Unrivaled Sword Supreme/C23 Hire
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Unrivaled Sword Supreme/C23 Hire
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C23 Hire

Not long after, Mo Ying and her group walked over.

Xuan Chen cupped his hands and chuckled: "Miss Mo, Young Master Chu, I never thought that I would be able to meet you two again. The Abyssal Bone Horn Lamb has just been roasted, why don't we sit together?"

Mo Ying laughed and thanked him: "Then thank you. We are just hungry."

She did not hesitate and immediately sat on the ground, but Qing He quickly covered her with a white cloth. Chu Feng frowned, and in the end, could only sit on the ground.

The Abyssal Bone Horn Sheep was not big, it was only around forty kilograms. If Zhong Wuliang didn't eat crazily, the four of them would have enough to eat.

"Introduce him, this is my good friend Zhong Wuliang, he roasted this Abyssal Bone Horn Sheep, it's extremely delicious, try it."

Xuan Chen introduced, using the fish scale sword s to cut off one hind leg for each of Mo Ying and her. The other two front legs, he and Zhong Wuliang separated them.

Mo Ying's movements were graceful as she gently tore off a small piece of lamb to eat. Her eyes slightly lit up as she praised, "Ugh, this roast lamb tastes really good, with its tender exterior and juicy taste, but it doesn't look greasy at all. I'm afraid that even the best restaurant in Xuanyuan City, Tian Xiang Tower, won't be able to compare to it."

Zhong Wuliang was very happy to be praised by such a beauty. He then giggled: "Miss Mo really has good taste, it's not that I'm boasting. In terms of culinary skills, I took second place on the entire Profound Origin Island, and yet I didn't dare to take first."

Mo Ying was slightly startled, but immediately followed with a sweet smile. All the people she knew were all modest gentlemen, or at least on the surface, it was her first time seeing someone like Zhong Wuliang who would brag so much.

Chu Feng looked at Zhong Wuliang, but did not refute him, and wholeheartedly gnawed on his lamb leg. He was currently eating his opponent's roast meat, and rebuttal words could not be spoken.

Following that, the four of them continued to eat their roasted meat or casually chat with each other. They met by chance and didn't have anything to talk about, so they simply continued to eat.

Half an hour later, only the skeleton of the Abyssal Bone Horn Sheep was left.

Mo Ying wiped the grease off her mouth with a silk handkerchief. She stood up and said: "The two of you, we still have some matters to attend to, so we will be leaving first."

Mo Ying immediately stood up, kept her handkerchief, and bowed: "Xuan Gongzi, please wait."

"Oh, is there anything else for Miss Mo?" Xuan Chen asked.

"I believe that Xuan Gongzi has also seen that we have met with some trouble, so we hope that you two can help us out." Mo Ying said.

Xuan Chen frowned slightly, but Zhong Wuliang smiled and said: "We met by chance, our friendship has yet to reach the point of what you said, let's just forget about helping."

Although Zhong Wuliang's words were hurtful, but it was reasonable. In the wilderness, no one knew each other, and even if they were to sit and eat together, they would be cautious of each other, not to mention helping out.

After Xuan Chen heard this, he did not say anything, and could be considered to have tacitly agreed to Zhong Wuliang's words.

Chu Feng's face darkened. He wanted to say something, but Mo Ying actually stepped forward a little, laughed softly, and said: "I naturally will not ask for your help for no reason. After we finish this, how about we each have ten Middle Grade Qi Meridian Pill?"

"You have Middle Grade Qi Meridian Pill s on you, we will not charge you anything. "Also, we want to know the specific details. If it's too dangerous, then I'm afraid we won't be able to help."

Zhong Wuliang's eyes lit up, but he asked very cautiously, "Middle Grade Qi Meridian Pill, this is a good thing."

Mo Ying saw that Xuan Chen did not object, and laughed: "Middle Grade Qi Meridian Pill, don't worry, our Mo Clan is focused on pill refining, we do not lack Qi Meridian Pills, and our goal this time is to collect Herba Artemisiae.

As for the danger, that definitely exists. However, I'm not letting the two of you go alone. With us together, I believe there won't be too much danger. "

"Miss Mo, can you explain it in more detail?" Xuan Chen asked.

"We discovered many high quality Herba Artemisiae in a secret location. However, there was a group of Goldbiter gathered near the Herba Artemisiae. Although the Goldbiter are not strong in terms of individual strength, they are numerous in number. We did not manage to charge in twice and we almost lost a lot of our men. "

Mo Ying slowly said. She looked at Xuan Chen and asked: "Xuan Chen, what do you think about this?"

Xuan Chen looked at Mo Ying, and said: "Miss Mo, there are some words that we need to say first. We will deal with the lesser people first, then the more noble we will be, the more danger we will be in, and we will do our best to help out. But if we think our lives are in danger, we will immediately withdraw, and then don't say that we didn't say in advance. "

Although the ten Middle Grade Qi Meridian Pill were precious, they were not to the point of making him work hard.

Chu Feng's face was displeased as he looked Xuan Chen straight in the eye and said: "Brother Xuan, take money from me and let me get away with it."

Xuan Chen smiled faintly, looked at Mo Ying, and said: "If Miss Mo thinks the same, then pretend that we didn't say anything. We will part ways here and meet again so that we can meet again in the future."

Mo Ying smiled, and nodded in agreement: "Of course, if there is really a fatal danger, I would not force anyone. This is a bottle of Middle Grade Qi Meridian Pill, inside there are ten of them, which can be considered as the deposit.

After saying that, Mo Ying took out a white porcelain bottle and handed it over to Xuan Chen.

Xuan Chen took the porcelain bottle, and opened the bottle stopper to take a whiff, immediately a strong medicinal fragrance entered his nose, causing his Innate Qi to circulate even faster.

He passed the porcelain bottle to Zhong Wuliang and said: "It's the Middle Grade Qi Meridian Pill, I'll give this bottle to you. If it's successful, I'll take the other bottle."

"Sure, no problem." Zhong Wuliang beamed as he received the white porcelain bottle, and carefully kept it in his pocket.

Mo Ying said: "You two, Chu Feng, let's go."

With a wave of her hand, the other Mo Clan members all stood up.

On the way, Mo Ying explained, "The secret location is a valley. The entrance to the valley is covered by a forest, and the forest is occupied by a large number of man-eating vine. However, although the man-eating vine were dangerous, they were not difficult to pass through.

The main reason is because of the Goldbiter in the valley, they are numerous and can even travel through the ground, making it hard for people to guard against them.

Goldbiter s took metal ores as food, and their teeth and front claws were extremely sharp. They could even easily pierce through metal mines, let alone dirt.

The beasts were not strong in terms of individual strength, and most of them were not even Level One Vicious Beasts. However, they could not handle thousands or even tens of thousands of them. Furthermore, their speed was extremely fast, even Level Three Vicious Beast s or Level Four Vicious Beasts were not willing to provoke them.

Two hours later, the group arrived at a forest. The forest was rather strange and very quiet. Other than the sound of the wind blowing through the branches, there were no other sounds, much less wild hare or chickens.

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