Urban Eerie Adventure/C10 Fragrant Sandalwood(1)
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Urban Eerie Adventure/C10 Fragrant Sandalwood(1)
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C10 Fragrant Sandalwood(1)

These two cases, like other cases, do not record the patient's name, origin, and date, but there are still some clues from some details.

According to the records of the cases, the age of this adult man was' above and below '. He was around forty years old, which was different from the previous cases. In the past cases, there was a specific age of the patient, but this was not the case... ' Confusion was a very general concept.

For TCM, the specific age of the patient would have a huge impact on the treatment and medication. If he could know the specific age of the patient, his master would not use such a vague term. It could be seen that his master was unable to determine the exact age of the patient.

In addition, the medical case also recorded the 'urgent' words of the adult man. There was blood flowing out of his mouth and nose. The meaning of this sentence was that as long as this person spoke too much, or spoke too quickly, he would vomit blood. This meant that this adult man could speak at that time. Since he could speak, why couldn't Master determine his exact age?

Regarding this person's symptoms, his master's record was, 'coughing up blood frequently, shortness of breath, swelling of face, paralysis of limbs, pulling his long hair repeatedly to resist the unbearable headache.'

His master was a person of the older generation, and the words used to record medical cases and medical cases were relatively simple. However, Wu Zhongyuan had followed his master for many years, and he was already familiar with this kind of memorizing habit. He keenly found another clue in this sentence. This man would pull his hair when he had a headache. Furthermore, it was long hair. This was something he had overlooked previously. Thinking back carefully, the corpse he saw in the coffin was indeed long hair.

Regarding this person's illness, his master used the exclusion method. First, the common coughing was eliminated, then the asthma and asthma were eliminated. Because this person's condition did not worsen when he was lying down, then he eliminated tuberculosis. According to the person, he was not thin.

Finally, it was determined that this person had a lung disease, which was the lung cancer mentioned at this moment.

The medicine was used to treat astragalus, almonds, asparagus, winter flowers, earth dragons, asparagus, and licorice roots. After taking the medicine, he observed that there was a slight improvement.

The next day, he took it again. 'His breathing is slightly flat, but he still coughed out blood.'"

His master had taken a total of three doses of medicine. From this, it could be seen that this person had received treatment for three days after meeting his master. The medical records stated that when the time comes, the illness will slow down. At Chen Shihai's time, the illness had worsened. This also meant that during the treatment period, his master had always been with this person. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to observe so carefully.

The final result of the treatment was not recorded by his master. However, based on the fact that these three medicines had been increasing the amount of herbs and medicine, his master ultimately did not find an effective treatment method.

Then there was the record of the eight-month-old baby. If nothing unexpected happened, this eight-month-old baby should be him. As for the age of the baby, Master's record was about the age of an eight-month-old baby. In other words, his master judged his age based on the newly grown teeth, and not from the mouth of the adult man.

Since this adult male could speak, and had stayed with his master for three days, why didn't the two of them communicate? Could this adult male be a madman?

Thinking about it carefully, the possibility was not high, because if he was a madman, his master wouldn't have not marked the case.

His symptoms were very similar to that adult male's, but the symptoms were not that serious. As for what kind of illness he had, his master did not specify and only wrote down the name and dosage of the medicine used to pacify lungs and cough.

From this point, it could be seen that his master was very puzzled back then. Because he had the same symptoms as the adult man, and his master diagnosed that adult man with lung cancer. But cancer was not contagious, which meant that his master might later know that his diagnosis for the adult man was not necessarily correct.

After carefully reading these two medical records, Wu Zhongyuan became more and more suspicious. The clues from the medical records were very scattered. One of them was that he appeared together with the man in the coffin.

Second, he was only eight months old at that time.

The third useful clue was that this man lived for three days after meeting his master. He could talk, but he did not communicate with his master.

Fourth, this man had the same illness as him at that time.

The third clue was that this man wore clothes when he met his master because there was a sentence in the medical records about him, 'There are two pieces of blood on his clothes. They should be the remains of two vomiting blood.' Since he had lapels, he naturally had clothes too.

Since this man was wearing clothes at that time, why was he buried naked after he died? Could it be that his master was worried that an infectious disease would burn his clothes?

Thinking about it carefully, it was also not right. It was because there was no difference between burning and burying, and burying a person naked was disrespectful to the deceased.

The dormitory was very quiet. Wu Zhongyuan tried his best to organize many clues in his mind. However, not only were the clues scattered, they were also very strange and full of doubts. Master did not mention anything about this man's appearance in the medical records. This did not make sense at all. Because if his master knew that this man had a bird's beak, he would not treat him as an ordinary person.

Moreover, although his master had a Daoist priest, he didn't have a lot of guts. If this man had a bird's beak, he would definitely be scared to death.

Unfortunately, his master did not have the habit of writing a diary. Right now, there were only medical cases and not diaries. The clues were incomplete and it was very difficult to link them together.

It did not feel good to be kept in the dark. The more he could not figure out the reason, the more puzzled Wu Zhongyuan was. The more suspicious he was, the more anxious he was to find out the truth. Unfortunately, there was not enough clues. No matter how hard he thought, he could not think of a reasonable answer.

It was very tiring to think, and it was even more tiring to concentrate on thinking. Very soon, Wu Zhongyuan's mind was exhausted, and he felt dizzy. He wanted to sleep.

He had to take off his clothes to sleep. In a daze, he sat up and took off his buttons. At this moment, there was a flash of light. His clothes, clothes... Although his master's medical record did not specify what he was wearing at that time, there was a sentence that said, There is a strange fragrance in swaddling clothes. It was the fragrance of calming sandalwood. ’

He did not remember what his swaddling clothes looked like, and he had never heard his master talk about it. However, there was one thing that he remembered, and that was that there were a few purple patches on his and his senior brother's mosquito net sheets. The patches had a nice aroma and could drive mosquitoes away.

Senior brother's mosquito net was taken to the mine a few years ago, so he probably threw it away a long time ago. He needs to go to school, so he can't leave the mosquito net with patches, so the mosquito net he used before is still at home.

The patches on the mosquito net were part of his swaddling clothes back then, which was also a very important clue.

When he thought of this, he was overjoyed in his heart, but his joy quickly turned into regret. Because he suddenly remembered that his home had been demolished. It had been seven or eight days, and the ruins might have been taken away by someone.

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