Unrivaled Martial God/C3 Ji Cang
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Unrivaled Martial God/C3 Ji Cang
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C3 Ji Cang

Ji Lei never thought that such an unexpected turn of events would happen just as he was about to obtain the Body Tempering Pill. That figure was placed horizontally in front of Ji Lei, and even snatched away the Body Tempering Pill that should have belonged to Ji Lei.

As for the person cutting in line, he slowly turned around. That face made Ji Lei's face droop even more.

"Ji Cang!" What are you doing, give my Body Tempering Pill back to me. " Ji Lei said with a dark face.

However, the teenager called Ji Cang looked indifferent. He looked Ji Lei up and down, and let out a contemptuous snort. He didn't even want to look at Ji Lei: "Your Body Tempering Pill? Does this Body Tempering Pill have your name written on it? Furthermore …

Ji Cang's face suddenly revealed a mocking smile, and said to Ji Lei without exception: "You are someone who has awakened a first grade Yellow Rank martial spirit, what qualifications do you have to enjoy the Ji Family of Body Tempering Pill? Did he not have a scale in his heart? Giving you these Body Tempering Pill is a complete waste!

As the son of the Second Elder, Ji Cang would always be respected wherever he goes. This also caused Ji Cang to grow up to be arrogant and unrestrained, always using his nose to look at others. If he met Ji Lei in the past, Ji Cang might be a little polite, but what qualifications did the current Ji Lei have to compete with him for resources? Furthermore, giving the Body Tempering Pill to Ji Lei was just a waste of such a precious pill.

Hearing this, Ji Lei's face became even more unsightly, his eyes flashed with a cold light. He, Ji Cang, had just awakened a second grade Yellow Rank martial spirit, so if Ji Lei wanted to take care of him, it would be an easy task.

"Return the Body Tempering Pill to me." Ji Lei didn't want to waste any more time with Ji Cang, so he extended his hand towards Ji Cang and said.

Ji Cang looked at Ji Lei in disdain, then said: "For you? Pui! What qualifications does a piece of trash like you have to obtain a Body Tempering Pill? "

The others looked at Ji Lei with eyes of pity. If Ji Lei continued like this, losing his Body Tempering Pill would be a small matter, but getting beaten up by Ji Cang would be the real pain of his body. With Ji Lei's current strength, who could he beat?

Ji Lei's face was as cold as ice as he stared at Ji Cang, who had a disdainful expression on his face. He clenched his fists so tightly that a slight bone-cracking sound could be heard.

"Cough cough, what are all of you doing?!"

An old voice sounded. An old man wearing a white robe slowly walked out from the Pill Hall. He was currently looking at the two of them with a stern expression.

"Elder Long." Seeing the old man come out, Ji Cang was the first to speak with him: "Alchemy Hall's Body Tempering Pill is not enough."

What Ji Cang said also confused Ji Lei. He originally thought that Ji Cang would bite him first, but he didn't expect him to say such strange words.

Elder Long was also very strange, but he spoke with determination: "Impossible, every single Body Tempering Pill of Ji Family has a share, no more, no less. This old man has been doing this for 40 years and has never made any mistakes!"

Hearing this, Ji Cang's mouth revealed a faint smile, but he still innocently said: "But Ji Lei no longer has a Body Tempering Pill!"

"Nonsense, didn't you steal my Body Tempering Pill!?" Ji Lei was unable to contain his anger as he pointed at Ji Cang's nose and shouted.

Ji Cang put on an innocent look and shrugged his shoulders. He took out the two Body Tempering Pill s from his clothes and waved them in front of Ji Lei: "One of them is mine this month, the other is mine last month. Where did you get your Body Tempering Pill?"

"Bullshit!" Ji Lei never thought that Ji Cang could turn hostile so quickly, and only a scum like Ji Cang could lie without batting an eyelid. Even a fool would not believe such a lie, who would not swallow the Body Tempering Pill first but save it for the next month? If there really was such a person, then his brain wasn't working well either.

"You are clearly my Body Tempering Pill!" Ji Lei felt that the anger in his body had started to boil and was about to explode at any moment.

"Who can testify?" After those people were looked at by Ji Cang, they all lowered their heads. At this time, they did not want to come out and seek justice, since that would mean that they would have an enmity with the young master of Ji Family Second Elder, which would not be beneficial to them. As for Ji Lei … It was already kind of him to not add insult to injury. If Ji Lei still had some self-awareness, it would be better for him to leave quickly so that he wouldn't get beaten up when he couldn't get anything out of it.

Looking at the people who lowered their heads, Ji Lei's eyes were filled with hatred and disappointment. At this time, Elder Long also opened his mouth and said to Ji Lei: "Looks like this really is Ji Cang's thing. It's better if you don't mess around here."

Now that Ji Lei had become a piece of trash, Ji Lei, who was originally like the sun in the sky, became an ant that everyone could trample on. And because of this, Ji Lei's father also became someone who could take control of everyone, and the waves in his Ji Family would no longer be calm, Ji Lei's weakness had become the bargaining chip of those who had the ambition to seize Ji Lei's father. Ji Lei's father's influence in Ji Family, would definitely be weakened because of Ji Lei.

And among those ambitious people, was the figure of Ji Cang's father, the second Ji Family Elder.

Obviously, it was a wise choice for Elder Long to stand by the side, because behind the Second Elder, there was an elder courtyard supporting him, while the Patriarch's side was weak. Perhaps one day when Ji Lei's father falls, those elders might become the new Patriarch? As a smart man, Elder Long soon knew what to do.

Looking at Ji Lei's angry face, Ji Cang's face sank. He said to Ji Lei, "Did you hear that? When Elder Long told you to scram, did you still stay here to make a fool of yourself? Let me tell you, in the future, all of Ji Lei's Body Tempering Pill will belong to me, Ji Cang! Because you, as a trash, don't have the qualifications to enjoy the precious resources of the Ji Family! "

Everyone was trembling with fear and did not dare to say anything. A few people felt sorry for Ji Lei, but they couldn't do anything about it. After all, the person he provoked was Ji Cang … Just a moment ago, no one stood up, but now, even more so, there was no one left to think about …

However, Elder Long appeared to be unperturbed. It seemed that he had agreed to Ji Cang's words!

Ji Lei glared at Ji Cang. Upon seeing this, Ji Cang raised his thick eyebrows and grabbed Ji Lei by the collar as he threatened: "You brat, hurry up and scram. Otherwise, I will break your legs!"

"Pah!" Ji Cang didn't even have time to react before a blood-red palm print appeared on his face. A scorching pain instantly assaulted him, but to Ji Cang, the pain was not comparable to the humiliation of being slapped in public by Ji Lei. Therefore, in the next moment, Ji Cang's expression immediately turned ferocious.

"How dare you hit me!" Blood dripped from the corner of Ji Cang's mouth. It seemed that Ji Lei's attack was not light.

The onlookers were shocked speechless by Ji Lei's actions. Such an action, although they were venting their anger, it was a bit too reckless!

"Ji Lei is dead for sure …" Some among them snickered, "Ji Cang is very vengeful. This palm of his must have both of Ji Lei's arms broken!"

"Hmph, who told him to do it himself? To provoke anyone but Ji Cang, he really doesn't know his own limits … Do you still think that you're the genius from the past? "

Ji Cang spat out a mouthful of blood and a few blue veins appeared on his temples. Without saying anything, he punched towards Ji Lei!

Ji Cang thought that he could subdue Ji Lei in one punch, but he was wrong.

When Ji Cang's fist was about to come close to Ji Lei's cheek and slap Ji Lei's face, Ji Lei extended his hand and received Ji Cang's fist.

He received it with incomparable ease!

"What?" Not only Ji Cang, but the others were also shocked as Elder Long's narrowed eyes widened.

"Your strength is too light," Ji Lei curled his lips. Suddenly, he twisted his hand and leaned his elbow on Ji Cang's lower abdomen, causing Ji Cang's lower abdomen to be in intense pain. Before Ji Cang could cry out, Ji Lei kicked Ji Cang's face with a mixture of anger and flying kick.


The crisp sound of bones breaking resounded. Many people could not bear to watch this any longer and closed their eyes. However, they could not bear to see the scene where Ji Cang's face was covered in blood.

Ji Lei still couldn't vent his anger after a kick. He pulled out both of his palms and lifted Ji Cang high above his head. Then, he fiercely threw him down!

"Bam!" Ji Cang's body was splattered with thick dust, and blood flowed from his head due to Ji Lei's fall. He fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

The surrounding people all opened their eyes wide, watching Ji Lei take out two Body Tempering Pill s from Ji Cang's clothes. Following that, he raised his head towards Elder Long in a high-profile manner.

"This is mine, one for this month, one for last month."

Saying that, Ji Lei left without looking back, leaving behind the crowd of disciples. All of them looked at each other, but no one said anything.

"Just now …" It was Ji Lei who defeated Ji Cang, right? " Some people could not believe what they were seeing. The body of Ji Cang, who was lying on the ground, was still covered in blood.

"Yes …" "That's right …" A difficult answer.

"Simply …" "It's just an instant kill …"

Elder Long was also stunned and did not know what to say. Other than shock, he didn't have any other feelings. He looked at Ji Cang on the ground and was speechless for a long time.

Everyone had a difficult to breathe feeling, like their throats had been choked. The person who was choking them was a good-for-nothing who had long been looked down upon and insulted by them. He was looking at you now, smiling grimly.

After a long while, Elder Long remembered that Ji Cang was still on the ground and quickly said to the surrounding disciples: "Hurry and bring Ji Cang to the alchemy hall! Hurry up and save him! Hurry up and treat them! "

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