Urban Divine Mercenary/C16 Increase Interest and Delay Fee
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Urban Divine Mercenary/C16 Increase Interest and Delay Fee
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C16 Increase Interest and Delay Fee

Despair welled up in Tong Liang's heart.

This was the first time Tong Liang had faced the brink of death.

Before this... Before this, he had thousands of ways to torture others.

At this moment, he was being tortured by Chu Fei in the cruelest way possible. Just listening to Chu Fei's words scared him so much that he almost lost control of his bladder.

When Chu Fei grabbed Tong Liang's arm again, Tong Liang gave up his initial persistence and hurriedly said, "Wait."

"What's the matter? Don't want to resist anymore?" Chu Fei asked with a smile.

"I will give you the money." Tong Liang said.

Tong Liang regarded money as his life, but compared to his life, money was not that important.

At this moment, Tong Liang wasn't tortured to death, he was also suffering from intense pain at the edge of life and death.

He believed that this vicious young man in front of him would be as easy as stepping on an ant if he wanted to kill him.

With Tong Liang's special sense of smell, he could tell that this young man's hands had been stained with blood.

Only a madman who had killed someone would be so indifferent to the life of his opponent.

At this moment, in Tong Liang's eyes, Chu Fei was a madman.

"Why didn't you say that you would give me money earlier? You wasted my time and forced me to take action. You just had to make me savage. Sigh, I don't want to be so savage..." Chu Fei let go of Tong Liang and said in a speechless manner.

Tong Liang's heart was bleeding.

Damn it, your father's hand was about to be broken by you, and you still dare to say that I forced you to be savage?

You f * cking shameless bastard!

Tong Liang could only curse in his heart. Right now, he couldn't even express his displeasure on his face. If he wasn't careful and this young man tried to torture his hand again, he really wouldn't be able to bear the cost.

"Give me your bank card. I will get someone to transfer the money to you..." Tong Liang said.

"Give me cash." Chu Fei said.

He had just arrived and had not had the time to register his bank card.

He did not know about the company's bank card and did not bother to call Kang Lili, that stinky woman.

"Cash, okay." Tong Liang took out his phone. It was strange. His arm had been dislocated twice by Chu Fei, but now he did not feel much pain. This kid's method was a little strange.

Tong Liang immediately called.

"Ermao, quick, send me five hundred thousand in cash. Yes, yes, use my card and go to the bank to withdraw it. I will send the password to you immediately. Send it to the company. I will use it." Tong Liang said to the phone.

Chu Fei suddenly patted Tong Liang's shoulder and said, "Sorry, I want one million."

"Why? Didn't I only owe the Blue Sky Group five hundred thousand?" Tong Liang looked at Chu Fei in confusion.

"You haven't returned the money you owe the Blue Sky Group. You have to pay four hundred thousand interest. If you delay my time, you have to pay 100,000 for the missed pay. I have to pay 50 yuan to take a taxi back and forth. I won't bother with you anymore. I won't even ask you for this 50 yuan... " Chu Fei said faintly.

"You!" Tong Liang was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.


This was pure extortion.

How could there be such a high interest?

And there was even a delay in the pay?

There was such a high delay fee?

Damn it, 50 yuan for a taxi, you have the nerve to say it out loud?

In the past, Tong Liang had also extorted others like this.

Now, he was extorted by Chu Fei.

"Brother, aren't you going too far by doing this?" Tong Liang started to bargain.

"Too much? Not at all? It's only right and proper for you to pay back what you owe. Since you have not paid back what you owe for so long, I will ask for 400,000 interest from you. You should feel satisfied... " Chu Fei said.


I know your mother's foot!

Tong Liang's heart completely collapsed.

Chu Fei looked at Tong Liang, grinned and said, "What's wrong? You don't accept such preferential terms from me?"

After saying that, Chu Fei clenched his fist and made a cracking sound.

"I accept, I accept." Tong Liang hurriedly nodded his head.

Then, Tong Liang said to the phone, "Ermao, bring one million, not five hundred thousand."

"En, that's more like it. I am the most reasonable person. I also like to interact with reasonable people." Chu Fei took out a cigarette, stood up, and slowly burned his loneliness.

Tong Liang's heart was bleeding.


Do you have any shame?

Half an hour later, a kid with dyed yellow hair and two lackeys carried a linen bag into the abandoned workshop.

"Brother Liang, this is the money you asked me to withdraw for you." The yellow-haired kid asked his two little brothers to throw the linen bag on the floor of the workshop and said to Tong Liang.

Looking at the floor filled with disabled people, the yellow-haired boy and his two little brothers were stunned. He wanted to ask something, but was stopped by Tong Liang with a wave of his hand. "You guys can go down."

"Yes!" The yellow-haired boy and his two lackeys left the workshop.

Chu Fei opened the gunny sack on the ground.

Inside, there were stacks of brand new bills. Each stack was wrapped with rubber tendons.

Chu Fei knew that this stack was ten thousand yuan.

After checking, there was a total of one hundred stacks, which was exactly one million yuan.

Chu Fei tied up the linen bag and carried it with one hand before leaving.

Wait. After Chu Fei left the workshop, Tong Liang immediately called and said, "Ermao, are all the brothers outside? Quick, stop him!"

"Brother Liang, I called over thirty or so brothers. Everyone is carrying machetes. Let's chop this kid into minced meat..." The yellow-haired kid just now was outside the security room of Star & Moon Company. Behind him, there were dozens of gangsters carrying machetes.

Chu Fei carried the money and walked away from the security room. When he arrived at the wall of the abandoned factory, he jumped easily and easily over the three-meter tall wall covered in barbed wire.

After walking for ten meters, Chu Fei arrived at the street.

Outside the Star & Moon Company, the dozens of young men waited for a long time, but they did not see Chu Fei.

Chu Fei sped up his horse and took a taxi. He said to his master, "Sky Blue Tower."


Sky Blue Tower, Blue Sky Group.

Kang Lili came to Lau Rufei's office.

"Ms Lau, Chu Fei hasn't come back yet. Is this kid out wandering? He never thought of doing anything for the company." Kang Lili made a small report to Lau Rufei.

"Yes, it is very likely." Lau Rufei nodded.

"If this kid did not complete the task, could he be fired at the end of the month?" Kang Lili requested.

For a big matter like firing a person, one still had to look down on the leader. Although Kang Lili understood Lau Rufei's general meaning, she still had to figure it out. Otherwise, it would be troublesome if she did something wrong.

"En. If he can't complete the task, of course I will fire him. Our company is not a welfare institute." Lau Rufei frowned slightly and said.

It was Lau Rufei's intention to fire Chu Fei. It was also Lau Rufei's arrangement to let Chu Fei go to the Marketing Department.

This bastard must be chased away. Thinking of this short period of time, Lau Rufei gritted her teeth with hatred after the series of events that happened with this bastard. Especially since his first kiss had been snatched away by him. Last night, this bastard even took pictures of her sleeping indecently. He was too shameless.

Lau Rufei hated Chu Fei very much.

What Lau Rufei did was even more so to go against her father.

She could listen to her father in any matter.

However, she was unwilling to listen to her father when it came to matters of love. She was a modern woman who had received Western education. When it came to matters of love, she had to be completely independent and could not accept any arrangements.

It was a dream to let her marry Chu Fei.

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