Urban Eerie Adventure/C13 The Smell of Sandalwood
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Urban Eerie Adventure/C13 The Smell of Sandalwood
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C13 The Smell of Sandalwood

"Ancient era?" Wu Zhongyuan muttered to himself in a daze.

Dean Wang nodded slowly, "It should be. That was the legendary era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. If you were living in that era, your abnormal body would be explained in a reasonable manner. It was an era that was mythical by later generations. It was the era where Fuxi, Nuwa, had a snake body and a human head. Chiyou's head had two horns. Your appearance indicated that these legends were not just legends. At that time, people with abnormal genes like you might be very common. "

Before Wu Zhongyuan could respond, Dean Wang continued, "The atmosphere at that time was different from now. There was no such serious pollution in the modern world. We have always lived in such an environment. We have slowly gotten used to it and developed antibodies. However, if people from ancient times suddenly come here, the situation you mentioned will occur. Dirty air will cause infection in the lungs, and the lack of oxygen in the air will cause difficulty in breathing."

"The language of ancient times is different from what it is now" Wu Zhongyuan muttered to himself. At this moment, he still did not completely believe Dean Wang's judgment. However, Dean Wang's judgment explained that the birdman had been in contact with his master for three days before he died, but was unable to communicate with him. In addition, the birdman's beak also indirectly proved Dean Wang's guess. In ancient times, people with abnormal genes like him might not be rare.

Dean Wang did not know about the birdman, nor did he know that Wu Zhongyuan's master had left a record of treating the two. He casually added, "That's for sure, not to mention the ancient times thousands of years ago. Even the Ming Dynasty a few hundred years ago had a different language from now."

Wu Zhongyuan did not say anything else. The matter had happened so suddenly that he needed time to calm his emotions and organize his thoughts.

"If you have any questions, you can tell us. Let's discuss it together." Dean Wang said.

Wu Zhongyuan thought for a moment and asked, "Who can withstand the polluted air better between adults and children?"

"Of course it's adults. The child's body is not fully developed, so his tolerance is even worse." Dean Wang said.

Wu Zhongyuan raised his hand and rubbed his face. "But why is the adult dead, and I'm fine?"

Dean Wang picked up the patch again, "It should have saved your life. The sandalwood is a very expensive medicine. Infiltrating the spleen and spleen. The stomach and lungs. The three scriptures could regulate Qi and stop vomiting. If the entire swaddling cloth was made of this kind of material... The fragrance will be stronger, and the medicinal effect will also be stronger."

"I only know that this thing can drive away mosquitoes." Wu Zhongyuan smiled bitterly. After laughing, he remembered something. "If what you said is right, then the person who sent me here already thought of it..."

Before Wu Zhongyuan could say anything, Dean Wang waved his hand and interrupted him. "It shouldn't be like that. The sandalwood can not only regulate one's breath, but also calm one's mind. The reason why the person who made this swaddling cloth added sandalwood incense was probably to make you sleep better."

Wu Zhongyuan's mind was in a mess. He raised his hand and rubbed his face again. After rubbing his face, he scratched his head. He accidentally touched the wound and secretly bared his teeth.

"Dean Wang, do you think this is reasonable?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"Excluding all the unreasonable things, the last one must be the truth. " Dean Wang said, "It might be hard for you to accept such a reality at the moment, but it is very likely that it is the truth. Regardless of whether you are willing to accept it or not, the truth is the truth."

Wu Zhongyuan didn't respond.

Dean Wang continued, "The reason why the abnormal coloring in your body is in a dormant state is probably because of the difference in the air."

Wu Zhongyuan had been in a daze and his mind was in a mess, but Dean Wang deduced the truth. He was slightly excited. "In my opinion, the reason why you are here is not because someone sent you here on purpose. It was a sudden accident. Up until now, science and technology had not developed to the point of artificially creating and controlling wormholes. It was even more impossible thousands of years ago. "

"Also," Dean Wang pinched the patch again. "The productivity in ancient times was not very developed. For example, swaddling clothes made of this material. It was definitely not something that ordinary people could have. If nothing unexpected happened... Your parents should have a very high social status at that time."

"Dean Wang, is it useful to know about this?" Wu Zhongyuan was very depressed. "Even if I really came from ancient times, I can't go back."

Dean Wang was stunned for a moment, then he changed the topic and said, "Even if I am powerless to change, I should still find out the truth."

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head. "Anyway, I can't go back. Why do I need to search for it?"

Dean Wang did not respond. He had been excited about finding out the truth. However, he ignored Wu Zhongyuan's feelings. He knew that he did not belong to this world. He could only make Wu Zhongyuan see himself as a different person from others. He was a drifting person who had left his home and would never be able to return.

"Have you had dinner yet?" Dean Wang asked.

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head and nodded.

There was a snack stall near the hospital. Dean Wang took Wu Zhongyuan there to sit down. In order to express his gratitude to Dean Wang, Wu Zhongyuan insisted on treating Dean Wang to a meal. He could not refuse it, so Dean Wang could only let him have it.

Dean Wang did not say anything about this matter during dinner. He just chatted with Wu Zhongyuan and asked him what he wanted to do and what plans he had for his future life.

Wu Zhongyuan either replied that he had not thought about it or shook his head and did not speak. He originally had plans for his own life. He wanted to go to university. He wanted to find a job and then become a family. But now, this plan couldn't work. The dyeing system was abnormal, so he did not dare to find a wife. He could not fall in love and marry a wife. The world suddenly became dark and there was no motivation for him to fight anymore.

Wu Zhongyuan forced himself to have a meal. He went back to his dorm and fell asleep immediately. He felt refreshed when he was happy. He felt sleepy when he was bored, and he felt depressed. Even if he fell asleep, he wouldn't be able to sleep well. He woke up several times in one night.

The next day, he went to work. He wore an armband and and commanded the cars to come to the hospital. This job was very easy. Not long after he went to work, the parking lot was filled. He placed a full parking lot at the entrance and ran to the front of the Emergency Department building. It seemed that there were other cars that were trying to seize the parking lot of the ambulance.

The ambulance had not been idle for a day. It ran out in a hustle and bustle. It drove back. Nine out of ten were in a car accident. His arms and legs were broken, and he was covered in blood. He didn't have enough people. Sometimes, he would help carry them down.

The hospital was a good place to save lives. The hospital was also a bad place, and there were always dead people.

One could often hear the heart-wrenching cries of the victims who had lost their loved ones. From time to time, they would see patients with terminal illnesses, whose faces were deathly pale, holding medical reports. There were also patients' family members who had no other choice but to raise medical expenses.

Slowly, Wu Zhongyuan's mood improved. He was unlucky, but there were many people who were even more unlucky than him. Compared to those who were about to die, at least he was still alive.

He had not seen Dean Wang for the past few days. Lin Qingming had gone on a business trip with his boss and had not returned. His work was more relaxed, and he had a good meal in the hospital canteen. His life was quite comfortable.

The incident of him being arrested by the relevant departments for research didn't happen. It was as if he had been forgotten, and his life slowly returned to normal.

By the end of the year, the college entrance exam results were out. It wasn't bad. He had passed the second grade, and he had to fill in his matriculation form.

Lin Qingming did not interfere when he called Lin Qingming. He only told Lin Qingming to choose a profession he liked. He did not have to worry about the tuition fees.

Even if there were a bunch of professions, he could not decide which one he wanted to apply to. Other than being a soldier and being a police officer, he was not interested in anything else. After hesitating for a while, he chose the archaeology major in history and archaeology. The reason for this major was very simple. One reason was that this school was in the province. He was closer to Lin Qingming. Secondly, he came from ancient times, even if he couldn't go back. It also allows you to get close to and understand some of the ancient things.

After working for less than two months, his salary was 5,000 yuan. For short-term workers, this wasn't a small amount.

Lin Qingming had been accompanying his boss everywhere. He had not been able to come back to see him off, so he transferred 10,000 yuan to him through his phone.

In September, Wu Zhongyuan packed his luggage and boarded the train to the provincial capital with the acceptance letter.

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