Urban Eerie Adventure/C12 An Extinct Plant
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Urban Eerie Adventure/C12 An Extinct Plant
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C12 An Extinct Plant

Wu Zhongyuan nodded his head. Dean Wang's judgment was similar to his master's diagnosis, except that it was more detailed. But even so, it was still very difficult to figure out the root of the problem, because there were still not enough clues.

"Why are you asking about this?" Dean Wang asked.

Wu Zhongyuan looked at Dean Wang and did not respond. It was not that he wanted to hide it, but he did not know where to start.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan hesitate, Dean Wang said, "The last time we did the examination, we found that there were symptoms of your lungs recovering."

Wu Zhongyuan still did not say anything, and he did not need to answer Dean Wang's question.

Because the driver was there, it was not convenient for the two to discuss too much. Not long after, the car drove to a courtyard. It was a relatively old building with many signs hanging at the entrance. There were animal research institutes, plant research institutes, and other research departments.

The building was not only old on the outside, the facilities inside were also very old. It was a seven-story building, but there was no elevator. The corridor was very dark, and some of the rooms were even wooden doors.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan frowning, Dean Wang casually said, "The researchers don't really care about the office environment. What they care about is scientific research equipment. The equipment here is relatively advanced in China."

In a city, the two most popular people were not the first or second most powerful people in the county. They were the director of the Public Security Bureau and the director of the hospital. Everyone knew why they were so popular. As soon as Dean Wang arrived, the person in charge of the research institute immediately received him personally and arranged for someone to examine the sample. Then, he accompanied Dean Wang to drink tea and wait in his office.

Wu Zhongyuan sat in a corner and fiddled with the phone Lin Qingming had given him.

After waiting for nearly an hour, Dean Wang started to look at his watch. The person in charge of the research institute picked up the phone sensibly and called the inspection staff to urge them to hurry up.

After waiting for a long time, the inspection report still hadn't arrived. The person in charge personally went to urge them.

The person in charge's office was on the same floor as the inspection department, but the person in charge had been gone for more than ten minutes and still hadn't returned. In the end, Dean Wang could not sit still. He got up and wanted to check it out. At this moment, the person in charge returned with a few test reports in his hands.

Although he hadn't seen the report yet, Wu Zhongyuan knew that the result of the test would be unexpected, because the person in charge had a puzzled look on his face.

After the person in charge sat down, he handed the report to Dean Wang. "Dean Wang, where did you get the sample from?"

"Is there a problem?" Dean Wang asked casually.

"There is a problem," the person in charge nodded seriously. "This sample is made of hemp fibers. Through the analysis and comparison of hemp fibers, we found that the hemp material used in the sample is not one of the five types of cotton plants, the person in charge said."

Dean Wang was reading the test report. When he heard this, he raised his head and looked at the person in charge.

The person in charge said, "But we have encountered similar materials before. They are samples sent by the archaeological research institute. This is a plant called Su Ma. It appeared at the same time as the subjugation plant. Perhaps because of the climate, this plant disappeared thousands of years ago. The samples we can see now are the remains of the buried objects found in archaeology. "

Dean Wang didn't show any surprise. He calmly nodded his head.

Dean Wang's calmness surprised the person in charge. He said, "This kind of fabric should not have been preserved until now, because once burial items are unearthed, they will quickly decompose and decay. It is impossible for them to be so complete."

"Has it been carried out..."

Before Dean Wang finished speaking, the person in charge interrupted him, "Yes, the reason why it was delayed for so long was because it was carbon 14."

"What was the result?" Dean Wang asked.

The person in charge had a strange expression. He wanted to say something, but hesitated for a long time before he said, "Less than twenty years."

"Are you sure?" Dean Wang asked.

"Confirmed." The person in charge nodded. "Other than the main material, there is also a small amount of wood base plant fibers mixed in the fabric. Initial appraisal should be white sandalwood. The carbon 14 test results of the two materials are more than 200 years apart."

Dean Wang did not understand. "Why is there such a big difference?"

"The length of growth of the two plants is different. The year test is not about the fabric, but the material itself." The person in charge explained.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you, Director Zhou." Dean Wang stood up.

"Dean Wang, where did you get the sample from?" The person in charge followed behind and asked.

"I'm not too sure either. A friend asked me to do it." Dean Wang went out. He did not go downstairs, but went to the examination room.

After retrieving the patch, the three of them went downstairs.

"Dean Wang, can you leave a portion of the sample for delivery?" The person in charge discussed. To be precise, he was asking for it.

"I'll go back and ask for my friend's opinion." Dean Wang did not agree.

When he walked downstairs, Dean Wang asked again, "Are you sure this kind of hemp plant is extinct?"

"Not only is the hemp extinct, I have also never seen the weaving technique used by the fabric itself before." The person in charge said.

Dean Wang thanked him, and the two of them got into the car and returned.

On the way back, the two of them didn't say anything. Dean Wang had his eyes closed the whole time, and Wu Zhongyuan had been frowning the whole time.

When they returned to the hospital, Dean Wang handed the report to Wu Zhongyuan. "I have something to take care of. Little Yang will accompany you to the school to get your luggage. I will look for you later."

"Okay." Wu Zhongyuan returned the report to Dean Wang.

Dean Wang took the report and smiled at Wu Zhongyuan. He opened the door and got off the car.

The living students did not have many things, so the car was pulled after just one trip.

It was unknown whether it was because there were many rooms in the hospital or because Dean Wang had personally instructed them to. Division Chief Gao, who was in charge of logistics, arranged an employee dormitory for him, one room and one living room. There was an air conditioner, a fridge, a separate toilet, and a kitchen utensils. Everything.

After settling down, Wu Zhongyuan did not look for Dean Wang. If Dean Wang finished dealing with his own matters, he would take the initiative to look for him.

Perhaps Dean Wang did not have any urgent matters to deal with at all. He just wanted to be alone for a while and sort out the complicated clues.

After being busy for half a day, he was also a little tired. Just as he was about to lie down and rest, there was a knock on the door from outside. He opened the door and found a man in his thirties holding a bag of rice and a bucket of oil.

Before he could speak, someone came and introduced himself. Hello, little brother. My name is Huang Hailin. I'm from the hospital's Logistics Department. If there's anything I can help you with, feel free to ask.

After saying that, he put down his things and turned around to leave.

Wu Zhongyuan did not understand what had happened for a moment. When he came back to his senses, he took his things and chased after them. He had long since disappeared.

Just as he closed the door, he knocked on the door again. When he opened the door, it was a young man. "My name is Jiang Yanwen. I'm in charge of the canteen. Here is your meal card. It has been filled up. You can keep these two cigarettes for yourself."

"What are you doing? Besides, I don't smoke anywhere." Wu Zhongyuan hurriedly refused.

With a push, the man threw away his things and ran away.

With the lesson learned from the previous incident, Wu Zhongyuan would not dare to open the door casually if someone knocked on the door again. This was all because of Dean Wang. He had been arranged by Dean Wang himself. It was also Dean Wang's driver who personally picked him up. Those who didn't know would think that there was some kind of relationship between the two of them.

In the evening, another two women carrying things came and knocked on the door. Wu Zhongyuan didn't dare to open the door. He muttered to himself as he left. Wu Zhongyuan's ears perked up. He heard the two of them whispering, Dean Wang doesn't seem to be such a person. It can't be wrong. It must be. I heard that he didn't even dare to stay there when he sent the sample to the province for paternity testing. He didn't even let anyone see the test report. If it wasn't for him... How could he be so cautious? '

Wu Zhongyuan was furious when he heard the two of them talking nonsense. He held back his anger and did not continue to scold them. No wonder so many people came to get close to him. It turned out that they thought of him as Dean Wang's illegitimate son.

After thinking about it, he felt that he could not stay here. In order to keep a secret for him, Dean Wang did not let outsiders know about many details. It was reasonable for them to make wild guesses.

But after thinking about it, it was not possible for him to leave. He felt guilty, and he was not afraid of being slanted. He still had to stay here.

Around eight o'clock at night, the security captain came and gave Wu Zhongyuan his uniform. Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan did not want to wear this, he did not force him. He gave Wu Zhongyuan an arm badge and brought him to familiarize himself with the working environment.

This hospital was a grade 3 A hospital with advanced medical equipment. There were a lot of people who came for medical treatment. Most of them drove here. Wu Zhongyuan's job was to direct these vehicles to park in the corresponding parking spaces. He also wanted to make sure that the ambulance parking space was free and the route was smooth. The working hours were from 8: 00 a.m. to 8: 00 p.m. every day. As for the salary, the security chief didn't tell him because he didn't know. This had to be decided by Division Chief Gao, who was in charge of logistics.

When the security chief brought Wu Zhongyuan to familiarize himself with the situation, Dean Wang walked over from afar. The security chief went over to greet Dean Wang and left tactfully.

"How is it?" Dean Wang walked over.

"It's good. Thank you, Dean Wang." Wu Zhongyuan thanked him sincerely.

"Let's go out for a walk." Dean Wang walked towards the entrance of the hospital.

Wu Zhongyuan followed him.

"Zhongyuan, what do you think about this matter? "Dean Wang asked.

Wu Zhongyuan knew that Dean Wang was referring to his background, but he didn't know how to answer.

Dean Wang said again," I did not hide the results of all the tests and tests from you. I believe you have already made your own judgment. "

Wu Zhongyuan still didn't say anything.

Dean Wang walked to the steps in front of the library and sat down. "Tell me what you think."

"What do you think?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Dean Wang smiled. "Do you have something you haven't told me?"

"What do you mean?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Dean Wang said, "I talked to a few old science students this afternoon and asked them some physics questions. Your situation has a reasonable explanation, but there are still some parts that don't make sense. "

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan still didn't want to say anything, Dean Wang continued, "You might have taken the wrong path, and someone else took the wrong path with you."

When Dean Wang said the three words physics, Wu Zhongyuan had already guessed what he was thinking. "The person who came with me is already dead."

Dean Wang did not seem surprised by such an answer. He nodded. Then he said, "The existence of the wormhole has been fully proven by Einstein, Hawking, and other famous physicists in theory, but there are no actual cases so far. At least there are no public records. "

"You suspect that I don't belong here?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Dean Wang nodded. "Mr. Hu Shi once said that people who do research should make bold assumptions. Be careful to verify it. At present, it seems that other than the time distortion caused by the wormhole, there's no other reason to explain the abnormality of your blood and the ancient tattoo on your body, "Dean Wang said, taking out the patch from his pocket. "And this, this is an ironclad proof that has been determined through scientific means."

"If I don't belong here, then where do I belong?" Wu Zhongyuan was at a loss. He knew Einstein and Hawking had proposed the black hole theory, but he had never thought that it would happen to him.

Dean Wang looked at the patch in his hand. "It's hard to determine the exact age of this kind of extinct species, but there are no such clothes in the tomb excavation during the Xia Shang era."

"What do you mean?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"The era you originally lived in should be the ancient era before the Xia Dynasty..."

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