi's head like a darting fish.

"Go!" he commanded, directing his sword finger at the Five Tigers of Heavenly Inheritance as they rallied and lunged forward once more.

At his command, the emerald streak shot toward the Five Tigers, slicing through the air with a whistling fury!

From within the crowd, Xue Chen watched the spectacle, tapping his fan against his palm with a knowing smirk. "A mere Qi Refining Stage disciple wielding a magical treasure," he mused, "Pity his foundation is so weak."

Cultivators typically devote the early stages of their journey to soul cultivation, only venturing into the art of weapon mastery once their Foundation Establishment is secure. Most refine their Fate Spirit Essence into weapon-type magical treasures for combat and defense, even substituting them for mounts to traverse the world – the legendary 'Sword Immortal Flight.'

Gu Sanqi, still at the Qi Refining Stage, had a magical treasure gifted by a senior of his sect, but his shallow cultivation meant he could merely 'control' objects with his spiritual sense, a far cry from true mastery.

To the untrained eye of the common folk, he might appear a living sword immortal, but to the discerning Xue Chen, Gu Sanqi's limitations were clear as day.

The emerald light bore down, targeting the head of Wuh Zhihao among the Five Tigers.

Despite his relative strength compared to ordinary warriors, Gu Sanqi had discerned that the Five Tigers' strategy hinged on Wuh Zhihao. While the others joined the fray, their primary role was to shield him. Injuring Wuh Zhihao would reduce the Five Tigers to mere chickens and dogs.

"Protect Boss Wuh!" Shea Daming was quick to shield Wuh Zhihao, his broad stance unwavering.

The remaining three tigers closed ranks, flanking Wuh Zhihao, their weapons poised to strike the incoming emerald light.

A symphony of clashing metal ensued, "Ding, ding, ding..." as the Five Tigers were driven back.

The emerald light arced gracefully into the sky, leaving the Tigers' formation intact but shattering three of their weapons upon impact. Shards of metal rained down, littering the ground.

Xue Chen's brow furrowed slightly; Gu Sanqi's abilities might be modest, but his magical treasure was proving to be quite effective.

Soong Ziyang rallied the guests to cheer for Gu Sanqi, while the Five Tigers stood there, dumbstruck, unsure of how to react.

"Now you realize my power?" Gu Sanqi's move had stunned his opponents, and the frustration in his chest vanished as he burst into triumphant laughter. "Today, I'll consecrate my 'Green Jade Soul Chasing' with your blood!"

As he spoke, Gu Sanqi gestured with his finger, sending a green light hurtling toward the bewildered Five Tigers.

Xue Chen inhaled sharply, and a wisp of his Spiritual Sense emerged from his forehead, enveloping the green light as swiftly as lightning.

The green light halted, suspended in midair, before plunging into the earth with a whoosh and vanishing from sight.

Unseen by all, Xue Chen's folding fan had dropped. As he stooped to retrieve it, a small crack appeared in the floor tile, and a green light, like a serpent, slithered from the fissure into the ample folds of Xue Chen's sleeve.

"Wow!" Gu Sanqi, his Spiritual Sense severely impaired by the theft of his treasure, spat out a mouthful of blood.

Clutching his chest and drenched in sweat, Gu Sanqi frantically scanned the area, desperate to find the thief.

"Hey, you five blockheads!" Xue Chen yelled at the Five Tigers. "What are you waiting for? Take him down!"

Snapping back to reality, the Five Tigers cast aside their shattered weapons and swarmed Gu Sanqi, who was rendered speechless, unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks.

Eventually, the Five Tigers stepped back, panting heavily. Gu Sanqi was left in tatters, his hair disheveled, sporting a swollen face and a bruised nose—a picture of utter disarray.

The Soong family's spacious courtyard fell silent as the onlookers stood frozen, utterly astonished.

Had they not seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe that the Yin Mansion's five ordinary Martial Masters could topple such a revered Immortal Cultivator!

"Great job, everyone!" Xue Chen strolled into the courtyard, commending the Five Tigers. "You guys really went all out today! Tonight, I'm treating you to dinner at the restaurant."

The Five Tigers, elated and pumped from their victory, grew even more admiring of their patron, Xue Chen. Without his prior guidance, how could they have ever bested a Cultivator?

"It was you... You took my 'Green Jade Soul Chasing'!" Gu Sanqi, sitting on the ground, pointed at Xue Chen and demanded, "Who are you, exactly?!"

Xue Chen moved closer, squatting down with a taunting gaze. "Gu, consider this a lesson. From now on, stay secluded in your mountain gate to cultivate. Spare yourself the embarrassment of showing your face in the mortal realm."

"Immortal master! Immortal master!" Soong Wanli and Soong Ziyang rushed over to assist Gu Sanqi, asking with concern, "Are you alright, sir?"

Regaining some strength, Gu Sanqi shrugged off the Soongs' help and addressed Xue Chen with a frosty tone, "I concede today, but the Cloud Deriving Sect will surely return the favor with a visit!"

With that, Gu Sanqi turned to leave.

Xue Chen, who had been inclined to let Gu Sanqi off the hook, was now irked. "Hold on, you think you can just walk away? We had a wager. If you lost, you agreed to become my godson. Master Soong and Young Master Soong, you heard that earlier, didn't you?"

Gu Sanqi's frame stiffened, his whole body shaking violently, clearly seething with rage.

"Isn't the Cloud Deriving Sect the largest in Yunzhou? Do its disciples routinely break their promises?" Xue Chen's voice was icy as he deliberately projected his aura towards Gu Sanqi.

Gu Sanqi immediately felt an overwhelming pressure descend upon him, as if mountains were crashing down, leaving him struggling for breath.

Thankfully, Xue Chen withdrew his aura as quickly as he had unleashed it, sparing Gu Sanqi from suffocating to death.

"Thump, thump, thump!" Gu Sanqi turned and knelt, banging his head on the ground three times before Xue Chen. He then gathered his robes and stumbled out of the Soong Mansion's gate.

Those three head knocks were Gu Sanqi's way of accepting Xue Chen as his godfather.

"Take care on your way, my good son, and try not to run into any more trouble!" Xue Chen called out to the retreating figure of Gu Sanqi, who was making a pitiful exit, his voice carrying a paternal note of concern.

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